Nadia Tamayo, V. Javier Traver
Visual saliency provides a filtering mechanism to focus on a set of interesting areas in the scene, but these mechanisms often overload the computational resources of many computer vision tasks. In order to reduce such an overload and improve the computational performance, we propose to exploit the advantages of log-polar vision to detect salient regions with economy of computational resources and quite stable results. Particularly, in this paper we study the application of the entropy-based saliency to log-polar images. Some interesting considerations are presented in reference to the concept of “scale” and the effects of space-variant sampling on scale selection. We also propose a necessary border extension to detect objects present in peripheral areas. The original entropy-based saliency algorithm can be used in log-polar images, but the results show that our adaptations allow to detect with more precision log-polar salient forms because they consider the information redundancy of space-variant sampling. Compared with cartesian, log-polar salient results allow a significant saving of computational resources.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Tamayo N. and Javier Traver V. (2008). ENTROPY-BASED SALIENCY COMPUTATION IN LOG-POLAR IMAGES . In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - Volume 1: VISAPP, (VISIGRAPP 2008) ISBN 978-989-8111-21-0, pages 501-506. DOI: 10.5220/0001076405010506
in Bibtex Style
author={Nadia Tamayo and V. Javier Traver},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - Volume 1: VISAPP, (VISIGRAPP 2008)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - Volume 1: VISAPP, (VISIGRAPP 2008)
SN - 978-989-8111-21-0
AU - Tamayo N.
AU - Javier Traver V.
PY - 2008
SP - 501
EP - 506
DO - 10.5220/0001076405010506