has been installed in a Linux cluster. The “Subjec-
tive Surfaces” algorithm has been parallelized in or-
der to simultaneously segment a number of cells. The
segmentation has been finally managed and launched
by the “Script” component; meaning that all the algo-
rithms and parameters to be used have been specified
by an XML script file. The Fig. 5 shows the surfaces
of membranes extracted from the embryo 4-D dataset
and visualized by the framework graphic user inter-
In this paper we presented a framework designed for
the analysis of multi-channel 4-D image datasets and
for supporting the implementation and test of new im-
age processing algorithms. We discussed its architec-
ture describing the different components and we illus-
trated some possible scenario of use. We finally de-
scribed a real scenario where the framework has been
used to design, test and apply to biological images an
algorithm for the segmentation of cells.
The framework actually can work only on two-
channel 4-D dataset; we will improve the toolkit with
the goal to extend the image processing on n-channel
4-D dataset. Another improvement of the system is
needed in order to simplify the insertion of new rou-
tines in the algorithm collection; a plug-in “updating
procedure” may will be adopted for this.
In the next future, we will focus on the analysis of
the data produced by the tracking of nuclei. This final
step will produce the cell lineage tree that describes
division, death and movements of cells in time and
We thank all the members of the Embryomics and
BioEmergences projects for our very fruitful interdis-
ciplinary interaction.
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GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications