Hamid Medjahed, Dan Istrate
RMSE, ESIGETEL, 1 Rue du Port de Valvins, 77 215 Avon-Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Jerome Boudy, Jean-Louis Baldinger, Bernadette Dorizzi, Imad Belfeki, Vinicius Martins
EPH,INT, 9 rue Charles FOURIER,91011 Evry, France
Franc¸ois Steenkeste
U558, INSERM, Toulouse, France
Rodrigo Andreao
Departamento de Engenharia Eltrica, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Vitoria, Brazil
Medical Signal Acquisition, Biomedical multimodal database, Healthcare, Wearable Sensors and Systems,
Acoustic Signal Processing, Telemedicine.
This paper describes a new platform for monitoring elderly people living alone. An architecture is proposed,
it includes three subsystems, with various types of sensors for different sensing modalities incorporated into
a smart house. The originality of this system is the combination and the synchronization of three different
televigilance modalities for acquiring and recording data. The paper focuses on the acquisition step of the
system, usage and point out possibilities for future work.
As the society is increasingly aging there is an im-
portant need to find an intelligent support system able
to facilitate the maintenance at home of the disabled
and/or old people with safety and providing their au-
tonomy. The maintaining at home in safety of elderly
people is a new major challenge to social and health
government services: given limited resources, more
and more elderly people living alone at home are par-
ticularly prone to accidents and falls in the home and
can often lie injured and undiscovered for long peri-
ods of time. A statistical study indicates that 7% of
elderly people have a home accident due to every-
day life activity and in 84% of cases a fall occurs
elot, 2003). In practice all the industrialized
countries are affected by this phenomenon.
Very few systems that support the home life and
healthcare of elderly persons have been developed
to improve quality of life and the alleviation of
risk. Among established systems we can mention,
the TelePat project (French RNTS Program) (Boudy
et al., 2006) where certain physiological data and the
person’s activity are measured by different sensors
connected to a microcontroller based computing unit,
are sent through radio connection to a remote central
server application for exploitation and alarm decision.
Now, within the Tandem project (French RNTS Pro-
gram), accelerometer sensors are added to this sys-
tem for the detection of falls. In the framework of
DESDHIS project a medical home monitoring sys-
tem which use an accelerometer based sensor, infra-
red sensor, an oxymeter and a blood pressure device
has been developed at Grenoble (G.L.Bellego et al.,
2006). A system of multi-channel sound acquisition
is presented in (D.Istrate et al., 2006a), to analyze in
real time the sound environment of the home to detect
abnormal noises (i.e., call for helps or screams).
In this article a new multimodal platform for a home
remote monitoring is proposed, using a large num-
ber of sensors in order to reinforce the secure de-
tection of abnormal situations, in particular patient’s
Medjahed H., Istrate D., Boudy J., Baldinger J., Dorizzi B., Belfeki I., Martins V., Steenkeste F. and Andreao R. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 385-392
DOI: 10.5220/0001065803850392
fall event. Our software implementation gathers three
subsystems which have been technically validated
from end to end, through their hardware and soft-
ware. This specific platform is multimodal since it
allows us to record physiological data via the RFpat
(J.L.Baldinger et al., 2004) subsystem, audio infor-
mation via Anason (D.Istrate et al., 2006a) subsys-
tem and patient’s localization through infra-red sen-
sors via Gardien (S.Banerjee et al., 2003) subsystem.
An additional simulation process is added and will be
integrated to our platform as a way to overcome the
lack of experimental data required to design the deci-
sion part of the system, such as the cardiac frequency
during distress situations.
We define an intelligent environment as one that is
able to acquire and apply knowledge about its inhab-
itants and their surroundings in order to adapt to the
inhabitant and to improve its comfort and efficiency.
To record the multimodal medical database our first
aim is focused on providing such an environment. We
consider our system as an intelligent agent, which
perceives the state of the environment using sensors
and acts consequently using device controllers. The
first part of this intelligent environment was realized
within the framework of TelePat project, in order to
study the secure detection of patient’s fall event. The
present work is developed in the framework of the
Tandem project.
Our platform is a surface of 20 m2 in our laboratory
which is arranged in two rooms with a technical area
in order to evaluate and to supervise the experiments.
It integrate smart sensors (infra-red, audio, physiolog-
ical,) linked to a smart PC .The two microphones for
audio monitoring are linked to the PC through an ex-
ternal sound card, and can be interpreted as a single
smart audio sensor for the Anason software. Eight
infra-red sensors are fixed on specific places of the
house (walls and ceiling) and connected to an acqui-
sition card (ADAM) (F.Steenkeste et al., 1999), which
is linked to the serial port of the PC. The card output is
RS485 which is converted in RS232 in order to allow
Gardien software to acquire the patient position at any
time. The RFpat subsystem is composed of two main
components: (1) a wearable terminal carried by the
patient, continuously recording his physiological data
and urgency call, (2) an in-door reception base station
linked to the PC via RS232 serial link providing the
information usually every 30 seconds. The layout of
our house environment is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Layout of the house environment.
The multimodal system has three main subsystems
like in Figure 2 and provides a general user inter-
face which encapsulates the Anason subsystem. It is
implemented under LabWindows/CVI software and
communicates with RFpat subsystem and Gardien
subsystem by client-server model using TCP/IP and
appropriate application protocols. Gardien is imple-
mented under C++ and recovers data every 500 mil-
liseconds. RFpat is also implemented under C++ and
receives data from receiver every 30 seconds. The use
of the inter-module communication through TCP/IP
socket allows each module (subsystem) to be run on
a different computer, and to synchronize each televig-
ilance modality channel. The user can interact with
the system via internet navigator and supervises the
different applications. For example, we use this web
server to communicate with the person, who inter-
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 2: Software architecture of the system.
prets a patient’s activity by displaying a reference sce-
nario on the monitoring screen. This feedback can
significantly help the system manipulation. The sys-
tem flexibility obtained through TCP/IP socket com-
munication allows to add others sensors like heart
monitoring sensor (ECG).
Currently these three modalities work individually,
we investigate multimodal data fusion methods by ex-
ploiting the measurements coming from the platform
in order to increase reliability and to reinforce the se-
cure detection of patient’s distress events.
3.1 RFpat
base station
A Smart PC
Figure 3: Architecture of RFpat system.
RFpat subsystem is composed of two fundamental el-
ements (Figure 3):
Wearable terminal carried out by the patient con-
tinuously recording his physiological and activity
A reception base station (receptor connected to a
PC), which receives signals from the patient’s ter-
minal, analyses data in order to generate an alarm
after identification of an emergency situations.
All the sensors data are processed within the wireless
portable device by using low consumption electronic
components in order to face autonomy problems
which are also crucial in that application. The circuit
architecture is based on different micro-controllers
devoted to acquisition, signal processing and emis-
sion. The wearable terminal includes chain of various
physiological signals, their possible pre-processing in
order to eliminate the power-line interference signal
(50 Hz) and the various measurement noises, such as
generated by the displacements of the sensors fixed on
the patient’s body. The latter type of noise is generally
a factor limiting the use of such systems in ambula-
tory mode because the patient is often moving, even if
slightly. In this system, the noise problem was solved
in the acquisition stage of the portable device, by ap-
plying a digital noise reduction filter to the different
sensors signals, movements, attitude and namely the
pulse signal (heart rate). The performances of sig-
nal acquisition could be substantially improved when
the patient performs movements. The noise reduc-
tion processing (J.L.Baldinger et al., 2004) reduces
the variations of pulse measurement lower than 10%,
even 5%, which remains in conformity with the rec-
ommendations of the health professionals.
The design of sensors and embedded processing has
led to the realization of a remote wearable monitor-
ing terminal, equipped with actimetry and physio-
logical sensors, indicating the attitude of the patient
(vertical/horizontal positions, activity) and his heart
rate (pulse measurement); these specific sensors to
recorded physical data type are, either integrated in
the terminal, or externally fixed .
Data generated from the different sensors are trans-
mitted, via an electronic signal conditioner, to a
micro-controller based computing unit, embedded in
the mobile terminal fixed on the patient’s waist. Cur-
rently, a fall-impact detector sensor is added to this
system for robustizing the detection of falls.
3.2 Anason
The sound remote monitoring subsystem analyzes the
acoustical environment in real time and is made up
of four main modules which are presented in the Fig-
ure 4 (D.Istrate et al., 2006b). The first module M1
continuously, supervises the sound environment in
order to detect and extract useful sounds or speech
from environmental noise. The signal extracted by
the M1 module is classified like sound or speech
by the M2 module. In the case of sound label, the
sound recognition module M3.1 classifies the signal
between eight predefined sound classes, while in the
case of speech label, the extracted signal is analyzed
by a speech recognition engine in order to detect dis-
tress sentences. For both cases, if an alarm situation
has been identified (the sound or the sentence belong
to an alarm class) this information is sent to the data
fusion system.
Figure 4: Sound monitoring architecture.
Sound Event Detection Module (M1). The sound
flow is analyzed through a wavelet based algorithm
aiming at sound event detection. This algorithm
must be robust to noise like neighborhood environ-
mental noise, water flow noise, ventilator or electric
shaver. Therefore an algorithm based on energy of
wavelet coefficients was proposed and evaluated in
(D.Istrate et al., 2006a). This algorithm detects pre-
cisely the signal beginning and its end, using proper-
ties of wavelet transform.
Sound/Speech Classification Module (M2). The
method used by this module is based on Gaussian
Mixture Model (GMM) (D.A.Reynolds, 1995) (K-
means followed by Expectation Maximisation in 20
steps). There are other possibilities for signal clas-
sification: Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Bayesian
method, etc. Even if similar results have been ob-
tained with other methods, their high complexity and
high time consumption prevent from real-time imple-
mentation. A preliminary step before signal classifi-
cation is the extraction of acoustic parameters: LFCC
(Linear Frequency Cepstral Coefficients)-24 filters.
The choice of this type of parameters relies on their
properties: bank of filters with constant bandwidth,
which leads to equal resolution at high frequencies
often encountered in life sounds.
The BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) is used
in order to find the optimal number of Gaussians
(G.Schwarz, 1978). The best performances have been
obtained with 24 Gaussians.
Sound Recognition Module (M3.1). This module
is based, also, on a GMM algorithm. The LFCC
acoustical parameters have been used for the same
reasons than for sound/speech module and with the
same composition: 24 filters. The method BIC has
been used in order to determine the optimum num-
ber of Gaussians: 12 in the case of sounds. A log-
likelihood is computed for the unknown signal ac-
cording to each predefined sound classes; the sound
class with the biggest log likelihood is the output of
this module.
Speech Recognition Module (M3.2). For Speech
Recognition, the autonomous system RAPHAEL is
used (M.Akbar and J.Caelen, 1998). The language
model of this system is a medium vocabulary statisti-
cal model (around 11,000 words). This model is ob-
tained by using textual information extracted from the
Internet as described in (D.Vaufreydaz et al., 1999)
and from ”Le Monde” corpora. It is then optimized
for the distress sentences of our corpus. In order to in-
sure a good speaker independence, the training of the
acoustic models of RAPHAEL has been made with
large corpora recorded with near 300 French speakers
(J.L.Gauvain et al., 1990): BREF80, BREF120 and
BRAF100 corpora.
3.3 Gardien
Figure 5: The Gardien system.
The subsystem knows as Gardien (Figure 5) consists
of passive infra-red sensors placed in a residence and
connected to a remote computer. All the sensors are
connected through cables to an Input/Output parallel
card (ADAM 4053) which is connected to a master
PC. The computer automatically captures and regis-
teres data obtained from the different sensors, with
the help of Gardien software. Data corresponding to
movements are collected twice per second, and stored
with the time of the event in a specific file. When
several consecutive data are identical, only the first
instance is stored.
The sensors are activated by passage of person un-
derneath, and remained activated as long as there is
movement under that sensor and for an additional
time period of 1/2 seconds after the movement end.
The results from the automatic processing of this data
are displayed in the form of list with all movements
noted together with the time and each movement’s
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
duration. Gardien is also able to display the data
either in the form of graph (activity duration versus
days) or as three-dimensional histograms (each sensor
activation versus time). To validate the system, the
results from the automatic processing are compared
with manual analysis by an expert.
Figure 6: Main windows of the system during the acquisi-
tion step.
Figure 6 shows the front panel of the software sys-
tem, where we can supervise the multimodal data ac-
quisition step. The user must firstly select the modal-
ity to record and to configure its parameters. RFpat
and Gardien need only to select the IP address and
the TC/IP port number, while Anason requests the se-
lection of the sound card (if two are present), the sam-
pling rate and the location of the backup file.
The aim of this stage is to create pathological or crit-
ical situations for the patient at home. Indeed most of
actual signals recorded on domotic platform are gen-
erally and hopefully in normal conditions. The sim-
ulator is based on the existing RFpat sensors device.
