Figure 3 shows the precision versus recall plot
for comparing the performance of methods. From
the plot, it is noted that our method (SNH)
outperformed the other three methods with higher
precision for the same recall rate. For top rank
match, SNH obtains the highest precision rate of
0.86 followed by EOAC, EPNH and EDH with 0.74,
0.72 and 0.70 respectively.
For ANMRR evaluation, we exploit the top 5
retrieved images for a query images and calculate
the NMRR. Then, we calculate the ANMRR for all
50 query images. The result obtained is shown in
table 1.
Precision v s. Recall
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Recall (% )
Precision (%)
Figure 3: Performance comparison between SNH (our
method), EDH, EPNH, and EOAC.
The experimental results have indicated that our
method is capable of obtaining an acceptable
performance in terms of ANMRR. SNH has the
lowest ANMRR followed by EPNH. Lower value of
ANMRR shows that our method has better result
than the other three methods. The results also show
that, for EOAC and EDH, their performance is at
approximately the same level. These results have
indicated that our method is efficient and capable of
producing a good performance.
Table 1: Comparison of ANMRR for SNH, EPNH, EOAC
and EDH.
ANMRR 0.4500 0.4935 0.5630 0.5625
Our study has shown that integrating spatial
neighborhood information into a histogram can
increase the retrieval system performance. The
separate use of the edge and LBP information
produces good retrieval result. In our work, we have
shown that combining both properties can further
improve a system’s performance. For images of
man-made structure such as buildings, SNH
produces better results when compared to other
similar methods.
Although our method is simple and
straightforward, the experimental results have shown
that it is capable of improving the retrieval precision.
For future work, further tests with large-scale image
database are expected. We also plan to integrate
other features to the histogram in order to improve
its efficiency.
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