First, in this research, the Hair Object Model that
Figure 6: Sample hair motion.
Figure 7: Edited hair motion.
we adopted is one of the most generic polygon
structures used in the creation of CG characters. As
shown in Section 5, our hair simulation model works
successfully, however we have not tried to apply the
hair simulation model to others yet. Therefore we
need to modify our existing system, or develop a
hair simulation model that can be applied to various
hair structures, such as generic hair strands.
Secondly, we have successfully defined EFF
handling of separate winds moving from various
directions, depending on the hair motion capture.
As future work, we plan to capture hair motion
generated by natural wind blowing from several
directions at the same time. Furthermore, if a motion
capture marker is attached to material that is more
lightweight than hair, we will be able to capture
wind streams more precisely and, consequently,
create richer hair animation.
Finally, our hair motion editing system’s GUI
was designed using OpenGL and OpenCV. However,
CG creators often have their own preferences
regarding which 3DCG software they use. We
therefore, need to develop plug-ins for 3DCG
software, such as Maya, 3DMax and so on.
This research is supported by Japan Science and
Technology Agency, CREST project.
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