spike detectors based on WT reported in the literature
obtained comparable results with a sensitivity and a
positive predictivity of around 99.8% (Martinez et al.,
2004; Li et al., 1995; Chen et al., 1997). Our algo-
rithm achieves comparable performances without the
need for a more advanced post-processing stage such
as those used in these articles.
In this paper, a supervised learning algorithm for
the automatic detection of R peaks in ECG is in-
troduced. It uses the multiscale feature of the con-
tinuous wavelet transform (CWT) to emphasize the
QRS complex over high P or T waves, noise, base-
line drift and artifacts. The CWT keeps the important
time aspect of the non-stationary ECG signal. More-
over, very efficient implementations of the CWT exist
and a low computational complexity is required, al-
lowing real-time analysis. This algorithm learns and
propagates the annotations provided by a physician
on a small annotated segment. For this purpose, the
method selects the best subset of wavelet scales on a
representative training set by a stepwise forward pro-
cedure. The forward procedure allows to select scales
that are not necessarily consecutive and it does not
a priori restrict the range of computed scales on an
empirical basis. It allows a complete different set
of scales to be selected for each ECG signal, based
on its characteristics. The selected scales are then
used on the original long-term ECG signal recording
and a hard thresholding rule is applied on the deriva-
tive of the wavelet coefficients to label the R spikes.
The method is robust and does not require any pre-
processing stage. The selection procedure can be gen-
eralized in order to detect other ECG features such as
the P and T wave.
Experiments on the public annotated MIT-BIH
database lead to a sensitivity of 99.7% and a posi-
tive predictivity of 99.7% without the need of an ad-
vanced post-processing stage on the detected peaks.
To our knowledge, only three R spike detectors based
on WT reported in the literature obtained comparable
results, while requiring a more complex post process-
ing stage.
Further works will include: (1) The development
of a more advanced thresholding rule that takes the
peaks detected so far into account; (2) the use of
a more advanced post-processing stage to eliminate
wrong detections; (3) the design of an automatic se-
lection of the best mother wavelet by the same learn-
ing methodology; (4) the generalization of the method
for the detection of other ECG features such as P or T
This work was partly supported by the Bel-
gian “R
egion Wallonne” ADVENS convention 4994
project and by the Belgian “R
egion de Bruxelles-
Capitale” BEATS project.
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BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing