M. Usman Akram, Anam Tariq, Shahida Jabeen and Shoab A. Khan
Department of Computer Engineering, EME College, NUST, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Segmentation, Mean, Variance, Coherence, Gradient, Gray-level values.
A critical step in automatic fingerprint identification system(AFIS) is the accurate segmentation of fingerprint
images. The objective of fingerprint segmentation is to extract the region of interest(ROI). We present a method
for fingerprint segmentation based on boundary area gray-level values. We also present a modified traditional
gradient based segmentation technique. The enhanced segmentation technique is tested on FVC2004 database
and results show that our modified method gives better results in all cases.
Fingerprint recognition is regarded as the most pop-
ular biometric technique for person identification. A
fingerprint is a pattern of parallel ridges and valleys
on the surface of fingertip (Zhou and Gu, 2004). Most
Automatic Fingerprint Identification systems(AFIS)
are based on local ridge features; ridge ending and
ridge bifurcation, known as minutiae(A.K Jain and
Boole, 1997). Segmentation of fingerprint image is
the most important part of AFIS. Feature extraction
algorithms extract a lot of false features when ap-
plied to the noisy background area. The purpose of
segmentation is to remove the noisy area at the bor-
ders of fingerprint image. It is especially important
for the reliable extraction of fingerprint features. Fig-
ure 1 shows fingerprint segmentation. There are two
Figure 1: (a) Original Image (b) Segmented image.
types of fingerprint segmentation algorithms: unsu-
pervised and supervised. In Unsupervised algorithms,
block wise features such as local histogram of ridge
orientation (Mehtre and Chatterjee, 1989),(Mehtre,
1987), gray-level variance, magnitude of the gradient
in each image block (N.K.Ratha and A.K.Jain, 1995),
Gabor feature (F.Alonso-Fernandez, 2005),(A.Bazen
and S.Gerez, 2001) are extracted. Supervised method
first extracts several features like coherence, aver-
age gray level, variance and Gabor response (E.Zhu,
2006), then a simple linear classifier is chosen for
classification. Figure 2 shows the sample fingerprint
images from set B of FVC2004 database(FVC, 2004).
Figure 2: Fingerprint images from FVC2004 database.
There are by far many algorithms focusing on the
segmentation of fingerprint image. A method based
on local certainty level of the orientation field was de-
scribed in (A. K. Jain and Bolle, 1997). In (Maio and
Maltoni, 1997) the average gradient on each block is
computed which is expected to be high in the fore-
ground and low in the background. In (A.Bazen
and S.Gerez, 2001) gradient coherence, gray inten-
sity mean and variance are also used in segmenta-
tion. The segmentation technique presented in (Lin-
Lin Shen and Koo, 2001) is based on Gabor filters.
All previous methods have some problems in differ-
ent cases especially when it is difficult to distinguish
between foreground and background. In this paper we
have proposed a method which uses traditional tech-
Usman Akram M., Tariq A., Jabeen S. and Khan S. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 134-138
DOI: 10.5220/0001089401340138