By comparing the magnitude of static errors (Table
1) and total errors (Table 2), we can see that these
errors are similar. Thus, the mean errors in the static
tasks are around 0.65º for horizontal angles and
around 0.88º for the vertical ones. The errors
estimated in the tracking tasks were similar (0.54º
and 0.64º, respectively). We can conclude that the
subjects effectively follow the moving target during
the experiments, in any case within the margin of
accuracy of a conventional eye-tracker.
Therefore, the main hypothesis of operation of
the proposed system is confirmed: it is possible to
measure the relative gaze angles from the
movements of the head if the location and motion of
the target is known.
Despite the extensive development of the eye
tracking techniques, the available commercial
devices present some problems, mainly related with
a robust recognition of eye characteristics, their
sensitivity to head movements and the necessity of
previous calibrations. All these factors have
influence on the devices’ accuracy as well as on the
reliability and feasibility of their use in poorly
controlled environments.
However, some specific applications in the filed
of optometry use only specific information about
gaze lines that do not need complex equipment. This
is the case of the visual maps measurement, an
application of eye-tracking techniques to analyze the
user response to progressive addition lenses. In these
applications, the use of specifics technologies could
avoid the drawbacks of conventional equipments.
In this paper we propose an effective and simple
technique for the accurate measurement of the
relative gaze angles while executing visual tasks.
The system operates on a simple principle: the use of
a visual target with controlled location and the
measurement of head movements. Determining once
the location of the subject’s eyes in a reference
posture, the estimation of gaze direction is feasible
just with head movement measurement.
The use photogrammetric techniques allows a
very accurate measurement of these movements,
with an instrumental error lower than 0.5º. However,
the system reliability depends on the subjects’
effectiveness on tracking the target.
The experimental validation with subjects
demonstrated accurate target tracking, with an error
below the accuracy of the conventional eye-tracker
used in the experimentation.
Therefore, the proposed technique permits a
simple and robust measurement of the visual maps,
with the same accuracy as the measure performed
with a complex and expensive equipment.
This research has been partially supported by the
Spanish Ministry of Science and Education Grant
DPI2006-14722-C02-01 (A. Page).
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