measurements in vitro. Additionally, 12 channels are
available for communication, allowing multiple
instrumented animals to be housed in close
Power is provided wirelessly to the implant using
inductively coupled power transfer (Budgett, Hu et
al. 2007). This has allowed high power devices
(relatively speaking) such as A/D converters,
microcontrollers and digital transmission systems to
be used. During use, the implant can be charged by
placing a coil under the animal’s home cage through
which high frequency AC current is passed. Power is
received at the implant by a ferrite pickup which is
magnetically coupled to the charging coil.
Information about the charge state of the battery and
power received are embedded in the BP/SNA data
packets and transmitted to the wireless power
supply. The magnetic field can then be controlled
such that only the required amount of power is
delivered to the implant. This reduces the
temperature rise during charging to approximately
Figure 3: Block diagram of the telemeter.
Between charging, a 70 mAH lithium ion coin
cell provides power. Consumption is 6 mA during
continuous operation which results in a battery life
of 12 h. In vivo charging takes between 2 and 4
hours and is dependent on how active the animal is
and how close the implant’s orientation is to the
optimum for charging. During charging SNA
recording is not possible as the nerve signal is
swamped by noise generated by the 200 kHz
charging field.
2.2 Blood Pressure Measurements
Blood pressure measurements are performed using a
10cm fluid filled polyurethane catheter, which acts
as an interface between the measurement site (for
instance the aorta) and the piezo resistive pressure
transducer in the telemeter. Pressure waveforms are
transmitted along the catheter using low viscosity
biocompatible fluid. No obvious reference pressure
is available internally to make measurements
against. Therefore, an absolute pressure sensor (one
with an internal vacuum reference) is used.
Physiologically, the pressure of interest is the
difference between the blood pressure and the
ambient or atmospheric pressure. This pressure is
derived by measuring the atmospheric pressure
using a second absolute transducer and subtracting it
from the internal pressure.
2.2.1 Frequency Response
Accurate measurements of systolic and diastolic
pressure require the use of a wide bandwidth
measurement system. One historical rule of thumb
is that the bandwidth should be greater than 10 times
the heart rate (Gabe 1972). For a rat, the maximum
heart rate that can be reasonably expected is 500
beats per minute. This requires a bandwidth of
greater than 80 Hz.
Figure 4: Frequency Response Measurement System.
In order to characterise the telemeters pressure
measurement bandwidth, the rig represented by
Figure 4 was constructed. A fluid filled chamber acts
as a pressure source for frequency response
measurements. Pressure waveforms are generated by
a voice coil actuator which exerts force on the fluid
through a thin brass diaphragm. The catheter of the
device under test (DUT) is inserted into the chamber
using a luer lock adaptor. A second high bandwidth
transducer provides a reference pressure for
calculations. Provided compliance of the chamber is
minimized, the system’s measurement bandwidth
can be high. Bandwidths of 5 kHz (-3 dB) have been
attained with usable signals present until approx
15 kHz.
Tests are preformed using the swept sine
technique where sinusoidal perturbations are applied
to the DUT. The LabVIEW Sound and Vibration
Analysis Toolbox (
automatically calculates the magnitude transfer
function from reference pressure (P
) to telemeter
output (P
) as defined by equation 1.
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices