5 µm beads and 4 µm central height. To prevent this,
we injected a limited amount of 10 µm beads prior
to the 5 µm beads, that were prevented from entering
the central part because of the bigger beads. Exper-
iments with PDMS devices and beads modified with
PNIPAM are currently underway.
Figure 7: Top: 3D close-up on the channel zone where
beads are blocked. Bottom: Top-view of fluorescent 10 µm
and 5 µm beads blocked at the entry of the central part.
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tein adsorption and release, and injection of beads in
PDMS microchannels. We are now demonstrating the
feasibility of the microsystems for desalting and pre-
concentration of various peptide samples.
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