Giuseppe Scardino, Ignazio Infantino
Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni ICAR-CNR
Viale delle scienze, edificio 11 Parco d’Orleans - 90128 Palermo, Italy
Salvatore Gaglio
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica DINFO
Viale delle scienze, edificio 6 Parco d’Orleans - 90128 Palermo, Italy
Visual image search, images clustering, image annotation.
The paper deals with the description of a framework to create shape models of an object using images from
the web. Results obtained from different image search engines using simple keywords are ltered, and it is
possible to select images viewing a single object owning a well-defined contour. In order to have a large set of
valid images, the implemented system uses lexical web databases (e.g. WordNet) or free web encyclopedias
(e.g. Wikipedia), to get more keywords correlated to the given object. The shapes extracted from selected
images are represented by Fourier descriptors, and are grouped by K-means algorithm. Finally, the more
representative shapes of main clusters are considered as prototypical contours of the object. Preliminary
experimental results are illustrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
In this paper we explore the possibility to create auto-
matically prototypal shapes of an object using knowl-
edge extracted from the web: images are downloaded
by image search engines; given the name of ob-
ject, more keywords (synonyms, hyponyms, or hy-
pernyms, see (Wordnet, )) are selected from lexical
databases. Our approach is unsupervised and tries to
select automatically a controlled subset of images in
order to assure that image processing algorithm out-
put is correct and fast computed. A supervised ap-
proach is presented in (Fergus et al., 2005), using
probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), in or-
der to learn object categories from Google.
In other approaches, user interaction is requested,
and for example in (Del Bimbo and Pala, 1997) im-
age retrieval is performed by shape similarity given
a user-sketched template. Another possibility is to
enforce low level processing by using learning algo-
rithms to recall or classify content of images: for ex-
ample in (Tieu and Viola, 2004) a very large set of
selective features are used and the system learns key
features trough given queries. The previous cited ref-
erences deal with image retrieval, but there are other
relevant studies dealing with annotation and cluster-
ing: an interesting approach considering colors and
textures to annotate images in real time is illustrated
in (Jia and Wang, 2003); (Zinger et al., 2006) com-
bines face detection algorithm and color segmentation
to cluster and classify images. In this work, we try to
use shape as principal feature without a-priori knowl-
edge to detect and to recognize objects in image.
The proposed framework named POW (Prototypes of
Objects from the Web) allows to build shape models
of simple objects using web knowledge. Given the
name of an object, the main steps that characterize
the process (see figure 1) are the:
searching other possible keywords strictly related
to given name (synonyms, hyponyms, or hyper-
nyms) using lexical web databases or web ency-
collecting images from web using image search
Scardino G., Infantino I. and Gaglio S. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 252-255
DOI: 10.5220/0001075002520255
Figure 1: POW (Prototypes of Objects from the Web) -
Framework Model: given an object name, the aim is to au-
tomatically create a set of shape models of it.
engines using combinations of available key-
creating a set of valid images (deleting duplicates,
images too small, and so on);
collecting closed contours by edge detection and
linking of pixels;
clustering shapes in order to find relevant proto-
validation of prototype searching partially oc-
cluded shapes in images previously not consid-
2.1 Populating the Dataset
Popular image search engines (Google
images, and so on) use textual information
to find images on the web. When a simple word like
chair is given as search keyword, image links returned
include a lot of files not relevant to find a possible
shape of this object. To make more robust this critical
phase, it is possible to associate to first simple search
some more restrictive queries using different combi-
nations of keywords related to chair. Merging the re-
sults of this multiple searches, we have empirically
observed that obtained dataset is optimal for our aims:
several images show a single chair and have a back-
ground that allows to extract easily object contour.
Where additional keywords could be found? Also in
this case, we gain this information from the web using
lexical web databases or web encyclopedias: the word
chair is given as keyword to Wordnet
(lexical word
database) (Wordnet, ) or Wikipedia
(on-line ency-
clopedia) (Wikipedia, ). We have a list of hyponyms
by Wordnet, and an html page by Wikipedia that is
processed to extract relevant words.
In order to extract valid shapes of the given object
and to speed up the computation, it needs to select
images that owns the following properties
acceptable image size: small images are deleted
because the possible shape to find is not relevant,
and large images are deleted because image pro-
cessing algorithms might be computationally in-
uniqueness: it’s created a dynamic list with the
MD5 signatures of images (Rivest, 1992), so
when a new image shows a signature present in
the list will be not considered;
its link to download is valid;
uniform background: gray level histogram of a
small area along the perimeter of the image is cal-
culated (37 pixel of size), and if it cover a lim-
ited range of levels make available the image to
further elaboration. We indicate this interval of
gray levels as R
In this way, the dataset is constituted by images
that could be easily segmented by thresholding, and
that usually show one o more objects with well-
defined shape.
The uniform background permits to characterize
an object to create a prototype not influenced by other
objects. In successive step the prototype will be used
to recognize the object in a generic image.
2.2 Shape Detection and Description
After this first selection of images, we have to find
closed contours that define shapes. Different solu-
tions have been tested, and the more robust is resulted
the application of following steps
1. choosing a threshold to have a binary image: we
select the local minima using only pixels on image
border that we suppose is related to background
and applying a mean filter;
2. applying an edge detector;
3. searching closed contours: an arbitrary edge point
is chosen, and we start to search edges that form a
closed path.
The last phase is quite complex and needs to explain
some details:
a dynamic list L
of coordinates is created, adding
new edge points until it is possible or the starting
pixel is reached; loops are avoided because new
point will be considered if it is not in the list;
the max hole admissible is dependent from image
size (20 % of minimum dimension);
the starting point is the pixel of edge image near-
est left upper corner; if a closed contour is not
found or the resulting contour is too short (minor
of a given threshold), pixels recorded in contour
list L
are deleted in the edge image and step 3 is
algorithm to find a closed path has a max fixed
number of iterations in order to limit computa-
tional time; when time out is reached the same
search procedure is applied to a simplified edge
image; this edge map considers only external edge
points, i.e. with minor distance from image bor-
when a closed contour is found, points in list L
are marked in the edge image with an incremen-
tal integer label, and step 3 is repeated in order
to find other closed contours until there are un-
marked points in the edge image.
After that coordinates of the points of a contour
are referred to centroids of shape, Fourier descriptors
are used to describe it (see for example (Zhang and
Lu, 2002), or (Lee and Long, 2003)). In particular
only the first 48 components are stored in order to ex-
clude details or noise from the shape description. This
description is independent of object scale and orienta-
tion. Moreover, when a metrics is applied in order to
evaluate similarity between shapes, it is also possible
to recognize specular shapes considering in reverse
order elements of a descriptor vectors.
2.3 Object Prototypes by Clustering
Collected shapes can be grouped using a clustering al-
gorithm (see for example (Oliver et al., 2006)) based
on similarity of Fourier descriptors (using Euclidean
distance). By default the number of clusters is equal
to number of keywords provided by Wordnet and
Wikipedia. To validate them we calculate the mean
distance of objects from cluster center and verifying if
a label (combination of keywords, see section 2.1) is
predominant. We have use k-Means algorithm choos-
ing at random the initial positions of cluster centers.
In our experiment we have used a number of clus-
ters equal to the number of keywords collected from
Wikipedia and from Wordnet. We have limited the
number of keywords to the maximum of 10 (if they
are available).
Some results are reported in figures 3: images are
placed in Cartesian space using the second and the
third component of Fourier descriptors (to have an
approximate idea of similarity), and bars of differ-
ent colors point to the various clusters. Isolated im-
ages, or clusters with few shapes are automatically
removed. Figure 2 reported explicative examples of
clustering results for screwdriver and chair (see de-
tails in the following section). The objects nearest
cluster centers are considered prototypal shapes of the
given object.
Figure 2: The shape descriptors are based on Fourier de-
scriptors, and they are independent of scale, orientation, and
mirroring by a suitably normalization. The gure reports
two examples of objects (screwdriver. and chair) that have
shapes recognized as similar.
Figure 3: Visualization of one example of clustering related
to the word chair: images are placed in Cartesian space us-
ing the second and the third component of Fourier descrip-
tors. Colored bars refer to different detected clusters.
A complete system based on the proposed framework
has been implemented, allowing us to perform exper-
imentations (the beta version is available to download
at (POW, )). In order to explain the results, we use
a subset of images, this example reported in figure 3
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Performance evaluations.
Collecting Selection Clustering
images Valid Images False negative False positive
Downloads N. % N. % N. %
Bowl 1596 140 9% 8 6% 25 18%
Candle 2032 139 7% 11 8% 32 23%
Chair 4862 602 12% 25 4% 40 7%
Desk 3185 344 11% 40 12% 55 16%
Door 3754 288 8% 00 3% 100 35%
Fork 2264 168 7% 12 7% 20 12%
Glass 4828 396 8% 250 63% 8 2%
Hammer 3561 422 12% 60 14% 55 13%
Knife 4506 551 12% 32 6% 66 12%
Lamp 4773 479 10% 30 6% 16 3%
Pen 3495 460 13% 28 6% 24 5%
Spoon 3699 150 4% 14 9% 22 15%
Sunglasses 962 190 20% 8 4% 25 13%
Torch 1585 112 7% 9 8% 36 32%
Watch 4050 510 13% 44 9% 45 9%
Total (%) 50324 5116 10% 590 12% 607 12%
is related to images of word chair using different hy-
ponyms from WordNet. In this case the list of first
ve keywords used for word chair is: “armchair”,
“barber”, “longue”, “chaise”, “daybed”. The filtering
phase individuates 63 (of 602) images that have a de-
tectable shape, and 2 clusters are validated as source
of shape models: they have a sufficient number of im-
ages ( 10), and a mean error under a given thresh-
old. The effectiveness of the approach could be high-
lighted by some specific examples: in bottom part of
figure 2 we see two images of chairs grouped in the
same cluster that are impossible to correlate if we con-
sider texture, color, or other image features different
from shape; the upper part reports images of screw-
driver that demonstrate the independence from scale,
orientation, and mirroring.
Results of an extensive experiment are reported in
table 1, using 16 different words of common objects.
The table shows the number of images downloaded
for each word (column 2), the number of valid images
to create prototypes and percentage with respect to
downloaded images (column 3 and 4), and the perfor-
mance of clustering (last 4 columns): absolute num-
ber and percentage with respect to the number of valid
images of images erroneously excluded from relevant
clusters, and absolute number and percentage of im-
age of object wrongly included in some clusters. In
general results could be considered positive, even if
some words are intrinsically difficult to manage for
our aims: glass images report very different typolo-
gies of objects and in this case an interaction with user
could be necessary.
Future works will deal with integration in the
frameworkof other visual features (texture and color),
in order to have better results. Moreover, it is interest-
ing to explore the possibility to defines categories (or
typologies) of the same object using keywords, and to
find or define some simple relation among them based
on visual features.
The work of this paper was partially supported by
project POR Sicilia 2000-2006,1999/IT.16.1.PO.011/
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