Using Constellations of Visual Words
Toon Goedem´e
De Nayer Technical University, Embedded System Design (EmSD)
Jan De Nayerlaan 5, 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, VISICS, ESAT/PSI, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Waste sorting, local image features, SURF, SIFT, visual words.
In this paper, we present a method for fast and robust object recognition, especially developed for implemen-
tation on an embedded platform. As an example, the method is applied to the automatic sorting of consumer
waste. Out of a stream of different thrown-away food packages, specific items — in this case beverage cartons
— can be visually recognised and sorted out. To facilitate and optimise the implementation of this algorithm
on an embedded platform containing parallel hardware, we developed a voting scheme for constellations of
visual words, i.e. clustered local features (SURF in this case). On top of easy implementation and robust
and fast performance, even with large databases, an extra advantage is that this method can handle multiple
identical visual features in one model.
We do not live in a world with unlimited resources,
therefore the principle of the TetraPak company is ’a
package should save more than it costs’. One key
issue in their recyling process is sorting the bever-
age carton fraction out of the consumer waste stream.
Although sometimes beverage cartons are seperately
collected, at most places a mixed ’recyclable’ frac-
tion is seperately collected, which has to be sorted
out afterwards. Sorting out some subfractions is easy,
e.g. by using magnets for ferrometals. Some other
subfractions are less easily automated and have to be
sorted manually. This is the case with beverage car-
tons also. In waste processing plants, people have to
pick out the beverage cartons from a stinking never-
ending stream of waste on conveyor belts ...
Although techniques such as the measurement of
UV light reflection can help the automated sorting
process, we present in this work a reliable visual
method. The system’s input consists of images from
a camera which is placed above the conveyor belt.
These images are rapidly matched with a database of
beverage carton photos. In real-time, a large fraction
of all beverage cartons can be identified and picked
out. Missing items in the database can be quickly
added, on the basis of a photograph of the beverage
The remainder of this text is organised as follows.
Section 2 gives an overview of relevant related work.
In section 3, our algorithm is descibed. Some real-
waste experiments are presented in section 4. The pa-
per ends with a conclusion in section 5.
Since long, general object recognition is one of the
core research subjects in computer vision. Numerous
techiques are proposed, traditionally mainly based on
the template matching technique (Rosenfeld and Kak,
1976). A few years ago, a major revolutionin the field
was the appearance of the idea of local image fea-
tures (Tuytelaars et al., 1999; Lowe, 1999). Indeed,
looking at local parts instead of the entire pattern to be
recognised has the inherent advantage of robustness
to partial occlusions. In both template and query im-
age, local regions are extracted around interest points,
each described by a descriptor vector for comparison.
The development of robust local feature descriptors,
like e.g. Mindru’s generalised colour moment based
ones (Mindru et al., 1999), added robustness to illu-
mination and changes in viewpoint.
Many researchers proposed algorithms for lo-
cal region matching. The differences between ap-
proaches lie in the way in which interest points, local
image regions, and descriptor vectors are extracted.
Goedemé T. (2008).
TOWARDS EMBEDDED WASTE SORTING - Using Constellations of Visual Words.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 93-98
DOI: 10.5220/0001082300930098
An early example is the work of Schmid and Mohr
(Schmid et al., 1997), where geometric invariance
was still under image rotations only. Scaling was han-
dled by using circular regions of several sizes. Lowe
et al. (Lowe, 1999) extended these ideas to real scale-
invariance. More general affine invariance has been
achievedin the work of Baumberg (Baumberg, 2000),
that uses an iterative scheme and the combination of
multiple scales, and in the more direct, constructive
methods of Tuytelaars & Van Gool (Tuytelaars et al.,
1999; Tuytelaars and Gool, 2000), Matas et al. (Matas
et al., 2002), and Mikolajczyk & Schmid (Mikola-
jczyk and Schmid, 2002). Although these methods
are capable to find very qualitative correspondences,
most of them are too slow for use in a real-time appli-
cation as the one we envision here. Moreover, none
of these methods are especially suited for the imple-
mentation on an embedded computing system, where
both memory and computing power must be as low as
possible to ensure reliable operation at the lowest cost
The classic recognition scheme with local fea-
tures, presented in (Lowe, 1999; Tuytelaars and Gool,
2000), and used in many applications such as in our
previous work on robot navigation (Goedem´e et al.,
2005; Goedem´e et al., 2006), is based on finding
one-on-one matches. Between the query image and
a model image of the object to be recognised, bijec-
tive matches are found. For each local feature of the
one image, the most similar feature in the other is se-
This scheme contains a fundamental drawback,
namely its disability to detect mat-ches when multiple
identical features are present in an image. In that case,
no guarantee can be given that the most similar fea-
ture is the correct correspondence. Such pattern rep-
etitions are quite common in the real world, though,
especially in man-made environments. To reduce the
number of incorrect matches due to this phenomenon,
in classic matching techniques a criterium is used sich
as comparing the distance to the most and the sec-
ond most similar feature (Lowe, 1999). Of course,
this practice throws away a lot of good matches in the
presence of pattern repetitions.
In this paper, we present a possible solution to this
problem by making use of the visual word concept.
Visual words are introduced (Sivic and Zisserman,
2003; Li and Perona, 2005; Zhang and Schmid, 2005)
in the context of object classification. Local features
are grouped into a large number of clusters with those
with similar descriptors assigned into the same clus-
ter. By treating each cluster as a visual word that
represents the specic local pattern shared by the key-
points in that cluster, we have a visual word vocabu-
lary describing all kinds of such local image patterns.
With its local features mapped into visual words, an
image can be represented as a bag of visual words,
as a vector containing the (weighted) count of each
visual word in that image, which is used as feature
vector in the classication task.
In contrast to the in categorisation often used
bag-of-words concept, in this paper we present the
constellation-of-words model. The main difference is
that not only the presence of a number of visual words
is tested, but also their relative positions.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the algorithm. It con-
sists of two phases, namely the model construction
phase (upper row) and the matching phase (bottom
First, in a model photograph(a), local features are
extracted (b). Then, a vocabulary of visual words is
formed by clustering these features based on their de-
scriptor. The corresponding visual words on the im-
age (c) are used to form the model description. The
relative location of the image centre (the anchor) is
stored for each visual word instance (d).
The bottom row depicts the matching procedure.
In a query image, local features are extracted (e).
Matching with the vocabulary yields a set of visual
words ( f). For each visual word in the model de-
scription, a vote is cast at the relative location of the
anchor location (g). The location of the object can
be found based on these votes as local maxima in a
voting Hough space (h). Each of the following sub-
sections describes one step of this algorithm in detail.
Local Feature Extraction. We chose to use SURF
as local feature detector, instead of the often used
SIFT detector. SURF (Bay et al., 2006; Fasel and
Gool, 2007) is developed to be substantially faster,
but at least as performant as SIFT.
Interest Point Detector. In contrast to SIFT (Lowe,
1999), which approximates Laplacian of Gaussian
(LoG) with Difference of Gaussians (DoG), SURF
approximates second order Gaussian derivatives with
box filters, see figure 2. Image convolutions with
these box filters can be computed rapidly by using in-
tegral images as defined in (Viola and Jones, 2001).
Interest points are localised in scale and image space
by applying a non-maximum suppression in a 3 × 3
neighbourhood. Finally, the found maxima of the de-
terminant of the approximated Hessian matrix are in-
terpolated in scale and image space.
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Overview of the algorithm. Top row (model building): (a) model photo, (b) extracted local features, (c) features
expressed as visual words from the vocabulary, (d) model description with relative anchor positions for each visual word.
Bottom row (matching): (e) query image with extracted features, ( f) visual words from the vocabulary, (g) anchor position
voting based on relative anchor position, (h) Hough voting space.
Figure 2: Left: two filters based on Gaussian derivatives.
Right: their approximation using box filters.
Figure 3: Middle: Haar wavelets. Left and right: examples
of extracted SURF features.
Descriptor. In a first step, SURF constructs a circu-
lar region around the detected interest points in order
to assign a unique orientation to the former and thus
gain invariance to image rotations. The orientation is
computed using Haar wavelet responses in both x and
y direction as shown in the middle of figure 3. The
Haar wavelets can be easily computed via integral im-
ages, similar to the Gaussian second order approxi-
mated box filters. Once the Haar wavelet responses
are computed, they are weighted with a Gaussian cen-
tred at the interest points. In a next step the dom-
inant orientation is estimated by summing the hori-
zontal and vertical wavelet responses within a rotat-
ing wedge, covering an angle of
in the wavelet re-
sponse space. The resulting maximum is then cho-
sen to describe the orientation of the interest point de-
scriptor. In a second step, the SURF descriptors are
constructed by extracting square regions around the
interest points. These are oriented in the directions
assigned in the previous step. Some example win-
dows are shown on the right hand side of figure 3. The
windows are split up in 4× 4 sub-regions in order to
retain some spatial information. In each sub-region,
Haar wavelets are extracted at regularly spaced sam-
ple points. In order to increase robustness to geomet-
ric deformations and localisation errors, the responses
of the Haar wavelets are weighted with a Gaussian,
centred at the interest point. Finally, the wavelet re-
sponses in horizontal d
and vertical directions d
summed up over each sub-region. Furthermore, the
absolute values |d
| and |d
| are summed in order to
obtain information about the polarity of the image in-
tensity changes. The resulting descriptor vector for all
4× 4 sub-regions is of length 64. See figure 4 for an
illustration of the SURF descriptor for three different
image intensity patterns. More details about SURF
can be found in (Bay et al., 2006) and (Fasel and
Gool, 2007).
Visual Words. As explained before, the next step
is forming a vocabulary of visual words. This is ac-
complished by clustering a big set of extracted SURF
features. It is important to build this vocabulary using
a large number of features, in order to be representa-
TOWARDS EMBEDDED WASTE SORTING - Using Constellations of Visual Words
Figure 4: Illustrating the SURF descriptor.
Figure 5: The position of the anchor point is stored in the
model as polar coordinates relative to the visual word scale
and orientation.
tive for all images to be processed.
The clustering itself is easily carried out with the
k-means algorithm. Distances between features are
computed as the Euclidean distance between the cor-
responding SURF descriptors. Keep in mind that this
model-building phase can be processed off-line, the
real-time behaviour is only needed in the matching
In the fictive ladybug example of figure 1, each
visual word is symbolicly presented as a letter. It can
be seen that the vocabularyexists of a file linking each
visual word symbol with a mean descriptor vector of
the corresponding cluster.
3.1 Model Construction
All features found on a model image are matched with
the visual word vocabulary, as shown in fig. 1 (c). In
addition to the popular bag-of-words models, which
consist of a set of visual words, we add the relative
constellation of all visual words to the model descrip-
Each line in the model desription file consists of
the symbolic name of a visual word, and the rela-
tive coordinates (r
, θ
) to the anchor point of the
model item. As anchor point, we chose for instance
the centre of the model picture. These coordinates
are expressed as polar coordinates, relative to the in-
dividual axis frame of the visual word. Indeed, each
visual word in the model photograph has a scale and
an orientation because it is extracted as a SURF fea-
ture. Figure 5 illustrates this. The resulting model is
a very compact description of the appearance of the
model photo. Many of these models, based on the
same visual word vocabulary, can be saved in a com-
pact database. In our beverage carton sorting applica-
tion, we build a database of all different carton prints
to be recognised.
3.2 Matching
Once a database of objects to be recognised is built,
these objects can be detected in a query image. In
our application, a camera overviews a section of the
conveyor belt. The object detection algorithm here
described gives cues where beverage cartons are lo-
cated. With this information, a mechanical device can
sort out the beverage cartons.
This part of the algorithm is time-critical. We are
spending lots of efforts in speeding up the matching
procedure, in order to be able to implement it on an
embedded system.
The first operation carried out on incoming im-
ages is extracting SURF features, exactly as described
in section 3. After local feature extraction, matching
is performed with the visual words in the vocabulary.
We used Mount’s ANN (Approximate Nearest Neigh-
bour) (Arya et al., 1998) algorithm for this, which is
very performant. As seen in fig. 1 ( f), some of the vi-
sual words of the object are recognised, amidst other
visual words.
Anchor Location Voting. Because each SURF fea-
ture has a certain scale and rotation, we can recon-
struct the anchor pixel location by using the feature-
relative polar coordinates of the object anchor. For
each instance in the object model description, this
yields a vote for a certain anchor location. In figure 1
(g), this is depicted by the black lines ending with a
black dot at the computed anchor location.
Ideally, all these locations would coincide at the
correct object centre. Unfortunately, this is not the
case due to mismatches and noise. Moreover, if there
are two identical visual words in the model descrip-
tion of an object (as is the case in the ladybug exam-
ple for words A, C and D), each detected visual word
of that kind in the query image will cast to different
anchor location votes, of which only one can be cor-
Object Detection. For all different models in the
database, anchor location votes can be quickly com-
puted. Next task is to decide where a certain object
is detected. Because a certain object can be present
more than once in the query image, it is clear that
a simple average of the anchor position votes is not
a sufficient technique, even if robust estimators like
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
RANSAC are used to eliminate outliers. Therefore,
we construct a Hough space, a matrix which is initi-
ated at zero and incremented at each anchor location
vote, fig. 1 (h). The local maxima of the resulting
Hough matrix are computed and interpreted as de-
tected object positions.
For preliminary experiments, we implemented this al-
gorithm using Octave and an executable of the SURF
extractor. Figure 6 shows some typical results of dif-
ferent phases of the algorithm. The test images were
made by pouring out a recyclable fraction’ garbage
bag and taking 640 × 480 photographs of it from
about 1 meter distance.
In fig. 6, first two model photographs are shown,
for two types of beverage cartons. Each of such im-
ages, having a resolution of about 100× 150 pixels,
yielded a thourough description of the carton print in
a model description containing on the average 65 fea-
tures, what boils down to a model file size of only 3.5
In the middle of the top row, the anchor position
voting output is shown for the milk carton detection
step. From matched visual words, black lines are
drawn towards the anchor position. It is clearly visi-
ble that many lines point at the centres of both milk
cartons. In the Hough voting space, next to it, this
leads to two black spots at the positions of the milk
cartons. The bottom row shows comparable experi-
mental results for other query and model images.
The cartons were detected by finding local max-
ima in the Hough space. We performed experiments
on 25 query images, containing in total 189 milk car-
tons. We were able to detect 84% of the trained types.
Detection failures were mostly due to a large occlu-
sion of one carton by another object.
In this paper, we presented an algorithm for object de-
tection based on the concept of visual word costella-
tion voting. The preliminary experiments proved the
performance of this approach. The method has the
advantages that it is computing-power and memory
efficient and that it can handle pattern repetitions in
the models.
We applied this method on the vision-based sort-
ing process of consumer waste, by detecting the
beverage cartons based on a database of previously
trained beverage carton prints.
As told before, our aim in this work is an em-
bedded implementation of this algorithm. The Oc-
tave implementation presented here is only a first step
towards that. But we believe the proposed approach
has a lot of advantages. The SURF extraction phase
can mostly be migrated to a parallel hardware imple-
mentation on FPGA. Visual word matching is sped
up using the ANN-libraries, making use of Kd-trees.
Of course a large part of the memory is used by the
(mostly sparse) hough space. A better description of
the voting space will lead to a great memory improve-
ment of the algorithm.
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TOWARDS EMBEDDED WASTE SORTING - Using Constellations of Visual Words
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VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications