A Fast Method
Ant´onio dos Anjos and Hamid Reza Shahbazkia
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Algarve, DEEI - ILab 2.57, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal
Bioinformatics, Medical image processing, Image thresholding.
Images with two dominant intensity levels are easily manually thresholded. For automatic image thresholding,
most of the effective techniques are either too complex or too eager of computer resources. In this paper we
present an iterative method for image thresholding that is simple, fast, effective and that requires minimal
computer processing power. Images of micro and macroarray of genes have characteristics that allow the use
of the presented method for thresholding.
It is known that, in the context of image process-
ing, thresholding (Sezgin and Sankur, 2004) is a
simple, but powerful tool to separate objects from
the background. There is a vast number of ap-
plications for thresholding such as document image
analysis (Kamel and Zhao, 1993), map processing
(cad, ), scene processing and quality inspection of
materials (Sezgin and Tasaltin, 2000). Gene im-
ages (Diachenko, 1996)(Zhang, 1999) of micro and
macro-arrays, where dots of cDNA need to be ex-
tracted from the background and electrophoresis and
two-dimensional electrophoresis (Dowsey and Yang,
2003) gels, where blots need to be extracted from
the background, to determine protein expression, are
more recent applications for image thresholding. The
quality of the subsequent steps (e.g. spot detection,
quantification) will often depend on the quality of the
image thresholding.
In this paper it is presented a method of image
thresholding that aims to be simple – allowing a rapid
implementation in any computer programming lan-
guage, fast – requiring low computing power – and
effective – giving results that can be compared with
other reference methods of image thresholding. First
it will be presented an overview of what lead us to
the proposed method, then, the method itself will be
described. Finally, there will be presented some re-
sults and comparative data with reference methods of
After statistically (Kilian, 2001) analysing several
histograms of genomic images with two dominant in-
tensity classes, the background intensity class and the
foreground intensity class, with one of them being
dominant over the other, for example, the background
class being dominant over the foreground class (see
fig. 1), it was noticed that when the histogram grows
substantially near the dominant peak, the variance,
from the lowest intensity level to the intensity level
where the big growth happens, decreases relatively to
the variance from the lowest intensity level to that in-
tensity level minus one.
In the case of figure 1, the decrease on vari-
ance, obviously, happens because the background is
highly dominant. From the intensity level where that
change occurred to a very fair threshold level there
is a distance of about minus one standard deviation
of the whole image histogram. With images with a
great contrast between background and foreground,
the standard deviation is bigger, and the contrary also
happens. Thus, the goal was to find where the de-
crease of variation occurred and then subtract one
standard deviation of distance. Very good results were
achieved with images where the background was the
dominant class but, as long there is one dominant
class, it doesn’t matter which is the dominant one.
If the variance is measured starting on the first in-
tensity level to any level before the least dominant
peak, a decrease on the variance may happen be-
fore reaching the most dominant one. Ideally, the
dos Anjos A. and Reza Shahbazkia H. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 70-76
DOI: 10.5220/0001064300700076