Figure 9: Effect of varying cell features on fractal
dimension and lacunarity.
Changing the scaling of sub-branch diameter had
no effect on either the D
or Λ for models with
narrow branches, owing to the finite limit on the
smallest possible diameter of a branch. For models
with larger starting diameters, however, the ratio of
sub-branch to parent diameter affected the D
. The
and Λ were strongly positively correlated for
models with wider branches, but not as strongly for
models having narrower branches. The D
decreased as the length of primary processes
decreased, as when microglia withdraw their
processes in response to noxious stimuli in their
environment, for example. Although Λ decreased
overall with decreasing primary process length, it
initially increased for smaller branch diameters (i.e.,
models resembling resting more than activated
Cells differing only in branch diameter were
modelled to emulate process swelling in isolation
from other changes—i.e., only the diameter of
primary branches (measured where they leave the
soma then allowed to taper according to a fixed rate)
was manipulated. Both the D
and Λ were affected
by changing this feature, but there were some
differences in the effects. As long as branch
diameter remained relatively narrow compared to
soma span, the D
rose slightly as branch diameter
increased. As branch diameter continued to increase,
however, owing to crowding of "swollen" processes,
some detail disappeared from the final binary
patterns extracted from the images. In contrast, Λ
decreased without increasing as branch diameter
increased, and the effect was more noticeable at
smaller diameters than it was for the D
. In addition,
models with greater tortuousity had higher D
lower Λ values.
Previous research has shown that microglial
morphology can be modelled with high fidelity
using MicroMod. In addition, recent investigations
have revealed that the D
and Λ can be used to
measure the types of graded changes in microglial
morphology typically associated with microglial
activation. (Jelinek, Karperien et al. 2002) The work
presented here goes a step further in describing how
the progression from ramified to activated (i.e.,
nonpathological to pathological) in microglia can be
accurately modelled and cellular complexity
assessed by progressively changing a few essential
It is important to note that the modelling of
microglial activation described here is deliberately
subject to random variation. For perfect patterns
extracted from perfect theoretical models, the D
measures fundamental complexity and Λ measures
heterogeneity. From a practical perspective applied
to real cells, though, they will measure at once a
composite of several features. Because of the
considerable morphological variation attributable to
not only activation but also the space microglia
occupy and the orientation they assume at any point
in time, variation is predictable when finding D
even for cells in equivalent activation states having
essentially the same branching ratios. As was shown
here, despite that a microglial model's inherent
complexity is specified by known recursively
applied rules, an extracted pattern may not
necessarily convey this fundamental pattern's
original information fully and without distortion. In
real cells, the underlying mechanisms of
morphological transformation are also not
necessarily conveyed in values extracted from real
contexts. But microglia are biological structures we
hope to understand and assess ultimately in their
natural environs. Analyses that can be used in this
way have practical advantages over assessments
based on uncomplicated theoretical models, and
modelling, as was shown here, helps bridge our
knowledge of practical influences.
In conclusion, the work we report here may have
important implications for understanding the events
of microglial activation associated with different
states of health and disease. Simulated cells, readily
available in large numbers and extremely
manipulable, increase the opportunities to
objectively study morphological changes and
random variation in microglia. MicroMod, thus,
presents a useful adjunct to neuroscience research
into understanding complex changes in structure
associated with normal function and disease