contain the information defined in the entity
relationship diagram showed in figure 6. The
representation of the scene is in charge to update the
state of all the objects that take part, determining the
interactions to each other. In the first place the plane
of the plant of the building is drawn. Later the safe
rooms are marked by means of a shade of yellow
colour. If a child has entered some secure room, it
will be marked with a red shade. If the user has
selected some child, then a red circle will be drawn
in the child position, and finally every child are
drawn in its respective position.
In this paper, we have presented an interface to
assist a location and tracking system that solves the
problem when global positioning systems are
unable. We have shown the potentialities of these
services to satisfy the necessities in schools,
hospitals, industries and old people’s centres and we
have introduced a simulation tool that serves as user
interface and to configure the system.
We consider a software implementation in Java,
because it offers a platform independent and it has
many networking capabilities to build distributed
systems, for example to remote data acquisition
from sensors.
As future works, we will work to evaluate some
of the main indoor location system to integrate it and
add new features to the module services.
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en el sector calzado. DPI2005-09215-C02-01.
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