• Ascending an obstacle, the wheelchair is
positioned backwards to it.
The position of a human body's centre of gravity in
the sitting position is an important variable in a
simulation model of the construction. A real human
body, as well as its individual elements, is a complex
system with a continuous distribution of mechanical
properties. Therefore, human body modelling as
such is a vast area of science and the subject of a
number of research projects. In this project, the
approximate mass parameters of a human body
model were chosen on the basis of data used in the
research on car seats, and the model developed with
the use of statistical data (Seireg & Arvikar, 1989),
applied to analyze and simulate human walking.
Using the above mentioned data, together with the
recommendations made in PN ISO 7176-11
Standard, "Test dummies", the authors developed a
body model of an average man of 78.5 kg in the
sitting position. Catia system was used for this
Geometrical parameters of the wheelchair under this
project were based on the measurements of an
Explorer wheelchair carried out by the authors, as
well as data found in the literature available.
When the wheelchair is in operation, certain
parameters may change. It can be assumed that this
has an impact on the performance of the wheelchair-
user configuration while the wheelchair is in motion.
To verify such a hypothesis, these variables need to
be identified and their impact on the configuration
performance needs to be assessed. Due to a vast
number of various factors having an impact on the
performance of the wheelchair-user configuration,
only certain parameters were selected for further
tests (i.e. those parameters that can significantly
influence the performance of the vehicle while
overcoming an obstacle):
• Friction between the wheels and the surface
• Obstacle height
• Distance of the user's centre of mass from the
back support
• Obstacle approach angle.
The variability of the power intake by the wheelchair during obstacle overcomin
Figure 3: The variability of the power intake by the
wheelchair during obstacle overcoming.
The scope of variability of individual parameters
will be determined during simulation tests.
Examples of simulation results are presented below.
The variability of power consumption while
overcoming a 220 mm obstacle was determined.
The paper presented a constructional concept and
simulative studies of a new generation wheelchair
for motional disabled persons. Taking in
consideration the wide range of studies and analyses
the new construction is submitted to before it can be
introduced into production, it should be
acknowledged that this paper could be very helpful
when creating the real wheelchair construction.
The most important elements of that study include:
• A study of the advanced schema of wheelchair
• a study of the nominal model of the
construction above,
• a proposal of the control algorithm when
coming across a barrier,
• a construction of the simulative model in the
Adams program.
The work was covered by a grant of The National
Foundation for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled
for the study on the construction and implementation
series of stabilisers.
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BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices