the “texture mosaic problem” proposed in
(Grossberg and Williamson, 1999). Our mosaic
includes 9 textural areas versus the 5 textural areas
from (Grossberg and Williamson, 1999). As
explained before, with the third image from each
texture class, we built a 210x210 pixels multitex test
image (see Figure 4 row 3-right) in order to evaluate
the frontier precision between textures in the
prediction of our architecture. Both the training and
the testing was performed with two different levels
of vigilance, ρ=0.95 and ρ=0.98 for training and
ρ=0.9 and ρ=0.97, respectively for testing. The
results are shown in Table 5. Those results show a
better class rate in all resolutions and vigilance
levels than those obtained in (Grossberg and
Williamson, 1999) as our worst result (95.89%)
beats the best result (95.7%) shown in this work.
Table 5: Multitex prediction statistics.
Resolution Train vigilance
Class rate
8x8 0.95 300
16x16 0.95 125
32x32 0.95 40
8x8 0.98 300
16x16 0.98 125
32x32 0.98 40
The images of the predictions can be seen in
Figure 5 where only those corresponding to a
vigilance parameter value of ρ=0.95 are shown.
Each prediction class is depicted with a level of
grey, from black to white. Those images reveal two
remarkable points. First, the best prediction for the
interior points shows up for a 32x32 resolution.
However, it is the 8x8 resolution the one which
accurately resolve texture transitions.
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and the one shown in (Grossberg and Williamson,
1999) are basically the inclusion of colour
information (the two output signals coming from the
chromatic channels in the diffusion stage) and the
use of one additional receptive field in the pattern’s
textural components. Our architecture also includes
in the patterns the processing of the symetric
receptive field with central excitation simple cells.
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BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing