Maria Rizzi, Matteo D’Aloia and Beniamino Castagnolo
Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica – Politecnico di Bari, via E. Orabona, 4 70125 Bari, Italy
Keywords: ICG, C point detection, wavelet transform, parallel filter banks, time frequency analysis, signal processing,
parallel computing
Abstract: Impedance Cardiography is a cost-effective, non-invasive technique particularly useful in measuring cardiac
functions. It evaluates systolic time intervals and stroke volume measuring thorax bioimpedance. In this
paper, adopting the time-frequency analysis method, a new design has been developed to study the first
derivative of impedance cardiography signal. The application of parallel wavelet filter banks has been
investigated and a new method for ICG signal characteristic point detection has been developed. Test results
show the improvement of the method in sensitivity and the feasibility of an easy implementation by design
tools. Moreover, the algorithm noise immunity has been investigated.
Impedance Cardiography (ICG) is a technique to
study cardiac functions through measurements of the
thorax electrical impedance. It has been widely
adopted because it is noninvasive, easy to use and
suitable for long-term and continuous monitoring of
hemodynamic function (Jensen, 1995). Moreover,
the ICG signal can be correlated with other
significant signals (i.e. ECG) to generate alarm in
critical situations.
In the past difficulties associated in ICG signal
processing have been motion artefacts, muscle noise,
pacemakers, etc. The most recent ICG devices have
shown improved accuracy. Therefore the ICG has
established a role in the management of outpatients
with hypertension, heart failure and other chronic
diseases (Treister, 2005). The use of ICG in
therapeutic decision making regarding patients with
critical diseases is primarily based on its ability to
identify presence or absence of hemodynamic
abnormalities. For these reasons many researches
have been developed both to study physiological
mechanisms for understanding origin and meaning
of ICG signals and to improve effectiveness and
applicability of ICG diagnostic test adopting
advanced signal processing techniques (Wang,
Many efforts have been done to implement
automatic detection of reference points in biological
signal. However, existing peak detection algorithms
are difficult to automate for generic use because
either they rely on a number of parameters that need
to be customized for a particular application of the
algorithm or they use reference informations that is
highly specialized for a particular application.
Most of the proposed methods make use of
filtering technique (band pass filtering and temporal
filtering) (Leski, 1992), (Pan, 1984), or adaptive
thresholding technique (Sun, 1992), (Suppappola,
1994). All the previous techniques exhibit
limitations when real signal are adopted (Sun, 2005).
In fact, the first drawback of filtering-based
approach is that frequency variations in the signal
under test (due to different causes such as, for
instance, cardiac frequency changes) may adversely
affect the method performance. For instance, the
frequency band of some biological signal, such as
ECG, differs for different subjects and can change
for the same subject due to particular events. The
second problem in the filter based algorithms is the
frequency band overlapping of noise and some
biological signals. Therefore, the choice of a suitable
bandwidth is a trade off between noise and high
frequency details while the duration of the sliding
window is a trade off between false and missed
Whereas, the main problem of the thresholding
techniques is their sensitivity to baseline variations
and signal intensity. This high noise sensitivity can
Rizzi M., D’Aloia M. and Castagnolo B. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 244-249
DOI: 10.5220/0001057802440249
be a problem for some types of signals having low
signal to noise (S/N) ratio.
An extensive overview of various algorithms for
peak detection in ECG signals can be found in
(Kohler, 2002) which includes approaches based on
neural networks, adaptative filters, Hidden Markov
models and Hilbert transform, too.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce an
improved signal processing technique able to
provide an easy implementation in design tools. It
adopts the wavelet transform for ICG waveform
characteristic point detection. Moreover, for parallel
computing and for implementation by design tool,
parallel filter banks have used in the adopted
technique. Experimental results show the method
validity and its high sensitivity parameter. In fact,
sensitivity reliable results with minimum
interferences from noise and artifact have been
Impedance cardiography is the study of cardiac
function by means of thorax electrical impedance
measurements. High frequency (20-100KHz), low
intensity current (1-5mA rms) is injected through the
thorax by some electrodes and the impedance
change is sensed by measuring a voltage across
other electrodes. No risk of physiological effects
have been found because various tissues of human
body are not excitable at this frequency and at this
low current level (Patterson, 1989). The impedance
variation can be used for diagnostic information and
for the stroke volume (SV) estimation by using
blood flow appropriate model. The term SV
indicates the amount of blood pumped by the heart
left ventricle in one contraction.
