representation by using a small number of data
points (Girosi, 1998). Thirdly, SVR is insensitive to
modeling assumption due to its being a non-
parametric model structure. Finally, the SVR model
is unique and globally optimal, unlike traditional
training which can risk converging to local minima.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
section 2 describes the experimental design for the
data collection. Section 3 applies SVR for modeling
the relationships between central cardiovascular
variables and oxygen uptake. Finally, some
conclusions are drawn in Section 4.
2.1 Subjects
We studied 12 normal male subjects. They are all
active, but do not participate in formal training or
organized sports. However, since two of them could
not complete 6 minutes of higher level exercise, only
the data recorded from 10 subjects (aged 25 ± 4yr,
height 177 ± 5cm, body weight 73 ± 11kg) are used
for this study. All the subjects knew the protocol and
the potential risks, and had given their informed
2.2 Experimental Procedure
All tests were conducted in the afternoon in an air-
conditioned laboratory with temperature maintained
between 23-24
C. The subjects were studied during
rest and a series of exercise in an upright position on
an electronically braked cycle ergometer. Exercise
was maintained at a constant workload for 6
minutes, followed by a period of rest. The initial
exercise level was 25W and each successive stint of
exercise was increased in 25W steps until a
workload of 125W was reached. The rest periods
were increased progressively from 10 to 30 minutes
after each stint of exercise. Six minutes of exercise
was long enough to approach a steady state since the
values of oxygen uptake and the A-V oxygen
difference had become stable by the 5th and 6th
minutes even for near maximum exertion (Reeves et
al., 1961).
2.3 Measurement and Data Processing
Heart rate was monitored beat by beat using a single
lead ECG instrument, while ventilation and
pulmonary exchange were measured on a breath by
breath basis. Minute ventilation was measured
during inspiration using a Turbine Flow Transducer
model K520-C521 (Applied Electrochemistry,
USA). Pulmonary gas exchange was measured using
S-3A and CD-3A gas analyzers (Applied
Electrochemistry, USA). Before each individual
exercise test, the turbine flow meter was calibrated
using a 3.0 liters calibration syringe. Before and
after each test, the gas analyzers were calibrated
using reference gases with known O
and CO
concentrations. The outputs of the ECG, the flow
transducer and the gas analyzers were interfaced to a
laptop through an A/D converter (NI DAQ 6062E)
with a sampling rate of 500 Hz. Programs were
developed in Labview 7.0 for breath by breath
determination of pulmonary gas exchange variables
but with particular reference to
Beat by beat stroke volume and cardiac outputs were
measured noninvasively using the ultrasound based
device (USCOM, Sydney, Australia) at the
ascending aorta. This device has previously been
reported to be both accurate and reproducible
(Knobloch et al., 2005). In order to keep consistent
measurements, all CO/SV measurements were
conducted by the same person. An oscillometric
blood pressure measurement device (CBM-700,
Colin, France) was used to measure blood pressure.
The measurement of
and HR were
conducted during the whole exercise and recovery
stage. The static values (
and HR) were
calculated for each workload from data collected in
the last minute of the six minute exercise protocol.
The measurements of SV, CO and BP (blood
pressure) were similarly conducted during the last
minute of the six minute exercise for each workload
with the additional requirement that subjects keep
their upper body as still as possible to minimize
artifacts caused by the movement of the chest during
exercise. We then, calculated their static values (CO,
SV and BP) based on the measurement in the last
minute for each workload.
2.4 Results
We found that the percentage changes of
cardiovascular variables relative to their rest values
more uniform than when absolute values are used.
This may be because using relative values diminish
the variability between subjects. For example,
Figure 1 (a) shows the relationship between the
absolute value of mean arterial blood pressure
response and the absolute value of oxygen uptake
rate for all the ten subjects, while Figure 1 (b) is the
percentage change in mean arterial blood pressure
relative to its rest value with the percentage change
in oxygen uptake rate to its rest value for the ten