atrioventricular valves (Rushmer, 1978). The
amplitude of S1 has been previously shown to be
related to the pressure gradient (dP/dt) developing in
the left ventricle during isovolumetric contraction
(Sakamoto, 1965). A good correlation was also
reported between dP/dt and the instantaneous
frequency of S1 (Chen, 1997). While these previous
studies were performed on anesthetized dogs, the
relation between the characteristics of S1 and global
left-ventricular systolic functionality has not been
studied in humans in routine clinical settings.
We study the relationship between acoustic
indices, extracted from the time-frequency energy
distribution of S1, and reference echocardiographic
indices that are related to left-ventricular systolic
functionality. To achieve dynamic, yet controllable,
hemodynamic conditions, we used clinical settings
of a routine echocardiography pharmacological
stress test. In the following sections, we describe the
signal processing and feature extraction methods
applied to the vibro-acoustic heart signal, introduce
novel acoustic indices of systolic functionality and
present quantitative results on the correlation
between these indices and echocardiography-derived
measures. We conclude by discussing the potential
applicability of our methods for continuous non-
invasive monitoring of cardiac systolic function.
2.1 Patients and Protocol
The study was approved by the local ethics
committee for medical research. Data was acquired
from eleven male subjects of ages 36-79 (mean
60±14), referred to a routine Dobutamine stress echo
test (DSE) for assessment of ischemic heart disease.
The referral indications included positive ergometry
stress test, atypical chest pain and chest pain during
physical activity. Two of the subjects had a history
of coronary artery disease. These two subjects were
diagnosed as positive for myocardial ischemia in the
DSE test. The remaining nine patients were
diagnosed as negative for ischemic heart disease.
Prior to data recording, the patients signed an
informed consent form. The standard DSE protocol
consisted of four 3-minute stages of increasing
Dobutamine dosage, from 10 to 40µg/kg/min. If the
target heart rate, defined as 0.85 * (220 – Age), was
not achieved at the end of the final stage, 0·25 mg
boluses of atropine were given at 1-min intervals, up
to a maximum of 1 mg.
2.2 Data Acquisition
Vibro-acoustic heart signals were recorded using a
digital data acquisition system constructed in our
lab. The system consisted of 4 piezoelectric contact
transducers (PPG Sensor Model 3, OHK Medical
Devices, Haifa, Israel), an ECG sensor (EKG-BTA,
Vernier Software & Technology, Beaverton, OR), a
preamplifier with high input impedance and a linear
frequency range of 1Hz – 4KHz (A.S. ZLIL, Bnei-
Brak, Israel), a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter
(PMD-1608FS, Measurement Computing Corp.,
Norton, MA), and a designated signal recording
software running on a portable personal computer.
The transducers were placed at the apex area, the
aortic and pulmonary areas (second
space, right and left sternal border, respectively) and
at the right carotid artery, and were firmly attached
using either elastic straps or adhesive bands. The
patients were lying on their left side. Vibro-acoustic
and ECG signals were continuously recorded during
the stress test (30-45 minutes long) at a sample rate
of 4KHz. Echocardiography images were acquired
using a GE Vivid 7 ultrasound machine (General
Electric Healthcare, Wauwatosa, WI). Two-
dimensional echo cine loops of a single heart beat
were captured before the beginning of the stress test
(baseline), during each stage of the test and
following the test (recovery), from three apical
views (4-chamber, 2-chamber and apical long axis)
at a high frame rate of 70-100 FPS.
2.3 Echo Data Processing
The captured echo cine loops were post-processed
using EchoPAC Dimension ’06 software (GE
Healthcare Wauwatosa, WI) in order to extract
quantitative echocardiographic indices of systolic
functionality. The indices used were peak systolic
velocity (PSV) and peak systolic strain rate (PSSR),
shown to be strongly correlated with left-ventricular
systolic functionality (Greenberg, 2002). These
indices were first calculated separately for each
cardiac wall (septal, lateral, inferior, anterior,
posterior, and anteroseptal) and for three segments
per wall (basal, middle and apical), and then
averaged to obtain a global functionality index.
Index calculation was done using 2D strain analysis,
based on speckle tracking technique. This modality
allows objective analysis of the entire myocardial
motion throughout the heart cycle by tracking
natural acoustic markers in the image. It was shown
to provide accurate strain measurements, compared
with tagged MRI (Amundsen, 2006). Strain indices
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing