therefore required to retrieve the lost red-eye color
pixels. The region of the red-eye candidate is sim-
ply extended by its neighboring red-eye color pixels.
That is, the boundary of the red-eye candidate region
centered on its center location is enlarged pixel by
one pixel to form a perfectly retrieved region of the
Once the location and size of the red-eyes have
been detected, color correction of red-eyes is applied
to the detected red-eyes to obtain the natural appear-
ance of the pupil. To maintain the natural appear-
ance of the pupil at the location of red-eyes, the
value of luminance (L component) of the detected
red-eye is slightly adjusted and the values of hue and
chroma (a and b components) are adjusted based the
color relationship between red-eye and the corre-
sponding natural appearance of pupils on color-
opponent ab plane. For simplicity, the adjustment
for color correction is to scale down the value of a
component of red-eyes by a factor of 0.1 and to scale
down the value of b component of red-eyes by a
factor of 0.2 as shown in Figure 4. The value of
luminance of the detected red-eye is adjusted by a
factor of 0.9. That is,
= 0.9 × L
= 0.1 × a
= 0.2 × b
where (L
, a
, b
) and (L
, a
, b
) are
tristimulus values of the detected red-eye color pixel
and its corrected color pixel, respectively.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed algo-
rithm, the simulation of the red-eye detection algo-
rithm that is applied to red-eye digital images with
different size and quality is conducted. In Figure 5,
the “Pinksisters” image that has more than one pairs
of red-eyes is also detected and corrected by using
the proposed algorithm. In our experiments, over
200 red-eye digital photographs are tested and more
than 80% red-eyes are efficiently detected. The ex-
perimental results show that the proposed algorithm
is robust and effective under a variety of shooting
conditions and backgrounds.
In this paper, a fully automatic red-eyes detection
and correction algorithm is proposed. In the pro-
posed algorithm, a robust color classifier for detect-
ing red-eye color and other major colors in digital
images with red-eyes is developed and a multi-stage
criterion for detecting each single red-eye is de-
signed. The detected red-eyes are successfully cor-
rected by modifying chroma, hue angles and lumi-
nance of the associated pixels such that red color is
removed while maintaining a natural look of the eye.
The proposed system has very low false detection
rate. Simulation results show that more than 80% of
red-eyes can be detected and only 5% are false
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BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing