Table 1: Planning Accuracies using the two planning
schemes. Global planning is better.
Config Plan (%)
Learn (global) 100
Learn (heuristic) 89.3± 6.7
Table 2: Localization Accuracies using the two planning
schemes. Global planning is better.
Config Localization error
X (cm) Y (cm) θ (deg)
Learn (global) 7.6± 3.7 11.1± 4.8 9± 6.3
Learn (heuristic) 11.6± 5.1 15.1± 7.8 11± 9.7
Hand-labeled 6.9± 4.1 9.2± 5.3 7.1± 5.9
global planning scheme to generate robust plans, and
the replanning feature of the heuristic approach can
be used when the plan fails due to unforeseen reasons.
The online color learning process takes a simi-
lar amount of time with either planning scheme (≈ 6
minutes of robot effort) instead of more than two
hours of human effort. The initial training of the mod-
els (in global planning) takes 1-2 hours, but it pro-
ceeds autonomously and needs to be done only once
for each environment. The heuristic planning scheme,
on the other hand, requires manual parameter tuning
over a few days, which is sensitive to minor environ-
mental changes.
The potential of mobile robots can be exploited
in real-world applications only if they function au-
tonomously. For mobile robots equipped with color
cameras, two major challenges are the manual cali-
bration and the sensitivity to illumination. Prior work
has managed to learn a few distinct colors (Thrun,
2006), model known illuminations (Rosenberg et al.,
2001), and use heuristic action sequences to facilitate
learning (Sridharan and Stone, 2007).
We present an algorithm that enables a mobile
robot to autonomously model its motion errors and
the feasibility of learning different colors at different
poses, thereby maximizing color learning opportuni-
ties while minimizing localization errors. The global
action selection provides robust performance that is
significantly better than that obtained with manually
tuned heuristics.
Both planning schemes require the environmen-
tal structure as input, which is easier to provide than
hand-labeling several images. One challenge is to
combine this work with autonomous vision-based
map building (SLAM) (Jensfelt et al., 2006). We also
aim to extend our learning approach to smoothly de-
tect and adapt to illumination changes, thereby mak-
ing the robot operate with minimal human supervision
under natural conditions.
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