3.3.1 Posture Recognition
This process analyzes the sensed data to categorize
user’s postures into three categories: standing-still,
facing downward, and facing upward. The postures
are determined by calculating inclination of the upper
half of user’s body based on the values of the 3-axis
3.3.2 Movement Recognition
This process analyzes the sensed data to monitor
user’s movements, such as step speeds. The steps are
recognized by calculating Discrete Fourier Transform
(DFT) of finite length time series of sensed data of the
y-axis accelerometer. In the current implementation,
the length of the time series is 8 seconds (64 samples).
When the middleware is asked to calculate the current
steps, it retrieves the latest 64 samples from the data
storage of the middleware, and calculate it. Then, it
classifies user’s statuses into three categories: staying,
walking, running based on the results of DFT. When
user’s status is “walking” or “running,” it also shows
an average speed of user’s movements as Steps Per
Minute (SPM). The user can control his/her move-
ments based on the information.
3.3.3 Heartbeat Monitoring
This process analyzes the sensed data to monitor the
user’s current status of heartbeat as beat per minute
(BPM). The heartbeats are calculated by DFT of fi-
nite length time series of sensed data of the electrocar-
diograph. In the current implementation, the length
of the time series is about 16 seconds (128 samples).
When the sensor middleware is asked to calculate the
heart beat, it retrieves the latest 128 samples from the
data storage of the middleware, and calculates it.
As a prototype implementation of the remote
healthcare scenario, emergency messages (email) are
sent to a doctor and family members when the abnor-
mality of the heartbeat and the posture are recognized.
3.3.4 Skin Temperature Monitoring
The biological sensor is able to monitor user’s skin
temperature. If the temperature is lower than 31 ˚C,
the system recognizes that the sensor is not attached
to a human body.
In this paper, we have focused on implementing a pro-
totype system of the mobile healthcare service by us-
ing not smart-phones but mobile phones with attach-
ments, namely mobile sensor routers. Smartphones
are still special devices for limited types of persons,
such as businesspersons. By using the existing mo-
bile phones, we have aimed to enable ordinary people
to always collect and analyze their health information
derived from wireless biological sensors. We have
confirmed that cooperations between the current mo-
bile phones, the mobile sensor routers, and the sensor
middleware is able to provide the mobile healthcare
service for the ordinary people. In future work, we
plan to examine possibility of a general-purpose ser-
vice platform for various mobile healthcare services
by using everyday mobile phones.
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