The other pathologies are not considered here. The
ability of FFT-MFCC in modeling the irregular
vibration of the vocal folds provoked by the
pathology is shown in the results. Good results are
also obtained to LPC and cepstral analysis.
E ( % ) SE( %) SP ( %)
Figure 6: A comparison of the performance evaluation of
LPC, cepstral and mel-cepstral analysis to the cases of
vocal fold edema and normal voices.
The changes on LPC, cepstral and mel-cepstral
coefficients describe the abnormal behaviour of the
vocal folds movements caused by the pathologies.
The efficiency in characterizing pathological voices
using short-time cepstral analysis is well described
by results.
It is noted that mel-cepstral coefficients are very
good to detect the presence of pathology. They
provide a good separation of normal and
pathological voices. However, this method is not
efficient in discriminating distinct pathologies. The
differences among pathologies which belong to
similar class of diseases are not evident. LPC and
cepstral methods seem to be better in representing
the pathologies specificities.
In order to improve the performance of the
classification process, two aspects are suggested: 2)
the use of non-linear analysis to improve the
acoustic modeling of non-linear characteristics
inherent to speech signal, and 2) the employment of
other classifiers based on Artifitial Neural Networks
or Hideen Markov Models, for example.
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