and forbid the access to critical zones.
For example, in (Schneider et al., 2000), the sys-
tem PADyC has been presented. The clinical results
obtained with this system concern pericardial punc-
ture. It consists to remove pathological liquid from
the pericardium using a needle. PADyC can be used
under different control modes corresponding to the
degree of autonomy the surgeon wants. The robot is
controlled with a velocity loop and it imposes con-
straints on the surgeon to prevent damages on the sur-
face of the heart. These constraints are computed with
respect to the relative position between the needle and
the percutaneous access. Indeed, a model of the op-
eration’s area is created during a pre-operative phase.
This model is then used to derive the constraints field.
Here no force control is used to perform the operation.
In (Jakopec et al., 2003), the Acrobot system is
used to assist the surgeon during an operation of knee
replacement. The main feature of this system is to im-
pose virtual constraints on the surgeon when he/she
cooperates with the robot. When the task has been
defined with the planning software, the manipulator
is able to move freely the robot to the operations area.
If the surgeon moves the tool outside the defined path,
the robot applies forces on the user to modify the cur-
rent trajectory. It has been clinically proven that the
preparation of bones surfaces are more accurate com-
paring to a classical operation. Once again, no force
control is performed with this system.
Moreover, some systems can exploit a measure of
forces. Therefore, there is no need to use models of
contacts to obtain the measure of distal forces. It is
also possible to derive constraints which are directly
based on the forces applied by the surgeon on the or-
In (Kazanzides et al., 1992), a force controller is used
so that the surgeon can guide the robot. The surgi-
cal tool is attached below a force sensor mounted on
the robot’s wrist. The force controller uses the mea-
sured forces to provide the reference to an inner ve-
locity control loop. When the desired force is null,
any applied force on the instrument causes the robot
to move in the direction of this force. So, the surgeon
can guide the robot by holding the tool.
In the same manner, the Surgicobot system
(Kochan, 2004) allows the surgeon and the robot to
manipulate the same drilling instrument for maxillo-
facial interventions. The surgeon can freely move the
instrument except in some predefined space where the
robot generates restrictive forces in order to prevent
the surgeon from moving the instrument too close to
vital nerves.
In (Taylor et al., 1999), (Kumar et al., 2000)
and (Roy et al., 2002) augmented comanipulation ap-
proaches are presented: the surgeon holds a handle
mounted on the robot and the robot manipulates the
instrument in a way such as it exerts on the organ the
same force that the surgeon applies on the handle, but
scaled-down. Three different control laws using an
inner position/velocity control loop are compared in
(Roy et al., 2002). The best results are obtained with
an adaptive control law involving the estimation of
the environment’s compliance. However, when the
contact with the environment is lost, the estimation
becomes problematic. Another disadvantage of this
control law is that it requires differentiation of the
force applied by the surgeon on the handle which is
a noisy signal.
Even if benefits presented in the above references are
important (e.g. gesture’s accuracy or the increase of
system’s safety), none of these systems allow the sur-
geon to feel an amplified version of the distal forces
acting between the tool and the organ.
In this paper, we present a control scheme for aug-
mented comanipulation with force feedback. The
main advantages of this control law is that it does not
require any knowledge of the environment nor differ-
entiation of a noisy signal. This approach is an exten-
sion of previous works (Zemiti et al., 2006) realized
in our laboratory.
The first part of this paper is devoted to the proposed
control law for augmented comanipulation. This con-
trol scheme is proven stable thanks to a passivity
study in the second part. Experimental results with
a robot dedicated to minimally invasive surgery are
presented in the last part.
2.1 Principle of the Approach
We present, hereafter, a robotic device in order to as-
sist the surgeon for accurate manipulation tasks re-
quiring human judgment and involving small interac-
tion forces between the surgical tool and the organ.
Therefore, the proposed device allows an augmented
comanipulation. It is a comanipulation system be-
cause the surgical instrument is held simultaneously
both by the surgeon and by the robot. We call it aug-
mented because the robot is controlled in such a way
that the surgeon is provided with an amplified sensa-
tion of the interaction forces between the instrument
and the organ. As a consequence, the instrument ap-
plies on the organ the same forces that the surgeon
would apply in a transparent mode but decreased by a
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices