compared to the late results obtained by Kronrod
and Gotsman (Kronrod and Gotsman, 2000) and its
enhancements of (Mukhopadhyay and Jing, 2003
and Kosicki and Mukhopadhyay, 2004) directly and
without applying any complex or arithmetic coding.
In this paper, we present an efficient face-based
connectivity encoding technique for compressing
non-triangular meshes. The presented technique
extends the previous work done by the authors in
their first contribution (Khattab, Abd El-Latif, Abdel
Wahab and Tolba, 2007) for compressing triangular
meshes to the special class of pure quad and hybrid
triangle-quad meshes. The presented technique
reduced the interaction types introduced by Kronrod
and Gotsman (Kronrod and Gotsman, 2000) from
thirteen to six by elimination of the interaction types
that causes the boundary to be split. This approach
saves for the encoding technique its simplicity and
efficiency. This reduction of interaction types
improved the compression ratio over the state-of-
the-art face-based techniques for compressing non-
triangular meshes. It is believed that applying
entropy or arithmetic coding to the achieved results
will lead to further increase in compression ratio.
The future work is to apply this efficient non-split
encoding technique for meshes with arbitrary
topology such as boundary and holes. The work in
this direction is under progress and the initial results
are promising.
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GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications