N. Nicolaou, J. Georgiou and M. Polycarpou
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Street, Cyprus
Keywords: Brain-Computer Interface, electroencephalogram, Morse Code, thought communication, speech impairment.
Abstract: This paper presents our investigations towards a non-invasive custom-built thought-to-speech converter that
decodes mental tasks into morse code, text and then speech. The proposed system is aimed primarily at
people who have lost their ability to communicate via conventional means. The investigations presented
here are part of our greater search for an appropriate set of features, classifiers and mental tasks that would
maximise classification accuracy in such a system. Here Autoregressive (AR) coefficients and Power
Spectral Density (PSD) features have been classified using a Support Vector Machine (SVM). The
classification accuracy was higher with AR features compared to PSD. In addition, the use of an SVM to
classify the AR coefficients increased the classification rate by up to 16.3% compared to that reported in
different work, where other classifiers were used. It was also observed that the combination of mental tasks
for which highest classification was obtained varied from subject to subject; hence the mental tasks to be
used should be carefully chosen to match each subject.
The development of techniques that offer alternative
ways of communication by bypassing conventional
means is an important and welcome advancement
for improving quality of life. This is especially
desirable in cases where the conventional means of
communication, such as speech, is impaired. We
envisage the development of a simple and wearable
system that communicates by converting thoughts
into speech via morse code and a text-to-speech
In this paper we present preliminary
investigations towards the development of such a
system. The investigations form part of our search
for features, classifiers and mental tasks that are
appropriate for utilisation in our system. In
particular, we compare the classification accuracy
obtained between combinations of mental task pairs
when (i) autoregressive (AR) coefficients and Power
Spectral Density (PSD) values are utilised as
features; and (ii) Support Vector Machine (SVM),
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Neural
Network (NN) are utilised as classifiers. Our
investigations suggest that the combination of AR
coefficients and SVM is more appropriate for our
application, as an increase in classification accuracy
ranging from 8.2-16.3% has been observed
compared to classification of the same features using
LDA and NN.
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2
provides a background into communication via
thoughts and how morse code has been utilised for
this purpose so far. This is followed by section 3
where a description of the system envisaged, the
objectives that motivated these preliminary
investigations and a description of the methods
utilised are provided. The findings are presented in
section 4 followed by a discussion towards how
these could be interpreted and understood as part of
the proposed system. The main conclusions and
plans for future work emerging from these
investigations are outlined in section 5.
A number of conditions, such as amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, strokes and speech impairment, affect the
ability to communicate with the environment
through speech. The problem becomes more severe
when limb or muscle control is also affected, since
other means of communication e.g. typing, are
eliminated. An alternative method of communication
Nicolaou N., Georgiou J. and Polycarpou M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 11-16
DOI: 10.5220/0001052900110016
is achieved by utilising brain activity as an input
signal to a device for spelling purposes (brain-
computer interface, BCI). A BCI is “a
communication system that does not depend on the
brain’s normal output pathways of peripheral nerves
and muscles” (Wolpaw et al., 2000). This
technology is primarily aimed at people who have
lost conventional means of communication, but
whose brain function remains intact.
Current BCI applications are limited by the
trade-off between speed and accuracy. Thus, the
most common application still remains 1-
dimensional cursor movement on a computer screen,
which offers the ability to communicate with the
environment when teamed with a “virtual
keyboard”. Communication can be achieved by
mentally controlling cursor movement on the screen
for choosing letters on a “virtual keyboard”
(Wolpaw et al, 2002) or to highlight the desired
character from a scrolling list (Scherer et al., 2004).
Different mental tasks are associated with left/right
and/or up/down cursor movement, thus allowing the
subject to pick characters and spell words. Despite
the simplicity of these applications, current BCI
systems are faced with som: (i) 25 bits/min is the
maximum speed of communication reported
(Vaughan et al., 2003). If we consider a character
with 8 bit resolution this is equivalent to 3.13
chars/min, which is not acceptable for normal
speech; and (ii) current systems are bulky and non
portable. It is envisaged that the development of
custom-built hardware as part of the proposed
system will provide a solution to both these issues.
In addition, these can be aided if the “virtual
keyboard” is substituted by a simplified set of
characters whose choice is directly associated with
particular mental tasks, thus eliminating the
intermediate step of cursor movement.
Such a potential simplification could be achieved
via the use of Morse Code (MC), which has already
been utilised for communication for disabled people.
In MC transmission of information is based on short
and long elements of sound (dots and dashes) and
was originally created for telegraph communication.
