Figure 8: Thinning of sphere (a). FT_surf detects center
of the sphere as hot-spot (b) whereas inhomogeneous
erosion can lead to branched results (c), a side effect of
many other thinning algorithms.
Figure 9: Thinning of a 3D grid (a). Results of FT_surf
presented in (b) and (c).
Figure 10: Thinning of hepatic vessel tree (a). Results
presented in (b), (c) and zoomed vessel branching in (d).
In this paper existing algorithmic concepts for
acceleration of morphological operations are
combined for development of a novel thinning
concept optimized for the application area of tubular
structures. The presented algorithm is robust and fast
compared to other state-of-the-art thinning
operators, taking advantage due to the specialization
on tubular and rotation-symmetric morphological
The algorithm meets all requirements for clinical
application in the field of liver vessel graph analysis
for liver lobe classifications. As the presented
algorithm yields no favourite segmentation
direction, the resulting centerlines are closer to the
rotational axis when the object’s dimension is even
at the cost of generally not smoothed centerline
characteristics. The constraints of full-connectivity
and a centerline width of one are invariably fulfilled.
This work was supported by the project “Liver
Image Analysis using Multi Slice CT” (LIVIA-
MSCT) funded by the division of Education and
Economy of the Federal Government Upper Austria.
Special thank is given to PD Dr. Franz Fellner
and Dr. Heinz Kratochwill from the Central Institute
of Radiology at the General Hospital Linz for
valuable discussion.
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