compared to the target size. Airborne targets of any
speed can be tracked as long as the object does not
cover a distance equal to half the track-gate size in
successive frames. A snapshot of a helicopter being
tracked by the system is given in Figure 4.
Apart from maintaining lock for different gate
sizes, the system was also verified to keep the target
locked while changing zoom during tracking. As the
algorithm uses target and background intensities, it
loses lock when the background and the target are
very close in intensity i.e. lighting conditions are not
good. Further, if there is more than one target in the
gate, the system will follow the target with more
contrast with the background.
A real-time visual tracking system using gray-scale
video is implemented for the specific application of
tracking airborne targets. The system is designed to
identify the target within a track gate, initialised by
the user, by rejecting the background extracted from
gate boundaries. The system is tested with different
airborne targets and speeds and is able to maintain
lock on the target provided the required lighting
conditions are maintained and the target does not
move more than half the gate size between two
successive frames. Further, provisions have been
provided for future advancements in the system for
adding auto-zoom function and algorithm selection
for different tracking scenarios.
Future research will be oriented to add motion
cue to aid the intensity based tracking system and to
improve the algorithm to adapt with different
surrounding conditions.
This work was supported and funded by
Instrumentation division of Pakistan Space and
Upper atmosphere Research Commission
(SUPARCO). We wish to thank our colleagues and
higher authorities for their support and cooperation
during the project.
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VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications