Figure 6: Normals of a surface region reconstructed from
one camera view.
camera. In Fig. 6, the reconstructed surface and its
normals are shown from a single camera-view.
In simulations carried out for known surfaces,
good approximations of the original surfaces and their
various curvatures were produced via the mentioned
numerical surface reconstruction procedure. From
these simulations it has turned out that the surface re-
construction procedure is clearly sensitive to the start-
ing condition s
, while it is much less sensitive to er-
rors present in the P
→ P
In case of a multi-camera arrangement, the so-
lution of the aforementioned PDE must start from a
surface-point reflecting the measurement pattern, or
more precisely, certain parts of it, to two, or more
cameras. Let C
denote the image of the reflected
measurement pattern taken by i-th camera, and F
part of the corneal surface actually reflecting the mea-
surement pattern into the i-th camera. The F
and F
surface-regions corresponding to the i-th and the j-
th cameras of the proposed arrangement usually have
overlapping regions. Nevertheless, in few cases, the
patient’s eye-lids and eye-lashes cover normally over-
lapping areas that would be important for the accurate
surface reconstruction. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that
eye-lashes might cause problems as early as the image
segmentation stage of the measurement.
An algorithm has been devised that determines the
distances of an arbitrarily chosen point of the overlap-
ping surface-region from the i-th and the j-th cameras
based on C
and C
images. This point and these dis-
tances will serve as the starting condition for the i-th
and the j-th PDE (corresponding to the i-th and j-th
cameras, respectively). After appropriate fitting, the
union of the surface-regions will provide the recon-
structed surface. Unit normal vectors, and the various
curvatures used by the ophthalmologistscan be calcu-
lated for any surface points.
The majority of the topographers in use, rely on one
view only, which is theoretically insufficient for the
unique reconstruction of the corneal surface. To over-
come this essential measurement deficiency, a multi-
camera arrangement is proposed. Several algorithmic
and technical means were used to improve detection
and surface reconstruction precision. Presently, test
measurements are being carried out on artificial and
living corneas.
This research has been partially supported by the Na-
tional Office for Research and Technology (NORT),
Hungary, under NKFP-2/020/04 research contract.
Certain parts of the work presented here were car-
ried out for the Advanced Vehicles and Vehicle Con-
trol Knowledge Centre. This Centre is supported by
NORT under OMFB-01418/2004 research contract.
Both supports are gratefully acknowledged.
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