produce an alternate cycle of activity in a group of
inhibitory neurons in the absence of external
stimulus (Pirtle and Satterlie, 2007). Although the
PIR phenomenon is a complex subject, it is
interesting to note that it matches perfectly to the
mutual exclusion activity between neighbouring
nodes coupled under SMER. It will be the theory
behind the construction of modules that, in our
model, will act just like a set of interconnected
inhibitory neurons exhibiting PIR. These modules
will be called Oscillatory Building Blocks (OBBs).
So, instead of modeling electrophysiological
activities of interconnected neurons based on
membrane potential functions, we build an artificial
CPG network with SMER-based OBBs for the
exploration of the collective behaviour networks of
purely inhibitory neurons.
Centipedes form a very special species of
arthropods. They are capable of, combining axial
and appendicular movements, attaining great speed
with energetic efficiency. These unique
characteristics of the centipedes stimulate a great
number of biologists to study his static anatomy and
the kinematics of his locomotion leading to a great
amount of interesting information about this animal.
For instance, biologists thru the use of high-speed
cameras discovered that the number of legs touching
the ground at a high-speed movement decreases
when compared to the low-speed one , leading to a
bigger distance between the supporting legs. In the
extreme, a centipede can be supported for only four
legs. Also, there is a direct correlation between the
axial pattern of undulation and the speed.
Nevertheless, whatever the speed is, in each segment
contralateral legs will always step alternately
(Anderson, Shultz and Jayne, 1995). All this aspects
have to be taken into account while modeling the
centipede’s movement.
As a simple observation of a moving centipede
may suggest, the challenge is the integration
between two different components: the appendicular
and the axial. It’s reasonable to infer that a good way
of tackle this problem could be made through the
analysis of each movement separately, defining its
period and trying to construct a SMER-based OBB
for a later synchronization between the two.
Although it seems a good strategy, it lacks an
important aspect of the problem: the two types of
movements are connected in a much deeper level.
For example, it’s impossible to see a real centipede
to put two contralateral legs in any position different
that the one caused by alternately stepping.
Therefore, this approach would not reproduce that
subtle aspect of the locomotion of the centipede.
To correctly model the locomotion of a
centipede, with the maximum similarity to its
complex behavior, one has to construct the OBB
with eight nodes, i.e., motor neurons, enclosing one
whole segment. In this case, the network responsible
for the connection of these OBBs has to be one that
follows the full length of the animal, from the
anterior to the posterior segment. But before we see
in detail the whole model, let’s see more of each
centipede’s movement as a way to understand how
this OBB will be made and how the connections
among them will be put. Consider in the following a
scolopendromorph centipede in the fastest pattern
gait of locomotion, i.e., the amplitude of lateral
bending has the largest value and the fastest speed of
dislocation is attained. Also, it is important to note
that this kind of centipede has 21 leg bearing
segments linked by flexible membranes serving as
the only intersegmental articulation.
3.1 Appendicular Movement
As said before, in any given speed of the centipede,
two legs from the same segment are always in
opposite positions, i.e., when the left leg of a
segment is flexing the other in that segment is
extending. Also, it is important to note that the legs
that are in the concave side of an undulating wave
are always extending. The last statement is the most
important one since ties the axial and the
appendicular movements.
For the sake of simplicity and without any loss
of generality, let’s assume the appendicular
movement being defined as the action of two
antagonic muscles: flexor and extensor. The first one
is responsible for lifting a leg from the ground and
the later one for doing the opposite. In this
simplification, let’s also assume that when a leg is
touching the ground it is also pushing it backwards,
allowing the effective movement of the animal.
3.2 Axial Movement
In the fastest speed a centipede can attaining
approximately 1.5 times his length per second
) with a correspondents
Hzf 45.3=
(Anderson, Shultz and Jayne, 1995). As a
result, we infer that each concave section of the
undulating wave it is composed for approximately 5
body segments. Also, for the sake of simplicity and
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing