recent years have provided with a lattice of
duplicated efforts in building test databases such as
face recognition databases (e.g. FERET, PIE or
BANCA) (Bailly-Baillière E., S. Bengio et al., 2003)
and a lack of uniform standards and granted open
access to these databases, as discussed in (Ming, A.
Ma, H., 2007).
Hence, arguably the most critical need in
biometric identity recognition is to overcome
semantic heterogeneity i.e. to identify elements in
the different databases that represent the same or
related biometric identities and to resolve the
differences in database structures or schemas, among
the related elements. Such data integration is
technically difficult for several reasons. First, the
technologies on which different databases are based
may differ and do not interoperate smoothly.
Standards for cross-database communication allow
the databases (and their users) to exchange
information. Secondly, the precise naming
conventions for many scientific concepts in fast
developing fields such as biometrics are often
inconsistent, and so mappings are required between
different vocabularies.
Hence, we present in this paper a framework for
solving multimodal fusion oriented biometric
identity data heterogeneity problems, keeping the
structure of databases created with the aim of being
used for identity accreditation and distributed over
the Web. Our approach is based on the breakthrough
of adding semantics to Web Services which perform
a role of entry points for such databases.
Fundamentally, this implies that our framework
enables different biometric identity data to be
discovered, located and accessed since they provide
formal means of leveraging different vocabularies
and terminologies and foster mediation.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2, a brief state-of-the-art on the
technologies employed in our research is given.
Section 3 defines some terms we use along this
paper. Section 4 identifies the heterogeneity of data
involved in the biometric identification process.
Section 5 describes the framework for solving
problems using Semantic Web Services. Finally,
conclusions and related work are discussed in
Section 6.
Semantic Web Services and Ontologies are the
cornerstone technologies applied in our research. On
the one hand, data interoperability between different
information sources is achieved by means of
ontologies and their mapping. On the other hand,
Web Services semantically annotated are the
software entities responsible for providing a
normalized interface to disparate functionality and
data sources. In this section, a brief description of
each of these technologies is put forward.
2.1 Ontologies
Although a number of different ontology definitions
can be found currently in literature, in this work we
use Borst’s one (Borst, W.N., 1997): “an ontology is
a formal specification of a shared
conceptualization”, where ‘formal’ refers to the need
of machine-understandable ontologies. This
definition emphasizes the need of agreement in
carrying out a conceptualization. On the other hand,
‘shared’ refers to the type of knowledge contained in
the ontologies, that is, consensual, non-private
knowledge. In this work, this definition of ontology
has been adopted.
Ontologies have become the de-facto standard
knowledge representation technology after the
emergence of the Semantic Web along with
Semantic Web Services and the Semantic Grid. For
all these new research branches, ontologies are the
cornerstone technology. Knowledge in ontologies is
mainly formalized using five kinds of components:
classes, relations, functions, axioms and instances
(Gruber, T. R., 1993). There are several formal
languages used to construct ontologies, that is,
ontology languages, including KIF, OCML and F-
Logic. Along with the Semantic Web, new markup
ontology languages have come out such as SHOE,
DAML+OIL, and the current de facto standard,
OWL (Web Ontology Working Group, 2004).
2.2 Semantic Web Services
Semantic Web Services are a new technology
resulting from the combination of other two
technologies, namely, the Semantic Web and Web
Services. On the one hand, the Semantic Web (SW)
aims at adding semantics to the data published on
the Web (i.e., establish the meaning of the data), so
that machines are able to process these data in a
similar way a human can do (Berners-Lee, T.,
Hendler, J., Lassila, O., 2001). Ontologies are the
backbone technology of the SW as they provide
structured vocabularies that describe the
relationships between different terms, allowing
computers (and humans) to interpret their meaning
flexibly yet unambiguously.
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices