In this paper, we focus on producing a strategy which
is able to perform background subtraction in a fast and
robust way. The idea is to use an already present ef-
fective background subtraction technique, which op-
erates per-pixel, namely the TAPPMOG algorithm,
and to adapt it in order to deal with patch of pix-
els. This contributes to avoid false alarms caused
by irregular scene variations, such as happens in a
sea-docking scenario. Hence, we introduce a method
which effectively selects the area of support over
which the algorithm can operate. The idea is that, the
larger the background variations, the wider will be the
pixel area where the algorithm can look for a unsta-
ble background pixel. The proposed method is also
able to change the sampling rate with which the pixels
values are processed: in short, where no foreground
activities are present, and where the background is
spatially stable, the sampling rate will become very
low, otherwise it will be high. This permits to com-
pensate the computational burden to to the per region
processing, improving time performances. In the fu-
ture, we intend to apply the RGB normalization of
(Suter and Wang, 2005) in order to cope successfully
with the shadows, and to add the Gaussian model se-
lection algorithm proposed by (Zivkovic, 2004), (for
the explanation of such methods, see Sec. 2 in order
to further speed up the BG subtraction performances.
Our goal is to use this method as a base module in a
distributed video surveillance framework, where the
computational load has to be maintained as low as
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