Figure 9: Testing the system prototype.
the user closes his/her eyes, generating an ERS (the
signal variance exhibits a great increase, as shown
in Figure 4). This indicates that the user wishes to
select the option currently highlighted in the PDA
screen. An important aspect, regarding the detection
of the changes in the signal variance, is that an ad-
justable hysteresis-zone is included in the threshold-
based classifier in order to increase the system robust-
ness, thus avoiding false ERS/ERD detection.
The HMI so far developed was tested in indoor and
outdoor environments, with quite satisfactory results,
according to the statements of the users who operated
the prototype during the tests.
The acquisition system allied to the PDA has
proven to be quite efficient for choosing commands
to the wheelchair using EMG or EEG signals. A min-
imum knowledge about the HMI and a very quick
training is required to operate the whole system.
However, it is worthy to mention that so far the
developed HMI has not been tested by people with
severe neuromotor disabilities, which is the next step
of this work.
The ANN used in the analysis of MES has demon-
strated a very good capability to find the desired pat-
terns in such signals. The feedforward topology with
back-propagation training algorithm, having two ac-
tive and one hidden layers, allowed a satisfactory rate
of classification rightness.
The easiness of electrode-placing (for both EMG
and EEG options), the simplicity of the graphical in-
terface running in the PDA and the easiness to adapt
the system to a commercial electrical wheelchair are
the major advantages of the HMI here developed,
when taking into account the final users of this as-
sistive technology.
The authors thank CAPES, a foundation of the
Brazilian Ministry of Education (Project 150(07)),
FAPES, a foundation of the Secretary of Science and
Technology of the State of Espirito Santo (Process
30897440/2005), and FACITEC/PMV, a fund of the
Vitoria City Hall for supporting Scientific and Tech-
nological Development, for their financial support to
this research.
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