implemented successfully in the Chinese language
as illustrated in our evaluation, the idea delineated
certainly does not limit or tailor-made for any
particular language. Only a minor modification is
needed to apply the technique to other languages.
In this paper, we have illustrated a shallow technique
in which semantic labels are extracted in forms of
chunks of phrases or words using a two-phase
feature-enhanced string matching algorithm. While
the first phase is to shortlist the potential trees in the
Treebank, chunks are further tagged with semantic
labels in the second phase. Based on the linguist’s
conception of phrase structure, our approach does
not require a full syntactic parse to pursue semantic
analysis and the recursively embedded phrases can
also be identified without pain. This shallow
technique is inspired by the research in the area of
bio-molecular sequences analysis which advocates
high sequence similarity usually implies significant
function or structural similarity. It is characteristic
of biological systems that objects have a certain
form that has arisen by evolution from related
objects of similar but not identical form. This
sequence-to-structure mapping is a tractable, though
partly heuristic, way to search for functional or
structural universality in biological systems. With
the support from the results as shown, we conjecture
this sequence-to-structure phenomenon appears in
our sentences. The sentence sequence encodes and
reflects the more complex linguistic structures and
mechanisms described by linguists. While our
system does not claim to deal with all aspects of
language, we suggest an alternate, but plausible, way
to handle the real corpus.
The work described in this paper was partially
supported by the grants from the Research Grants
Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region, China (Project Nos. CUHK4438/04H and
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