The elegance of MC lays in its simplicity and the
high speech reception and transmission rates. A
skilled MC operator can receive MC in excess of 40
words per minute (Coe, 2003). The world record for
understanding MC was set in 1939 and still stands at
75 words per minute (French, 1993). Utilisation of
MC for the disabled is commonly based on some
form of muscle movement, such as operating a
switch (Park et al, 1999) or a sip-puff straw (Levine
et al., 1986). However, certain disabilities affect
muscle movement, but even if not, then such
systems are difficult to operate on a daily basis as
they cause fatigue.
The use of MC for directly translating thoughts
into words has been considered in very few BCI
systems, mainly as an extension to traditional BCI
communication methods. In (Palaniappan, 2005) the
“virtual keyboard” was substituted with the two MC
elements, “.” and “-”, and the user chose through
mentally controlling cursor movement. Another
MC-BCI system is described in (Altschuler and
Dowla, 1998) based on the attenuation of power in
the μ band (8-13Hz) during motor imagery, whose
duration corresponds either to a “.”or a “-” (shorter
or longer motor imagery duration respectively).
Spelling is achieved by interchanging motor imagery
with baseline task (representing a “pause”). In
addition, (Huan and Palaniappan, 2004) showed how
communication in a BCI system could conceptually
be achieved via a tri-state MC scheme and utilising a
fuzzy ARTMAP as classifier. In such a system a “.”,
a “-” or a “space” would be represented by 3 mental
tasks and the continuous EEG would be sampled
every, e.g., 0.5s, for decision making. In (Huan and
Palaniappan, 2002) it is stated that the conversion of
a mental task into one of the 3 MC elements would
take 6ms of computation time; however this heavily
depends on a number of operating system factors.
The concept behind the latter two systems is
closer to the concept of the proposed system, as the
intermediate step of cursor movement is eliminated.
The use of MC is advantageous as it simplifies the
dictionary to 3 symbols, the choice of which will be
achieved through 2 mental tasks. This reduces the
system complexity and improves communication
speed. Hence, we envisage the development of a
portable, embedded, custom and wearable MC-based
BCI system that could be used either as an assistive
or as an enhancing communication aid.
The proposed system is shown in figure 1 and
consists of 4 parts: (1) EEG signals are recorded
from a patient performing two mental tasks, each
corresponding to either a “.” and “-” (depending on
the task duration) or a “pause”. The patient is
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Figure 1: The proposed MC-BCI system.
mentally spelling letters and words in MC; (2)
windows of specified duration of the recordings are
processed and classified as “.”, “-” or “pause”; (3)
MC is then converted into text, which is in turn
converted to speech via a text-to-speech converter
(4). At this stage our priority is to maximise correct
interpretation of EEG data. Computational
efficiency is not a key consideration as we will be
designing custom hardware tailored to the chosen
processing methods. Therefore, it is imperative to
firstly converge on a particular combination of
signal processing methods that could be used
reliably in the proposed system. The preliminary
investigations presented in this paper are associated
with part 2 of the proposed system and are part of
our greater search for the optimal combination of
features and classifiers.
3.1 Methods
3.1.1 Feature extraction
AR models are commonly utilised in EEG analysis
(Wright et al., 1990). More specifically, the
estimated AR coefficients have been shown to
capture well the differences between various mental
tasks, and as a result are frequently used as features
in mental task classification and BCIs (Guger et al.,
2000). Eq. 1,
represents an AR(p) model where p is the model
order, x
is the time series to be modelled, a
τ=1,…,p are the estimated coefficients of the p
order AR model and ε
is zero-mean random noise
(commonly Gaussian with unit variance). In EEG
analysis an AR(p) is fitted to the data and the p
dimensional vector of estimated coefficients
represents the different mental tasks, as a variation
of the coefficients depending on the mental task is
observed. The AR model order used in EEG analysis
ranges from 5 up to 13 (Lopes daSilva, 1998). For
the specific dataset used here an order of 6 was
chosen as suggested in (Keirn and Aunon, 1990).
Estimation of the coefficients is possile via a number
of ways – here we used the method of Least Squares.
The second set of features utilised is PSD values
obtained via parametric spectral analysis. In
particular an AR(p) model (here p=6) is first fitted
on the data and the power spectrum is subsequently
obtained from the estimated coefficients via
where a
, k=1,…,p are the estimated coefficients, f is
a vector of chosen frequencies,
is the estimated
noise variance and
N is the number of samples. The
advantage of parametric methods for spectrum
estimation is the ability to specify a set of
frequencies of interest over which the spectrum is
3.1.2 Classification
The choice of the classifier should have little effect
on the classification rate if the chosen features are
good representations of the data to be classified.
Given that the features capture the data
characteristics well, then classification becomes an
easier problem. However, the properties of the
classifier must be well-matched to the feature
dimensionality or separability (linear or non-linear).
The problem of choosing a classifier is enhanced if
the feature dimensionality is high, as this does not
allow the visualisation of the features and,
consequently, whether they are linearly separable or
SVMs offer a solution to this issue, as both
linear and non-linear classification can be obtained
simply by changing the “kernel” function utilised
(Burges, 1998). Due to the fairly new development
of SVMs they are not commonly utilised in BCI
systems (see (Gysels and Celka, 2004) for an
example). Thus, their performance for mental task
classification has not been widely assessed and their
application in such systems can be considered novel.
SVMs belong to the family of kernel based
classifiers. The main concept of SVMs is to
implicitly map the data into the feature space where
a hyperplane (decision boundary) separating the
classes may exist. This implicit mapping is achieved
via the use of Kernels, which are functions that
return the scalar product in the feature space by
performing calculations in the data space. The
simplest case is a linear SVM trained to classify
linearly separable data. After re-normalisation, the
training data,
yx , for i=1, …, m and
y , must satisfy the constraints
1for 1 +=++
1for 1 =+
w is a vector containing the hyperplane
parameters and
b is an offset. The points for which
the equalities in the above equations hold have the
smallest distance to the decision boundary and they
are called the support vectors. The distance between
the two parallel hyperplanes on which the support
vectors for the respective classes lie is called the
margin. Thus, the SVM finds a decision boundary
that maximises the margin. Finding the decision
boundary then becomes a constrained optimization
problem amounting to minimisation of
w subject
to the constraints in (3) and (4) and is solved using
Lagrange optimisation framework. The general
solution is given by
xxyxf ,)(
In the case of non-linear classification, Kernels
(functions of varying shapes, e.g. polynomial or
Radial Basis Function) are used to map the data into
a higher dimensional feature space in which a linear
separating hyperplane could be found. The general
solution is then of the form:
xxKyxf ,)(
Depending on the choice of the Kernel function
SVMs can provide both linear and non-linear
classification, hence a direct comparison between
the two can be made without having to resort to
utilisation of different classifiers.
3.1.3 Data
At this stage we utilise EEG data that is available
online. The dataset chosen is well-known and has
been used in various BCI applications. It contains
EEG signals recorded by Keirn and Aunon during 5
mental tasks and is available from (http://www.cs Each mental task lasted
10s and subjects participated in recordings over 5
trials and a number of sessions (subjects 2 and 7
participated in 1 session, subject 5 in 3 and subjects
1, 3, 4 and 6 in 2). The data was recorded with a
sampling rate of 250Hz from 6 EEG electrodes
placed at locations C3, C4, P3, P4 and O1 (more
details on the recording protocol can be found in
(Keirn and Aunon, 1990)). The 5 mental tasks are:
(1) Baseline: subjects are relaxed and should be
thinking of nothing particular; (2) Multiplication:
subjects are asked to perform non-trivial mental
multiplication problems; it is highly likely that a
solution was not arrived at by the end of the
allocated recording time; (3) Rotation: a 3-
dimensional geometric figure is shown on the screen
for 30s, after which the subjects are asked to
mentally rotate the figure about an axis; (4) Letter
composition: subjects are asked to mentally
compose a letter, continuing its composition from
where it was left off at the end of each trial; and (5)
Counting: subjects are asked to count sequentially
by imagining the numbers being written on a
blackboard and rubbed off before the next number is
written. In each trial counting resumes from where it
was left off in the previous trial.
This dataset has been chosen for two reasons.
Firstly, it contains recordings from mental tasks that
are traditionally associated with BCI systems.
Secondly, it allows the investigation of a large
combination of mental task pairs as it contains
recordings from 5 different tasks – this will allow us
to identify whether the choice of tasks depends on
the subject and whether other non-traditional tasks
should also be investigated. In addition, a third good
reason is that it allows direct comparison with
results from the literature.
To allow a direct comparison of the results with
those presented in (Huan and Palaniappan, 2004),
we used data from 2 sessions and 4 subjects
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
(subjects 1, 3, 5 and 6). The data was split in non-
overlapping segments of 0.5s duration, resulting in
200 segments per task per subject, over 2 sessions.
The SVM classification rate was averaged over 10
trials, where in each trial a randomly chosen set of
100 segments was used for training, with the
remaining segments used for testing. All 10 pair
combinations of the 5 mental tasks were classified
and the pair of tasks with the maximum average
classification rate for each subject was identified.
The average classification rate was estimated as
)/2, where TP
(true positive) is the number
of segments classified correctly for mental task
The feature vectors describing each 0.5s segment are
36-dimensional in the AR(6) case and 300-
dimensional in the PSD values case (6 AR
coefficients and 50 PSD values per electrode; the
final feature vectors consisted of the concatenated
AR coefficients and PSD values for all electrodes
The classification results for the AR(6) features
are presented in table 1. It can be seen that the
choice of classifier had a positive effect on the
classification accuracy. The use of an SVM
increased the accuracy by up to nearly 13%
compared to that obtained for the same features
using LDA and by up to 16.3% using an NN (see
table 2 for details), as presented in (Huan and
Palaniappan, 2004). In theory, the choice of
classifier has a smaller effect on the classification
rate if the features utilised represent the data well.
Nonetheless, the use of an SVM with RBF Kernel
increases the classification rate by a large margin
and, hence these results indicate that the use of an
SVM is more appropriate for these features. In
addition, the pair of tasks which provided the highest
average classification was different than the
equivalent pair from (Huan and Palaniappan, 2004).
However, it was also observed that the task pair
which gave highest average classification varied
with each subject, in agreement with (Huan and
Palaniappan, 2004). Hence a particular task pair for
which optimal operation can be obtained should be
identified for each subject. In addition, performance
could be improved if the tasks utilised had a more
intuitive connection with the way of thinking
associated with MC.
The classification rates for the PSD features are
presented in table 3. The rates obtained are much
lower than the ones reported in (Palaniappan et al.,
2002). This could be attributed to three reasons.
Firstly, in this work classification between pairs of
tasks was obtained as opposed to between 3 tasks as
in (Palaniappan et al., 2002) hence a direct
comparison is not appropriate. Secondly, the PSD
features are already of high dimension (300-
dimensional) and an SVM may not be appropriate
for classification when the feature space is already
of high dimension. Thirdly, the classification rates
presented in (Palaniappan et al., 2002) were
averaged for a single training set whose ordering of
the training patterns was randomly varied 10 times,
hence the high classification rate reported may have
been a side-effect of the particular choice of training
set. In addition, another issue with utilisation of PSD
values as features is the partial spectrum overlarp of
certain artefacts (such as eye movements) with EEG
activity, which can potentially adversely affect the
classification rate.
Table 1: Maximum average classification rate (%) for
AR(6) features with SVM. Results presented are averaged
over 10 trials.
Subj. Class.
Tasks Kernel
1 88.4 Letter vs
3 87.9 Letter vs
5 83.9 Roration vs
6 92.4 Counting vs
Table 2: Maximum average classification rate (%) for
AR(6) features. Column 2 presents our results, while
columns 3 and 4 give the best rates presented in (Huan and
Palaniappan, 2004) for LDA and NN.
1 88.4 80.2 78.9
3 87.9 73.6 73.9
5 83.9 71.4 67.6
6 92.4 84.3 77.6
Table 3: Maximum average classification rate (%) for
power spectrum values with SVM. Results presented are
averaged over 10 trials.
Subj. Class.
Tasks Kernel
1 58.0 Letter vs
3 56.6 Letter vs
5 68.0 Roration vs
6 60.2 Counting vs
The feature vectors were created by
concatenating the estimated AR coefficients from all
6 electrodes. However, the wearability and
portability of an MC-based BCI is facilitated by
employing a small number of electrodes –ideally
two, or even a single, electrode(s). It may be
possible to obtain higher classification rates by
utilising a single electrode that is more relevant to
the specific mental task rather than using a
combination of electrodes, all of which are not as
relevant to the task. This is also advantageous as it
decreases the feature dimensionality.
This paper presents the results of initial
investigations in the search for appropriate features
and classifier towards the development of a thought-
to-speech converter. The results indicate that the use
of an SVM for the classification of AR coefficients
is more appropriate than LDA and NN and will be
utilised in the development of the proposed system.
The proposed system is promising as it offers the
ability to communicate more efficiently via direct
conversion of thoughts into speech. In order to
ensure optimal operation other aspects of the system
must also be investigated. Firstly, a more extensive
set of features and classifiers will be examined such
that the optimal combination in terms of maximising
accuracy is determined – computational efficiency is
not a consideration as the system will be customised
and capable of parallel processing. Secondly, these
investigations suggest that different combinations of
mental tasks seem to be more appropriate for
different subjects. We are going to look into finding
a combination of tasks that are more intuitive and
more closely related to the concept of MC, as this
could improve classification accuracy and facilitate
easier operation.
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BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices