Aniket A. Vartak
, Cali M. Fidopiastis
, Denise M. Nicholson
, Wasfy B. Mikhael
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Institute of Simulation & Training
Univerisity of Central Florida,Orlando, FL, U.S.A.
Dylan D. Schmorrow
Office of Naval Research, U.S.A.
Keywords: Intelligent tutoring, psychophysiological metrics, augmented cognition, signal processing, wearable sensors.
Abstract: This paper presents a historical overview of intelligent tutoring systems and describes an adaptive
instructional architecture based upon current instructional and adaptive design theories. The goal of such an
endeavor is to create a training system that can dynamically change training content and presentation based
upon an individual’s real-time measure of cognitive state changes. An array of physiological sensors is used
to estimate the cognitive state of the learner. This estimate then drives the adaptive mitigation strategy,
which is used as a feed-back and changes how the learning information is presented. The underlying
assumptions are that real-time monitoring of the learners cognitive state and the subsequent adaptation of
the system will maintain the learner in an overall state of optimal learning. The main issues concerning this
approach are constructing cognitive state estimators from a multimodal array of physiological sensors and
assessing initial baseline values, as well as changes in baseline. We discuss these issues in a data processing
block wise structure, where the blocks include synchronization of different data streams, feature extraction,
and forming a cognitive state metric by classification/clustering of the features. Initial results show our
current capabilities of combining several data streams and determining baseline values. Given that this work
is in its initial staged the work points to our ongoing research and future directions.
The design of metrics to determine cognitive state
changes in real-time of persons performing tasks in
their work environment is an emerging field of
research. For example, Human Factors and
Augmented Cognition research endeavors suggest
the use of psychophysiological measures to
determine best practices when developing trainers
for military (Nicholson et al., 2006) and medical
(Scerbo, 2005) occupations in an effort to optimize
the learning state of the user. Further, a valid and
reliable metric of cognitive state has far reaching
utility in the field of intelligent tutoring, which has
further implications for cognitive rehabilitation and
assistive brain-computer interfaces.
This type of research is not possible without
portable, unobtrusive psychophysiological sensing
devices. However, utilizing physiological metrics
such as electroencephalography (EEG) is difficult
due to the many factors that influence cognitive
processes intra and interpersonally. Some such
factors include external demands (e.g., loud noises),
trait characteristics (e.g., personality), and physical
states (e.g., levels of fatigue). More importantly, the
neurobiology underlying constructs defining
cognitive states (e.g. working memory) are not fully
elucidated (Cabeza & Nyberg, 2003), thus
operationally defining “cognitive state” is difficult
as is identifying a theoretical approach for studying
it. Thus, the most straight forward approach to
developing these metrics is by establishing a
convergent methodology that is multimodal in
nature (Karamouzis, 2006).
In this paper, we discuss the historical aspects of
developing adaptive intelligent tutoring using
psychophysiological metrics. Additionally, we
describe our Adaptive Instructional Architecture,
A. Vartak A., M. Fidopiastis C., M. Nicholson D., B. Mikhael W. and D. Schmorrow D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 147-152
DOI: 10.5220/0001068601470152
which features multimodal sensors. We discuss
challenges in developing a convergent methodology
for using multimodal sensors. Finally, we present
initial work on data fusion techniques necessary for
driving the adaptive tutoring system.
In 1958, Skinner challenged educators to become
more efficient and effective in their teaching
strategies by using “teaching machines”. These
machines would not only deliver learning content,
but also allow the learner to interact with the system
in a manner appropriate for learning to occur. The
strength of this approach was the potential for
customized instruction in an anytime anywhere
format. However, teaching machines from this era
neglected the knowledge base of the learner and
focused more on “contingencies of reinforcement”
or the presentation of learning material (Wenger,
“Intelligent Tutoring Systems” (ITS) was first
coined by Sleeman & Brown (1982); however, it
was Wenger (1987) who advocated for cross-talk
among education, cognitive, and artificial
intelligence researchers to shape the future of ITS
design. This collaborative approach shifted emphasis
from purely computational solutions to those that
integrated Cognitive Psychology constructs (e.g.,
working memory) and new research in Education
Psychology (e.g., experiential learning). The
improved flexibility of these designs supported the
successful transition of some adaptive systems into
classrooms and workplaces (Anderson, et. al., 1995;
Parasuraman et. al., 1992).
While previous ITS theories emphasized the
knowledge state of the learner, current instructional
design methods consider the learner’s cognitive
state, (i.e., cognitive load state) as more predictive of
learning outcomes (Paas et. al., 2004). Cognitive
load theorists contend that learning complex tasks
(e.g., performing surgery) is optimal when the
learning environment matches the cognitive
architecture of the learner (Sweller, 1999). Thus, the
learning environment should account for individual
differences in the unique ways that individuals
cognitively process data.
Physiological metrics of cognitive load such as
pupil dilation and heart rate may map a learner’s
cognitive state to the learning task (Paas et al, 2003,
p. 66). Another suggested use of psychometric data
is to drive the adaptive response in the ITS
(Karamouzis, 2006; Scerbo, 2006). In previous
work, we have proposed an Adaptive Instructional
Architecture (AIA) that merges the constructs of
experiential learning, cognitive load, and adaptive
trainers into a testbed simulation capable of
measuring multimodal psychophysical responses
(Nicholson et al., 2007). In the next sections we
provide an overview of the AIA and give a
description of the sensors used within the training
environment. In addition, we provide pilot data from
current studies which use multiple sensors to
determine the learner’s cognitive states. These
studies are discussed in the context of data fusion
strategies and point to future work in the field
3.1 Adaptive Instructional
Architecture Overview
Figure 1 provides an overview of the Adaptive
Instructional Architecture (AIA) within a simulator
testbed. As shown the learner interacts with context
based stimuli that follow the continuum from real
world to simulated real world multi-sensory content.
The psychophysiological sensors (e.g., heart rate)
attached to the learner collect information about the
learner’s cognitive state. The sensor data streams are
sent through a signal processing block (Figure 3)
where data fusion techniques determine such
constructs as learner engagement, arousal, and
Figure 1: Adaptive Instructional Architecture Overview.
If the learner is experiencing higher than
baseline values of these state references, the system
chooses an appropriate mitigation strategy from a
database of options. The system interface is then
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
adapted to adjust to the learner and the training
scenario continues. This decision tree cycle is
continued until the training session ends.
The novel features of the AIA are the potential to
assess the cognitive state changes of the learner in
real-time, change the learning scenario as the learner
transitions in knowledge states, and assess
performance outcomes concomitantly with the
cognitive state assessment. Two main design issues
faced are: 1) defining metrics derived from the
mutimodal data streams that reliably predict the
learner’s cognitive state and 2) determining the
relationship of the metric and that of mitigation
selection. Our current focus is on deriving
meaningful metrics from the multimodal data
stream. In the next sections, we introduce the
psychophysical sensors and measures that we are
currently exploring.
3.2 Physiological Sensors and
Cognitive State Estimation
Various proposed cognitive states such as arousal,
and workload are quantified in terms of
physiological parameters. For example, heart rate
variability (HRV) can provide a measure of arousal
(Hoover & Muth, 2005). Eye position tracking may
indicate visual attention and stress. The EEG can
provide brain based measures of psychological
constructs such as cognitive workload. Thus, a
multi-modal data acquisition strategy may be
necessary for accurate cognitive state estimation
(Erdogmus et al., 2005; Cerutti et al., 2006).
However, synchronizing and determining relevant
meaning of the multiple data streams is an ongoing
Figure 2 represents examples of state-of-the-art
psychophysiological sensing devices within our lab.
The ASL 6000 eye tracker ( shown
in Figure 2 utilizes a head tracker with pan tilt
capabilities to track the corneal reflection of the
user. The B-Alert EEG ( provides
classifications for engagement, mental workload,
distraction and drowsiness (Berka et al., 2005). The
Wearable Arousal Meter (WAM, also measures arousal
however does so by utilizing inter-heartbeat interval
(IBI) changes associated with task performance.
Changes in IBI reflect the Respiratory Sinus
Arrhythmia (RSA), which correlates with autonomic
nervous system states (Hoover & Muth, 2004). Also
shown are the respiratory, temperature, and GSR
sensors of Thought Technologies InfinitiPro wireless
system ( Overall,
the sensors provide a portable solution for capturing
real-time neural and behavioral responses training in
a naturalistic environment.
Figure 2: Sensor suite examples.
3.3 Block-wise Multimodal Signal
Processing/ feature Extraction
The data generated from various sensors over time is
enormous. To draw meaningful conclusions and to
classify cognitive state in real-time, while also
providing the feedback to the learner, the data may
be effectively handled in a block processing
procedure. Figure 3 provides a general overview of
block processing as it applies to multimodal signal
Figure 3: Multi-modal signal processing block.
The first block of the system synchronizes the
data from various sensors. Multi-rate Digital Signal
Processing (DSP) techniques such as
decimation/interpolation are used to match the
sampling frequency of various sensors. The data also
needs to be time-synchronized to a unique clock-
time, so that there is no error interpreting the data in
further blocks.
The next block of feature extraction is a very
important step in processing the data emanating
from the sensor suite. The physiological measure
will dictate what type of feature is to be extracted
and the level to which this feature will provide
Raw Multimodal
Sensor data
Cognitive State
meaningfulness to the derived metric. In the
following sub-section we will give an overview of
typical features used from various sensors in the
3.3.1 Heart Rate Features
The most popular feature used from the ECG data is
the power spectral density (PSD) of the IBI. The
PSD analysis provides a means to evaluate various
autonomic nervous system influences on the heart
efficiently. Most of the recent research focuses on
quantifying the change in RSA as a measure of vagal
tone activity influencing the heart (Hoover & Muth,
2005; Keenan & Grossman, 2006; Aysin & Aysin,
3.3.2 Blood Pressure Features
Blood pressure also affects heart rate modulation
through the baroreceptor reflexes (Sleight &
Casadei, 1995). The main challenge is to obtain a
continuous measure of arterial blood pressure
(ABP). The photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal is
much more accessible and easily acquired in
continuous manner as compared to direct
measurement of the ABP signal. Recent work by
Shaltis et al, (2005) discusses the calibration of the
PPG signal to ABP signal.
3.3.3 Eye Tracking Features
The ASL 6000 eye tracker uses an IR camera to
capture images of the eye. An image processing
algorithm detects the dark pupil area in the eye and
the glint of light coming off of the eye. Using these
two measures, the learner’s point of gaze (POG) is
calculated. After proper calibration, the learner’s
POG can be transformed into a point on the screen
correspond to where he or she is looking.
Various features could be extracted from the
horizontal and vertical co-ordinate data, such as
fixation intervals, speed of eye movement, and
direction of eye movement. Marshall (2007) used
these features as inputs to a neural network to
classify cognitive states such as relaxed/engaged,
focused/distracted, and alert/fatigued. The authors
also state that as the data captured at the rate of 60-
250 Hz, the states could be predicted in real time.
3.4 Data Fusion, Cognitive State
Once appropriate features psychometric data are
extracted, a strategy is needed for defining the
mathematical relationship between the feature the
state change. For example, Marshall (2007) used
features extracted from the eyetracker (e.g., eye
blinks, eye movement, pupil size, and divergence) to
classify cognitive activity into ‘low’ and ‘high’
activity measures. The authors used discriminant
function analysis to create a linear classification
model. A feed-forward neural network architecture
was trained with backpropagation learning scheme
to create a non-linear classification using the
eyetracker features.
We are in the process of creating
multidimensional classifiers based upon feature
analysis across multiple psychophysiological
metrics. These classifiers will eventually index
levels of cognitive state, which in turn will drive the
mitigation selection process of the AIA. The pilot
work presented in the next section highlights current
4.1 Sensor Sensitivity in Cognitive
State Estimation
We are currently investigating the sensitivity of the
multimodal sensors to define cognitive state changes
dynamically. For example, Figure 4 shows
eyetracker data merged with the instantaneous
arousal level of the observer, as the observer
passively views a series of varying visual stimuli.
The arousal metric is calculated from the heart rate
data and was obtained using the WAM (Hoover &
Muth, 2005).
In Figure 4(d), the ellipse represents the current
viewing location of the observer. When the observer
moves his or her eyes in a vertical direction, the
major axis of the ellipse appears as vertical. A
diagonal movement of the eyes will produce a circle
as shown in Figure 4(a) and 4(c). Fixations are
illustrated in 4(c). As the observer fixates onto a
point of interest, the ellipse becomes a dot. The
fixation time can be presented along with the
fixation point in real-time or in an after action
review format.
The arousal levels are mapped to the ellipse via
colors ranging from red for high, yellow for
medium, and green for low. The scale used to
change the color will be verified experimentally
using a variation of the International Affective
Picture Sort (Lang et al., 2005). These transformed
features may further be used to develop
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
multidimensional metrics with which to predict
visual attention and arousal states of the learner.
Figure 4: Four screen captures from our system, showing
the observer’s current gazing location along with the
arousal (Images: Lang et al., 2005).
4.2 Identifying Baseline Values
Understanding how multimodal psychometric data
combine to predict cognitive states is only one part
of the problem in AIA design. Another issue is
identifying initial baseline values that will set the
system indices and determine the appropriate
classification of the learner’s cognitive state. Not
only will these baseline values vary based upon
individual difference, they may also vary during the
training session.
In a recent study, we monitored the arousal state
of persons placed in a mixed reality scenario
representing an every day social experience. The
social interaction was classified as friendly (e.g.,
mutual regard) or rude (e.g., confrontational). Figure
5 shows the percent high engagement as measured
by the EEG and the mean skin conductance for a
single participant. We used a multiple baseline
approach to identify points in the scenario that may
indicate a new baseline score.
B1 VE B2 Friendly Rude VE B3 B4
% High Engagement
Skin condcutance (microS)
Sk in Conductance
Figure 5: Skin conductance mean amplitude with 95%
Confidence Interval and % High Engagement as measured
by the EEG.
As shown, high engagement alone would not capture
the change in state of the participant accurately.
Regardless of variability, the sustained arousal
carried over from experiencing the rude interaction
may indicate a change in baseline that must be
account for in order to appropriately select the next
mitigation. Multimodal data is necessary to construct
an appropriate metric to capture this type of
sustained effect.
In this paper we reviewed the historical aspects of
ITS design and discussed a new direction in
combining current learning theory with adaptive
system theory. The resulting AIA represents a step
forward in providing on-demand training in a
complex and contextually relevant training
environment. The addition of physiological
measures to estimate the cognitive state of the
learner is not a novel; however, the data fusion
techniques and the use of the multimodal data drive
mitigation selection may present a worthwhile
contribution to the field.
This work was supported by the Office of Naval
Research and an In-House Grant provided by UCF’s
Institute for Simulation and Training.
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