The first main goal was to simulate cardiac patholog-
ical profiles such as in particular bradycardias: the
design was done with the helpful collaboration of
SAMU-92 (French emergencies service. In its im-
plementation, are also foreseen functional stages for
the actimetry simulation: patient’s inclination (hori-
zontal or vertical position), his body movement and
INCLINATION status choice:
Data already recorded (a)
Or Create a profile (b)
MOVEMENT ratio choice:
Data already recorded (a)
Or Data simulated (b)
Or Create a profile (c)
PULSE (cardiac frequency)
Data already recorded (a)
Normal profile (b)
Abnormal profile : Bradycardia (c)
MESOR pattern (a)
Or Cardiac cost model (b)
Correcting Vectors dimension
Creating the storage file
Use normal file (a)
Or Generate a
profile (b)
Figure 7: The Biophysical Signals Simulation.
in a larger extent patient’s fall situations. The simula-
tor software architecture is summarized in the Figure
7. For the cardiac frequency generation, three cases
were proposed:
A first normal cardiac category, based on the
COSINOR method (F.Halberg, 1969), providing
a global pulse variations trend within one day;
this formula gives the cardiac frequency or pulse
Fc in quiet situation under the following form:
Frest(t) = Fmoy + Asin(2pi/24 t), where Fmoy
(around 70 bpm), A are respectively the average
pulse or MESOR value and its maximal ampli-
tude variation (about 6 bpm) along one circadian
cycle; the Akrophase or maximal amplitude is sta-
tistically located around 16 hour.
A second normal situation, called ”Cost model”,
providing a pulse variation model, still denoted
Fc, depending on the patient’s activity; the for-
mula is based on the pulse in a quiet situa-
tion (Fcrest) and the delta-variation due to pa-
tient efforts, namely representing the cardiac cost:
Fc(t) = Frest(t) + DFc(t). This part is develop-
ing stage.
Bradycardia model corresponding to a situation
met with elderly persons, by assuming no specific
medication having a cardiac impact: the model is
either artificially inserted inside an existing pulse
signal sequence by taking into account the actual
pulse variance, or is completely substituting the
actual pulse sequence.
This tool is still open to other simulation process,
namely for the actimetry where presently are per-
formed investigations on the potential correlations be-
tween the Cardiac cost model and the body moveme-
nent. The BSS stage has been designed to be fully
interfaced to the multimodal patient database.
6.1 Recording of a Multimodal Medical
Most of monitoring systems use some form of learn-
ing method to discriminate between different types of
normal and abnormal events. This methodology re-
quires large amounts of training data that can be dif-
ficult to obtain especially data describing abnormal
events that are by definition rare occurrences. An im-
portant issue for this problem, is to record a multi-
modal medical database which is the first application
of our platform.
Data acquired from the patient are stored on the Mas-
ter PC in a folder named with a code number corre-
sponding to the patient. Each recording is composed
from five files corresponding to the different subsys-
The first one, named ”personnel.xml”, contains the
patient’s identifier and some personal information like
age, native language, usual drugs treatments, etc. The
second, named ”scenario.xml ”, describes the refer-
ence scenario. All these data relative to the tester are
protected for his privacy and let to his agreement.
The sound data is saved in real time, in a wav file with
16 bit of resolution and a sampling rate of 16 KHz, a
frequency usually used for speech applications.
The clinical data acquired from RFpat are saved in
a separate file which contains information about pa-
tient’s attitude (lied down or upright/seated), his agi-
tation (between 0% and 100%), his cardiac frequency,
fall events and emergency call in a binary type. The
acquisition sample rate is 1/30 seconds.
The data acquired every 500 milliseconds by Gardien
subsystem are saved in a separate text file, fully re-
specting the original storage format of the GARDIEN
application. Each line of this file contains the infra-
red sensors which are excited (they are represented
by hexadecimal numbers from 1 to D) plus the corre-
sponding date and hour.
To tackle the problem of the variety of each data sam-
pling rates, a synchronization prototype between the
three subsystems is obtained through TCP/IP proto-
col. RFpat is the master and supervise Gardien and
Anason by TCP/IP commands.
Thus, our multimodal database acquisition software
provides a very helpful and well-targeted application
to elaborate and assess the data fusion-based decision
methods. The low level data recorded by our system
will be useful for the development of processing algo-
rithms of each modality.
Figure 8: Sound file (*.wav) and its corresponding SAM
In order to index our multimodal database, we have
retained the SAM standard indexing file (D.Well
et al., 2004) generally used for Speech Databases de-
scriptions. The SAM labeling of a sound file is shown
in Figure 8; it indicates information about the sound
file and describes this file by delimiting the useful part
for analyzing and processing. For each modality of
the database a corresponding indexing file is created,
we have adapted this type of files to the specificities
of each modality, and we have added another indexing
file for the entire database.
6.2 The First Approach of Fusion:
Bimodal Fusion between RFpat and
This work is a first step for a multi-modal experiment.
Indeed, this was performed with only two of the tele-
vigilance modalities presented in this paper: the fixed
infra-red sensors based Gardien system and the mo-
bile sensors RFpat device. Its conclusions have mo-
tivated the extension of these modalities to the com-
bination with the sound detector AnaSon through the
current investigations led by ESIGETEL, INT and IN-
In this first step we have used a PCA analysis in or-
der to preliminary determine potential correlation be-
tween the combined data and in order to obtain a data
reduction. After preliminary evaluations with the K-
Nearest Neighbors algorithm, the Gaussian Mixtures
Models and Neural Network on RFPAT data, a Bi-
modal fusion was carried out by using the Neural Net-
work .
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
6.2.1 Principal Components Analysis
The data resulting from RFpat subsystem and Gardien
subsystem were analyzed simultaneously through
their respective variables: posture, activity, cardiac
frequency, exposure time under the infra-red sensor
C3 (sensor indicating the input/output of the person in
the home), and exposure time under the infra-red sen-
sor C5 (sensor indicating the fall of the person). The
analysis of the PCA algorithm results made it possible
to propose a set of decision rules on several levels:
To define an estimator in two levels: a ”physio-
logical” distance between two parameters (cardiac
frequency, activity) normally correlated: normal
state if they are close or pathological state if they
are distant. Then, a ”actimetric” distance (Slope,
C5): normal if distant or pathological if close.
There are a correlation between the cardiac fre-
quency and the activity which will allow the fu-
sion system to avoid a malfunction of one of the
two sensors.
6.2.2 Application of the Neural Networks
The Neural Networks (NN) consist in an input layer,
the sensors signals, several transition layers (denoted
as hidden layers) and of an output layer delivering
the classification of the data observed in situation ei-
ther ‘Normal’, or critical ‘detected Fall’. A classi-
cal NN structure was implemented by using a Multi-
Layer Perceptron (MLP) based on only one hidden
layer consisting in eight neurons after an optimal tun-
Each neuron realizes a scalar product between its
input vector and the weight vector, where a deviation
is added, then operates an activation function in order
to generate its output value y: y = f (x.w + b).
The activation function must be strictly crescent and
bounded. A classical function used in our experiment
is the standard sigmoid function whose equation is re-
minded hereafter: f (x) =
Two types of networks were compared, with respec-
tively as input vector of the MLP first layer:
Single actimetric data of RFpat in entry of the
network, giving a rate of recognition of the order
The actimetric data of RFpat and horizontal infa-
red sensors of Gardien, providing a rate of 86%.
The improvement nevertheless remains quite limited.
One improvement track is to increase the data cor-
pus used for the learning phase, namely by recording
more specific actual and simulated emergency situa-
tions thanks to the multi-modal recording tool previ-
ously described in this paper. Another main improve-
ment track will be investigated by adding the AnaSon
(abnormal sound detector) modality. Therefore that
is why the need of a new multi-modal recording tool
was considered as crucial for the follow-up. Thor-
ough investigations will also be performed again on
KNN and GMM techniques, namely by working on
the data pre-processing (normalized, transformed in-
put data).
This paper has focused on the technology used for
implementing the acquisition step of the platform.
Preliminary results are encouraging with the achieve-
ment a multimodal medical database including pa-
tient’s clinical data, usual environment sounds and pa-
tient localization. The platform enables us to have a
full and tightly controlled universe of data sets and to
evaluate the decision part of remote monitoring sys-
Our platform is in the research phase targeting a pro-
totype, the system will be completed and improved by
adding a data fusion-based decision element exploit-
ing the measurements coming from this platform in
order to propose new processes to reinforce the secure
detection of patient’s distress events. In particular the
fall situations are studied: indeed one or more televig-
ilance modalities might be out of order, or a particular
environmental situation (ambiant noise, bad wireless
conditions, sensors disabilities .. .) can hide one par-
ticular modality or more. This is a very challenging
issue for hospital emergency units such as for instance
SAMU in France or Telecare services providers in
general. Studies of usability are planned, in order to
test the satisfactoriness of patients towards this system
and to get a standardization prototype for our plat-
form. This constitutes indeed, a first concrete step
before a prototype deployment. In actual situation,
evaluation and connection to smart home system are
also planed to be performed in the framework of a
new European project.
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BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing