An eye detection algorithm can prove to be
extremely useful in the pre-processing phases of face
recognition systems. A robust eye detection
algorithm has been developed, which combines the
efficiency of feature-based approaches with the
accuracy of template-based approaches. The
algorithm first finds region pairs which can
potentially be eye pairs using feature-based methods,
and then employs template-matching to select the
best pair. The idea is introduced of applying the line
edge map (LEM), a face feature representation, for
symmetry measurement and template matching,
making use of eye and eye region LEMs.
Experimental results confirm the correctness and
robustness of the algorithm to pose, expression and
illumination variations.
Recently a comparison of three eye detectors has
been presented by Everingham and Zisserman
(Everingham and Zisserman, 2006). The approach of
our proposed method is different from these three, in
the sense that no learning is required for the
classification of eye portion and non-eye portion.
However, a comparison of the relative performance
of these methods needs to be carried out.
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