The boundary voltages measurements using the two
waveforms are similar, as shown in Figure 3. The
PRN code voltage measurements are 1mV lower,
due to the lower current per frequency component.
As this is constant between the perturbation and
reference frames, it is cancelled out in the
subtraction process and is not apparent in the
images. The PRN code boundary voltages appear to
be noisier, particularly at higher frequencies. In
practice these frequencies would be averaged
together reducing the noise. The Mk2.5 EIT system
has limited performance at frequencies above
128kHz due to the effect of 0.5m long unscreened
cables. These are likely to be the cause of the
increased noise seen in the PRN code spectra, a real
effect which is not seen in the lower frequency
resolution of the 10 frequency composite waveform.
The 128kHz limit is also apparent in the spectra,
which deviate from a direct impedance measurement
above this frequency.
We have shown the feasibility of using PRN
codes for EITS, both in extracting the system
impulse response, and in terms of simultaneous
excitation and demodulation. The images and
extracted spectra are very similar to those obtained
using the standard method, demonstrating the proof
of the concept of using CDM waveforms for EIT
acquisition. The primary advantage of greatly
increased frequency resolution for the same
acquisition time has been demonstrated. We are
currently implementing a multiple source system
which should lead to a system with two orders of
magnitude increase in frame rate over the standard
method, along with the improved frequency
resolution demonstrated here.
Action Medical Research RTF 3110 and The
University of Sydney International Visiting
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