Dayu Lv and Bill Goodwine
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
Glucose, Insulin, Skeletal Muscle, Metabolism.
The human body metabolic regulatory system is very complex, containing thousands of metabolites involved
in biochemical reactions. Glucose metabolism is one of the key procedures maintaining daily energy balance.
Mobility of glucose is implemented by glucose transporters with different transporting characteristics locally,
which are distributed in cells of brain, liver, pancreas, kidney and skeletal muscle, etc. This paper presents a
component of a new model that is focused on skeletal muscle which consume energy consistently due to either
slight movement or high-energy demanded activities, such as running or swimming. This paper presents a
mathematical model where glucose, insulin, glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), etc. are introduced and connected by
ordinary differential equations.
This paper presents a new model for the metabolic
regulation of glucose in skeletal muscle in humans. It
is part of a larger effort to develop a detailed whole-
body human metabolic regulation model. Modeling
of such systems is useful for several reasons. First, the
mathematical structure of an accurate model will pro-
vide concise insight into the relevant physiology and
also the pathophysiology of disease. Second, it will
allow for inexpensive “experimentation” or biosimu-
lation, which if predictive, can serve as a supplement
to, and perhaps provide guidance to, in vivo and in
vitro experimentation.
Of course this work is motivated by the epidemic
of diabetes, which is a disease characterized by a fail-
ure to regulate blood glucose level. Many models
have been constructed to describe glucose mobility in
humans. What distinguishes this work from others is
the scope, or dimension, of the model.
For many years, people have been investigating
pathways of carbohydrates metabolism in order to es-
tablish mathematical models to reflect biology and
control mechanisms. In (Srinivasan et al., 1970), a
model composed of glucose, insulin and fatty acids
was proposed to explain a two-hour metabolism re-
sponding to IV infusions of glucose, insulin, etc.
Later, another hormone, glucagon, was added to a
glucose-insulin system, (Cobelli et al., 1982). A few
years ago, the mass of β-cells was connected to the
system of glucose and insulin (Topp et al., 2000).
Others were interested at kinetic properties of hor-
mones, particularly insulin. A three-compartment in-
sulin model was introduced in (Sherwin et al., 1974).
It was composed of a plasma compartment, a quick
compartment equilibrating with plasma and a slower
one. Also the pulsative characteristic of insulin was
well simulated (Toli´c et al., 2000).
Although many models have been proposed, they
are mainly restricted to metabolites without reflect-
ing transporters’ activities. In contrast, the model
presented in this paper includes details regarding ef-
fects of, for example, various glucose transporters
(GLUTs) in different organs, as well as G6P, which
plays a key role in metabolism participating glycoge-
nesis, glycogenolysis and glycolysis.
Skeletal muscle is actively involved in daily life. So
the initial focus of our investigation into modeling
whole-body glucose metabolism will be skeletal mus-
cle. This model is constituted of two main parts: the
interstitial fluid space (IFS) and the intracellular space
(ICS). In the IFS, cells are surrounded by a liquid en-
vironment for nutrition exchange. Via diffusion, glu-
Lv D. and Goodwine B. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 238-243
DOI: 10.5220/0001051202380243