amplitudes using the PL-RLD-2 and the F900
software are listed in Table 3. The Table shows the
extracted lifetimes differ within 4% whereas the
amplitudes differ in a significant range. That is why
recent literature (Philip, 2003) suggests that
fluorescence lifetime measurements offer better
precision. These results highlight the potential of
RL-RLD-2 for on-chip multiple exponential lifetime
extraction, if adaptive gating width technique could
also be introduced on-chip.
On-chip fluorescence lifetime extraction including a
SPAD array and digital readout circuitry is for the
first time implemented on 0.35μm CMOS process
using the two-gate RLD. Theoretical error equations
for several RLD-2/RLD-N schemes were derived
and compared to determine a possible
implementation strategy. To implement RLD-2, a
non-overlap synchronous gating is applied for
photon counting. The first on-chip attempt is mainly
focused on dealing with single-exponential
fluorescence emission, and the extracted result
matches with the true value well within 10%
including possible contribution from gating jitter.
For possible future on-chip implementation for
multi-exponential fluorescence lifetime extraction,
we proposed a pipelined RLD-2 (PL-RLD-2) and we
test this method on a four-exponential experimental
data, and the extracted lifetimes match well with
those obtained by iteration based software within 4%.
This work has been supported by the European
Community within the Sixth Framework Programme
IST FET Open MEGAFRAME project (contract No.
029217-2, www.megaframe.eu). The measurements
have been performed using the COSMIC laboratory
facilities at the University of Edinburgh.
This publication reflects only the authors’ views.
The European Community is not liable for any use
that may be made of the information contained
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BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing