First ideas about principles of interconnection-free
biomolecular computation were introduced in (Aoki
et al., 1992; Thomas, 1991). Along with the growing
knowledge in genetics and proteomics, the imagina-
tion of computing in vivo came into the focus of scien-
tific research (Weiss et al., 1999). Several approaches
address engineering of GRNs using predefined net-
work motifs (Guido et al., 2006; Kaern et al., 2003;
Kobayashi et al., 2004). Inspired by advantageous
properties of specific GRNs for computational tasks,
construction and implementation of genetic circuits
has been successfully explored (Gardner et al., 2000;
Sprinzak and Elowitz, 2005; Yokobayashi et al.,
2004). Recently, these circuits have been used to form
logic gates, clocks (oscillators), switches, or sensors.
As a next step, their combination to achieve higher
integrated problem-specific designs will be investi-
gated. A DNA-based solution to the knapsack prob-
lem in vitro was introduced in (Hinze et al., 2002).
An alternative approach in vivo generates a variety
of encoding plasmids that are translated into proteins
(Henkel et al., 2007).
3.1 Quorum Sensing and Autoinduction
via AHL
In quorum sensing, bacterial species regulate gene ex-
pression based on cell-population density (Miller and
Bassler, 2001). An alteration in gene expression oc-
curs when an intercellular signalling molecule termed
autoinducer, produced and released by the bacterial
cells reaches a critical concentration. Termed as quo-
rum sensing or autoinduction, this fluctuation in au-
toinducer concentration is a function of bacterial cell-
population density. Vibrio fischeri, a well studied
bacterium, colonises the light organs of a variety of
marine fishes and squids, where it occurs at very
high densities (10
) and produces light. The two
genes essential for cell density regulation of lumines-
cence are: luxI, which codes for an autoinducer syn-
thase (Schaefer et al., 1996); and luxR, which codes
for an autoinducer-dependent activator of the lumi-
nescence genes. The luxR and luxI genes are adjacent
and divergently transcribed, and luxI is the first of
seven genes in the luminescence or lux operon. LuxI-
type proteins direct AHL synthesis while LuxR-type
proteins function as transcriptional regulators that are
capable of binding AHL signal molecules. Once
formed, LuxR-AHL complexes bind to target pro-
moters of quorum-regulated genes. Quorum sensing
is now known to be widespread among both Gram-
positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
3.2 Bioluminescence in Vibrio fischeri
Bioluminescence in general is defined as an enzyme
catalysed chemical reaction in which the energy re-
leased is used to produce an intermediate or product
in an electronically excited state, which then emits
a photon. It differs from fluorescence or phospho-
rescence as it is not depended on light absorbed.
The mechanism for gene expression and the struc-
ture of the polycistronic message of the lux structural
genes in Vibrio fischeri have been thoroughly charac-
terised (Hastings and Nealson, 1977). Briefly, there
are two substrates, luciferin, which is a reduced flavin
mononucleotide (FMNH
), and a long chain (7 − 16
carbons) fatty aldehyde (RCHO). An external re-
ductant acts via flavin mono-oxygenase oxidoreduc-
tase to catalyse the reduction of FMN to FMNH
which binds to the enzyme and reacts with O
form a 4a-peroxy-flavin intermediate. This com-
plex oxidises the aldehyde to form the correspond-
ing acid (RCOOH) and a highly stable luciferase-
hydroxyflavin intermediate in its excited state, which
decays slowly to its ground state emitting blue-green
light hν with a maximum intensity at about 490nm:
O+ RCOOH+ hν
3.3 Transcription Control by LacR and
λCI Repressor Proteins
Escherichia coli cells repress the expression of the
lac operon when glucose is abundant in the growth
medium. Only when the glucose level is low and the
lactose level is high, the operon is fully expressed.
The Lac repressor LacR is a 360 residue long pro-
tein that associates into a homotetramer. It contains
a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif through which it in-
teracts with DNA. This interaction represses tran-
scription by hindering association with RNA poly-
merase and represents an example of “combinatorial
control” widely seen in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
(Buchler et al., 2003). The CI repressor of bacterio-
phage lambda is the key regulator in lambda’s genetic
switch, a bistable switch that underlies the phage’s
ability to efficiently use its two modes of development
(Ptashne, 1992).
in vivo Flip-Flop Implementation to Programmable Computing Agents