issues of trust and reliability become significant in
such cases.
A specialist offshore radiologist, for example,
who is providing expert opinion based on radiology
reports, does not need the patient’s name. In another
example, if an aged person is being monitored in
their home environment by a medical practitioner
overseas, only the details that are relevant to their
health condition need to be revealed and other
personal details can remain anonymous to the
observer. An online portal can be used for a medical
practitioner at both ends to input radiology reports,
diagnostics and analysis sheets. A general
practitioner at the Australian end could be the
interface and connecting point through a shareable
Where the portal is interfaced with an EHR that
meets the NEHTA Privacy Framework requirements
it should provide legal certainty. The identities of
people should not be disclosed to third parties –
enabling privacy protection. The separation of
selected non-critical procedures from the EHR to
offshore providers should ensure that control
remains within Australia, and can be updated
seamlessly via an interface on the online portal. At
that level, compliance with legislation and standards
would also be met via a registered medical
practitioner who would act as the interface.
Therefore, our position is to implement a
shareable EHR, compliant with standards and
legislation and then to resource services offshore,
with anonimised records, to improve service
turnaround, relieving the pressure on government
budgets and the skills shortage, while enabling
healthcare in continuum for a healthier ageing
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics