The figures in the appendix summarised on vertical
axis the percentage of correct classifications obtained
from the confusion matrices applied to each one of
the three classifiers. It shall be noted that the scale
has been broken in order to appreciate the scattering
results. On the horizontal axis appears the different
types of filtering windows taken into account.
For each filtering window appears a bar with the
results of each classifier: maximum, minimum and
median percentage values.
It is also shown the results obtained when the clas-
sifier use two different types of architectures, one with
only one neuralnetwork that gathersall vectorsof fea-
tures for each electroencephalographic channel, and
other that employs two neural networks, one for each
electroencephalograpic channel.
From the analysis of the results the following consid-
erations are extracted:
• Classifiers based on Probabilistic Neural Net-
works or Radial Basis Functions perform better
than ones based on Multi Layer Perceptrons.
• Result stability. For all test the procedure was
replicated three times, both PNN and RBF clas-
sifiers produced the same confusion matrices, in-
stead of MLP classifiers which produced different
confusion matrices for each replica.
• Comparison between PNN and RBF classifiers
showed higher maximum percentages of correct
classifications for PNN but also a higher variabil-
• Classifiers based on only one neural network
that considers at the same time features obtained
from both electroencephalographic channels not
always perform better than classifiers based on
two neural networks, one for each channel.
• Considering the different types of filtering win-
dows, the best results are obtained for Kaiser’s,
rectangular and Tukey’s windows.
This report demonstrates that it is possible to dis-
criminate mental activity from the electroencephalo-
graphic signal, it also compares three different types
of neural networks classifiers applied to an off-line
prototype of BCI device that use FFT in order to esti-
mate the power spectrum of the recorded signal when
volunteers carried out specific mental tasks.
Both classifiers based on Probabilistic Neural Net-
works and Radial Basis Functions produced better
and more stable results than the classifier based on
Multi Layer Perceptrons. It is possible due to the vec-
tor feature distributions associate to each mental ac-
tivity and to the interpolation capability of PNN and
RBF, this capability is higher in PNN and RBF than
in MLP neural networks.
It is hoped that On-line BCI devices based on clas-
sifiers that make use of neural networks like RBF or
PNN will perform better than other based on MLP or
In order to improve the success rate of classifica-
tions the use of filtering windows has been proved to
be a good technique. In the same manner a classi-
fier with a multiple network architecture followed by
a block that weighs the network outputs could pro-
duce better results than classifiers based on only one
neural network.
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BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE - Comparison of Neural Networks Classifiers