Table 3: Average precision for top 20 and top 50 images.
Iteration times P20 P50
#0 0.4982 0.3878
#1 0.6026 0.4570
#2 0.6446 0.4853
#3 0.6694 0.5013
#4 0.6894 0.5107
#5 0.7028 0.5192
Rao et al. proposed a querying by example
method based on Fuzzy SVM and performed
experiment on 2,000 Corel images (Rao et al., 2006).
Top 20 images were labelled each time. We did
similar QBE experiment on 5,000 Corel images.
Table 4 shows the experiment results between two
methods at three iteration steps (#1, #5, and #10),
Rao et al.’s method is denoted as Fuzzy SVM.
Table 4: Average precision for top 20 images in two
methods at three iteration steps.
P20 #1 #5 #10
Fuzzy SVM About 0.53 About 0.74 About 0.77
MMP 0.5730 0.6681 0.7172
In this paper, we have proposed a new relevance
feedback method based on max-min posterior
pseudo-probabilities framework for learning pattern
classification. We assume that the feature vectors
extracted from the relevant images be of the
distribution of Gaussian mixture model. The
corresponding posterior pseudo-probability function
is used to determine whether the image is relevant to
the user intention. In each feedback process, those
images relevant to the user intention are returned as
the retrieval results and then labeled as true or false
by the user. According to labeled retrieval results,
MMP training criterion is used to update the
parameter set of posterior pseudo-probability
function and subsequent retrieval results. We
conducted concept retrieval and example retrieval
experiments of relevance feedback on Corel
database. After five iterations, P20 has been raised
from 42.20% to 67.20% and from 49.82% to 70.28%
This research was partially supported by the 973
Program of China (2006CB303105) and BIT
Excellent Young Scholars Research Fund
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