Figure 1 shows a typical impedance waveform
obtained from electrodes in which the characteristic
points are indicated.
Pulsating blood flow through the thoracic aorta
causes shifts in the thoracic impedance as a function
of changes in blood volume. This oscillating
component of the total thoracic impedance can be
expressed as its derivative (dZ/dt). Measurements of
the changes in the thoracic impedance (dZ/dt
waveform) during the cardiac cycle are used to
calculate SV. This can be done in several ways
(Kubicek, 1974), (Sramek, 1982), (Bernstein, 1986).
Generally all the equations take into account
position and value of C-point related to B-point and
Figure 1: Typical impedance waveforms from the thorax
of a human subject.
Wavelet transform provides temporal and spectral
information simultaneously, so it is suited for
determining characteristic points of non stationary
and fast transient signals, such as ICG signals. This
feature is suitable to distinguish the ICG signal from
noise and interferences.
The wavelet method decomposes a time variant
signal into several components having various scales
or resolutions. A suitable time and frequency limited
wavelet is chosen as the “mother”. Scaling and
shifting the mother wavelet, a family of functions
called “daughter” wavelet is generated. For small
value of the scale factor, the wavelet is constructed
in the time domain and gives information about fine
details of signals. Therefore a global view of the
signal is obtained by the scale factor large value.
The wavelet transform of a time signal at any scale
is the convolution of the signal and a time-scaled
daughter wavelet.
There are essentially two types of wavelet
decompositions: the redundant ones (continuous
wavelet transform (CWT)), and the nonredundant
ones (orthogonal, semi-orthogonal, or biorthogonal
wavelet bases) (Unser, 1996). The first type is
preferable for feature extraction because it provides
for a description that is truly shift-invariant. The
second type is preferable for data reduction, or when
the orthogonality of the representation is an
important factor. However, the choice between these
types of decompositions has to take into account
computational considerations, too. A decomposition
in terms of wavelet bases using Mallat fast algorithm
is typically orders of magnitude faster than a
redundant analysis, even if the fastest available
algorithms are used (Rioul, 1992), (Unser, 1994).
As the aim of this paper is the implementation of
a fast parallelized algorithm, a nonredundant wavelet
decompositions has been chosen. To determine the
best wavelet function to be used, the ICG signal
properties have been studied, such as the shape and
the time localization of events. Temporal signal
shape is an important parameter, so orthogonal
wavelets are unsuitable to be used. In fact they are
unable to provide symmetry in the time domain and
they introduce non-linear phase shift. The signal
shape is maintained if the phase shift is linear. Thus
the wavelet to be adopted should be a symmetrical
function (Dinh, 2001). Spline wavelets have
properties satisfying the previous requirements. The
higher order of the Spline wavelet results in the
sharper frequency response of the equivalent FIR
filter, that is always desirable. But the FIR
equivalent filter of the higher order Spline wavelet
has longer coefficient series leading to more
computational time consumption. Therefore, the
cubic spline wavelet is assumed to have an order
high enough for this application.
Traditional wavelet theory (Cohen, 1996)
considers a decomposition algorithm with an
iterative structure (in particular an asymmetrical tree
structure) that does not efficiently merge with the
novel computational techniques, such as parallel
processing, concurrent programming and design
tools. In this study the a’ trous and the Mallat
algorithms for parallelized filter bank design have
been used (Yang Li, 2005). The algorithm generates
a set of parallelized perfect-reconstruction filter
banks for an arbitrary number of end-nodes of a
traditional tree structure (Koh, 2003).
The method presented in this section processes the
first derivate of the impedance signal and allows to
determine the time domain absolute position of C
Peak (figure 1).
ICG signal (figure 2) is sampled at a frequency of
250 Hz. The input hardware stores sequentially all
the sample in a high speed frame which is then
processed in real time by the system.
Figure 2: ICG signal.
In figure 3 the algorithm model is represented.
The starting signal is indicated with ‘ICG Signal’,
while the results with:
- ‘C_point_Number’ that evaluates the number of
peaks presents in the processed frame;
- C_Indices’ whose aim is the determination of
the position of samples which corresponds to peaks
Figure 3: Algorithm model realized with the software tool
MATLAB Simulink
The ‘C_point Detector’ subsytem (figure 4)
determines the ICG signal peaks.
Figure 4: ‘C point detector’ subsystem model.
It uses an evolution of the classical Mallat
decomposition, called a’ trous algorithm. The a’
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
trous algorithm for non-ortogonal wavelet uses a
filter bank structure as the Mallat algorithm (Mallat,
1989), but differs only for the filters design. It has
been demonstrated that after the application of
wavelet filters for j-times, the precision of a’ trous
algorithm is 2j time higher then the Mallat algorithm
(Table 1) (Shensa, 1992).
Table 1: Precision of Mallat algorithm and a’ trous
algorithm varying decomposition level
For the tree structure of the algorithm, the
previous structure is not suitable for parallel
computing and for implementation in design tools.
To overcome this limit equivalent parallel filter
banks have been used. As it is known, the output
signal realignment is necessary only to put just the
delay introduced by each filter (figure 5).
A cubic spline wavelet (wavelet ‘bior3.3’) has
been chosen because it makes possible the perfect
signal reconstruction (figure 6).
For ICG signal processing, six dyadic scales
have been used to decompose the signal (figure 7).
Figure 5: Pulse response of FIR filters equivalent to levels
4, 5, 6.
With a soft treesholding technique applied to
level 1, 2, 3, the noise has been reduced and then the
signal reconstructed in the time domain.
To localize characteristic points inside signal,
detail levels 4, 5, 6 have been considered because
they contain the highest number of C signal
In respect to each singularity in ICG signal, a
point of maximum value in detail coefficient signal
is present. The proposed method searches local
maximum points in the positive region of scale 4,
scale 5 and scale 6 using a thresholding technique.
Various tests have indicated the local maximum in
the lower scale as the best points for the real signal
peak localization
Figure 6: Wavelet ‘bior3.3’.
Figure 7: Decomposition of ICG signal over six scales.
Real ICG signal (fig.8) has been tested with good
results. Moreover the test has been repeated adding
Gaussian noise with zero average and variable
variance. In this situation the algorithm noise
immunity has been evaluated.
Figure 8: Frame tested.
The software detection algorithms for medical
applications requires the evaluation of the detection
performance according to ANSI/AAMI standard.
Two parameters are used to evaluate algorithms:
Positive Prediction:
TP is the number of true positive detections;
FN (the number of false negatives) is the
number of C points present in the signal that the
algorithm is not able to detect;
FP (the number of false positives) is the number
of C points detected by the algorithm but really
not present in the signal.
Tested Frame presents C-peak value fluctuations
in the range [1÷1.5/s]. Other local maximum
points are all in the negative region. Algorithm has
individuated the 50% of the maximum value of the
wavelet in each windowed segment of data as the
optimal threshold value.
The obtained sensitivity parameter is very
satisfactory and appears quite independent from
noise (figure 9). Predictivity is fairly good but
decreases as noise increases (figure 10).
Anyway it is to be noted that very heavy noise
conditions have been chosen to test the algorithm
noise immunity. An additional Gaussian noise signal
with v=0.1(Ω/s)
corrupts heavily the ICG signal; in
particular the noise, besides changing the ICG signal
shape, introduces many false peaks while cancels a
minor number of true peaks.
Figure 9: Sensitivity.
Figure 10: Positive Predictivity.
The real-time C-point detection algorithm presented
in this paper has demonstrated to have high
The method computational time has been
optimized adopting a parallel procedure to analyze
the ICG signal. Therefore the realized procedure is
suited to be implemented in real applications.
Practical performance is to be improved for positive
predictivity that appears to be sensible to noise level.
Moreover, the absence of standard and validated
ICG data bases, such as those used for ECG signals,
makes the algorithm efficiency evaluation difficult
and provides results poorly reproducible and
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