better waveform of the cycling and allows a better
comparison between healthy and non healthy
subjects and between the same patient before and
after the rehabilitation. Figure 10 shows the torque
from a healthy subject, while in Figure 11 the same
subject was asked to use only the right leg. The zero
crank angle is set at the maximum flexion of the left
Figure 10: Median torque from a healthy subject actively
cycling: (a) the left (dashed) and right (solid) components,
(b) total torque that show nearly symmetric peaks. In
dotted line the 5
Figure 11: Same as the previous figure but related to an
healthy subject, asked to cycle only with the right leg; the
curves show highly asymmetric peaks.
The situation of a healthy subject asked to cycle only
with the right leg simulates only one of the many
possible cases of pathologic patients, where one of
the legs is very weak but not completely passive.
Indeed a healthy subject is unable to perform a true
passive pedaling, as shown in Figure 11(a), where
the left leg curve (dashed) is nearly flat in the
angular range 270-360°, indicating that the weight of
the leg is unconsciously partially compensated.
The paper deals with the design and the realization
of a measurement system able to measure relevant
quantities of the cycling, such as the torque (left,
right and total), power, energy, unbalance and jerk.
The experimental tests involved both healthy
subjects and spinal cord injured patients. Examples
of the obtained measurements had been shown
extensively in the figures. The results obtained up to
now allowed the doctors and physiotherapists to
have at their disposal additional and metrological
qualified information, useful for diagnostic purposes
and for checking the effects of the rehabilitation.
This work was supported by the Fondazione Cariplo
in the framework of the research program
HINT@Lecco. Authors would like to acknowledge
Mauro Rossini (Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Center)
for his helpful discussion.
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