That was used to load an OA supposed to drive
the NDEC. The overall response of the driver-trans-
ducer ensemble is depicted in Fig. 8. This result is
by itself an important one because it shows the abi-
lity of simulation of the NDEC in every envi-
To go further we redesigned (only one iteration)
the output part of the OA in order to improve the
frequency response of the ensemble. The result of
the new design is depicted in Fig. 9. representing a
full success.
Figure 7: Frequency characteristic of the element being
modelled (envelope of the time response), and Frequency
characteristic of the model.
Figure 8: Frequency characteristic of the response of the
OA loaded by the NDEC.
Figure 9: Frequency characteristic of the improved OA
loaded by the NDEC.
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described. It enables complete characterization of
the device and, in the same time, simulation and
optimization of the driving circuitry. That, we
consider, is more effective way for characterization
of the device in comparison with optical methods,
not to mention the optimization possibilities.
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BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices