Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos
1, 2
and Konstantinidis Andreas
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki, Greece
Research Academic Computer
Technology Institute, Greece
Keywords: Collaborative, Virtual Environment, Evaluation.
Abstract: This paper presents several methodologies concerning the evaluation of Collaborative Virtual Environments
(CVEs). In doing so, the authors aim to compensate for the absence of a CVE evaluating standard, with the
goal of aiding future evaluators in their task. Initially, the paper discusses the general benefits of CVEs and
computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Based on the examined research it continues with sug-
gested evaluation criteria and the division of evaluation into partitions. Following that, we discuss recom-
mended evaluator profiles and data mining practices. The paper concludes with a description of appropriate
data analysis procedures. In the final section, some closing remarks are made and future work is discussed.
A Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) is a
computer-based, distributed, virtual space or set of
places. In such places, people can meet and interact
with others, with agents, or with virtual objects.
CVEs might vary in their representational richness
from 3D graphical spaces, 2.5D and 2D environ-
ments, to text-based environments. Access to CVES
is by no means limited to desktop devices, but might
well include mobile or wearable devices, public
kiosks, etc (Churchill et. Al., 2001) It is true that
CVES will play an important role in future educa-
tion since continuous enhancements in computer
technology and the current widespread computer
literacy among the public have resulted in a new
generation of students that expect increasingly more
from their e-learning experiences. To keep up with
such expectations, e-learning systems have gone
through a radical change from the initial text-based
environments to more stimulating multimedia sys-
The evaluation phase in a software application’s
development cycle is of paramount importance.
Through evaluation, software houses can cut down
on development cost and time. Evaluation can also
aid in the demonstration of a program’s benefits to
funding sources and can improve its overall effec-
tiveness and appeal. Better evaluations can lead to
better designs, based on users’ and experts’ recom-
mendations and suggestions. On the other hand, as
(Turner and Turner, 2002) among others have ob-
served, the evaluation of collaborative applications
is fraught with difficulty.
There reason for this difficulty will become
clearer in the next section, where we discuss the
multitude of criteria that a thorough and complete
CVE evaluation must take into account. In section 3,
we present methodologies on how to simplify the
evaluation process by breaking it down into individ-
ual partitions while in the remaining sections we
suggest evaluator profiles, data mining practices and
data analysis procedures based on what the majority
of the examined research proposes.
It is important when planning an evaluation to de-
termine which items are assessable. This is often the
most complex part. This collection of items is neces-
sary to formulate specific questionnaires and hence
to find and eliminate disturbance factors from the
implementation of a CVE (Goebbels et. Al., 2003)
Tsiatsos T. and Andreas K. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 499-504
DOI: 10.5220/0001098604990504
In our research we discovered that these criteria
varied considerably between evaluations. We will
briefly present here the common criteria used among
the majority of researchers. These include: effective-
ness, transparency, confidence, usability, interac-
tion, application, collaborative work, system related
criteria and the sense of co-presence.
The ISO 9241-11 (ISO, 1998), defines effective-
ness as a human’s accuracy and completeness in
doing tasks. A tight relation between effectiveness
and efficiency is also confirmed, as efficiency is
defined as the effort necessary to achieve effective-
ness. A system is designated as transparent if the
user recognizes whether the dialog system is proc-
essing an input command or is waiting for a new
Even though, members of the army community
as well as major organizations such as Boeing,
Chrysler and General Motors are now regularly
using CVES for system and product development
life-cycle (DLC) activities (Lethinen and Hak-
karainen, 2001), there is still the matter of confi-
dence in such a novel technology. In that, according
to (Turner end Turner, 2002): the CVE must show
that it can deliver safety-critical training to senior
professionals; the training through a CVE must be
validated by a recognised training and standards
body as being of a suitable standard; the CVE must
be accepted by the trainers, trainees and employers
who will have to use it.
Usability inspections of the initial applications
are necessary so as to uncover the main design flaws
and allow a clean up of the design, meanwhile
adapting the method to 3D collaborative aspects.
Usability and interaction are very much interrelated.
Concerning interaction, social-arbitrary knowledge
(language, values, rules, morality, and symbol sys-
tems) can only be learned in interactions with others.
Several human-computer interaction rules for dis-
play design must be taken into account when im-
plementing any e-learning system, such as consis-
tency of data display (labelling and graphic conven-
tions), efficient information assimilation by the user,
use of metaphors, minimal memory load on user,
compatibility of data display with data entry, flexi-
bility for user control of data display, presentation of
information graphically where appropriate, standard-
ized abbreviations, and presentation of digital values
only where knowledge of numerical value is neces-
sary and useful.
Application criteria are generally concerned with
the affordances of objects and the lack of help with
the CVE itself. They are broad in nature, from prob-
lems with objects whose operation is not obvious, to
wider topics such as how best to represent group
services to group members.
The difficulty in evaluating collaborative work is
that some tasks are less “shareable” than others. For
instance, solving anagrams can hardly be done col-
laboratively because it involves perceptual processes
which are not easy to verbalise (if they are open to
introspection at all). In contrast, some tasks are
inherently distributed, either geographically (e.g.,
two radar-agents, receiving different data about the
same aeroplane), functionally (e.g., the pilot and the
air traffic controller) or temporally (e.g., the take-off
agent and the landing-agent).
High system responsiveness is perceived as hav-
ing very positive impact on collaboration (Goebbels
et. Al., 2003). Even downsizing the application in
order to decrease the CPU load is thought to be
recommendable. Apparently, good system respon-
siveness is guaranteed if all inputs and outputs are
processed and rendered within less than 50ms.
Given the user’s expectation of free movement at all
times, a low system responsiveness suggests to the
user that an error has occurred, or that the operation
failed. This is also potentially serious for immersed
users since the visual and proprioceptive cues will
Finally, researchers can organize isolated auxil-
iary case-controlled experiments focused on the
evaluation of factors of the central CVE concept of
presence. Research (Goebbels et. Al., 2003) has
shown that the perception of co-presence is interre-
lated with the video frame rate. Further experiments
with the video frame rate as a parameter showed that
the perception of co-presence vanishes completely if
the video frame rate sinks below 12 fps.
Additional criteria based on the conversational
framework presented and discussed in (Lethinen and
Hakkarainen, 2001) are resource negotiation, adap-
tation, monitoring, student reflection, extensibility,
coordination of people and activities, individualisa-
tion and learner centeredness. Other criteria, men-
tioned but not shared between the researchers are
input devices, physical equipment and cabling, fre-
quency with which the user looks at the partner and
frequency with which the user speaks with the part-
Considering all these evaluation items in one ses-
sion is almost impossible, since the items mentioned
above evaluate too many different aspects of Hu-
man-Computer-Human interaction. In order to ad-
dress this number of items special partitions of
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
evaluation must be defined. This is the theme of the
next section.
As we saw in the previous section, the broadness of
CVE evaluation criteria constitutes an obstruction in
the evaluation process. This has been circumvented
by many researchers who propose specific criteria
partitioning. These partitions differ greatly in num-
ber, purpose and scope. Some partitions simply help
categorize the criteria while others constitute distinct
phases or sessions of the evaluation process.
Some researchers (Michailidou and Economides,
2003) categorize the criteria as psychological, peda-
gogical, technical, operational, organizational, eco-
nomic, social and cultural. Others such as (Turner
and Turner, 2002) divide the criteria in dimensions.
These dimensions are the usability dimension, the
collaborative work dimension and the ‘fit for pur-
pose’ dimension. The usability dimension includes
many of the usual issues of interaction with the user
interface (UI), such as: if users can find functions,
perceive the effect of their actions and use a range of
input devices. A final consideration at this level is
the affordances relating to the fidelity of the virtual
world to its physical counterpart, presence (meaning
the sense of being in the virtual world) and engage-
ment (meaning the sense of being ‘wrapped up’ in
any action that may be occurring) have a close but
somewhat complex association with embodiment.
The collaborative work dimension is about the users
trying to work through the UI to employ specific
functions to collaborate with others in the environ-
ment. Finally, the ‘fit for purpose’ dimension is
closely related with the confidence criterion pre-
sented in section 2. The researchers mentioned that
users also appeared to find this partition a natural
one, thus allowing meaningful discussion of peda-
gogic effectiveness whilst acknowledging that ergo-
nomic issues were still outstanding. They commend
the approach to others working in similar evaluation
On the other hand, some researchers such as
(Grasso and Roselli, 2006) divide the criteria into
three sessions. These are a usability session, a co-
presence session and a co-work session. We will
briefly present here their proposed methodology. In
an introductory session the evaluators are informed
about the display system, the equipment and the
environment they are going to work with (the objec-
tive being to create almost the same conditions for
all evaluators). Following that, the usability session
begins. Here, the users interact autonomously within
the CVE for about five minutes. During the interac-
tion an external observer is taking notes and filling
out a special observer questionnaire contributing to
data mining, as will be discussed in section 5.
After this, in the co-presence session, the user
works again in the CVE but now with another data
set. In contrast to the latter session an experienced
user who has been involved in the development
process is remotely present within the same envi-
ronment through an audio/video connection. The
experienced user explains the task, the data set, the
input devices and the tools remotely to the evaluator.
Finally, in the co-work session, two users must work
together to complete a task. The task is designed in
such a way as to be impossible for it to be completed
by just one user.
Another way of partitioning the evaluation proc-
ess is by designing task-oriented social situations to
represent typical collaborative scenarios. Two types
of situations are defined. The first is called presenta-
tion and occurs whenever there is an expert who
wants to instruct a novice, as in cases of training or
in the field of education. The other is the joint work
of two people who try to benefit from their com-
bined expert knowledge in order to solve a difficult
problem. A variation of this method consists of two
phases: a usability inspection and a scenario based
A final method of making sure all the criteria are
assessed in the evaluation process is to expose the
users to the different features of a system through
specific tasks. For example, in some papers, four
tasks are defined as presented in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Task oriented evaluation.
The choice of evaluators depends greatly on the
intended target group of the CVE and their ability to
cooperate with the CVE designers. For example,
when working with children it is especially impor-
tant to inform them that their performance will be
evaluated by the teachers as part of their class-work.
Motivation is an important factor that can question
the validity of experiments with children (Grasso
and Roselli, 2006).
There are several other factors which must be
taken into consideration when deciding upon the
evaluators of a CVE. Factors such as the number of
evaluators employed, previous experience with
CVEs, educational background, profession and age.
Previous experience is very important, since one can
yield considerable detailed suggestions for im-
provements from CVE experts. Secondary factors
include the ability to remain unaffected by virtual
reality-induced symptoms and effects (VRISE),
since empirical testing confirms that virtual reality
systems induce physical symptoms and effects in
VCES (Bochenek and Ragusa, 2003). However, this
should concern mostly 3D CVE designers.
In addition, further research is needed in assess-
ing social discomfort levels generated in CVEs,
caused by participants working concurrently with
real people and their avatars. Finally, when evaluat-
ing a CVE in groups it is important to consider that
low achievers progressively become passive when
collaborating with high achievers and that groups of
three are less effective because they tend to be com-
petitive, whilst pairs tend to be more cooperative
(Dillenbourg et. al., 1996).
In the majority of the researched work, participa-
tion was anonymous and the number of evaluators
varied between 10 and 30. The age of the evaluators
was from a minimum 17 years to a maximum 58
years while the majority was between 22 and 27
years old. Most of the evaluators were university
students, whereas there was diversity in the other
users’ professions.
In one research (Turner and Turner, 2002) how-
ever, because of the restricted availability of users
from the target community, preliminary system
evaluation was carried out by ‘proxy’ subjects who
represented the eventual user population as closely
as possible in terms of relevant background skills
and experience. This allowed the researchers to
conserve the scarce resource of ‘real’ users for more
polished versions of the software. In the same re-
search it is argued that at least where issues of trust
and confidence are involved, domain-specific tech-
niques can only be developed with the participation
of the community concerned.
Selecting evaluators more befittingly can lead to
the more efficient acquisition of data during the data
mining process. Accuracy in the acquired data,
translates to a more conclusive and convincing
analysis. These subjects will be discussed in the next
This section discusses the tools and methods design-
ers can use to gain important information from the
evaluators’ experience with the CVE. Separating the
evaluation procedure into subjective and objective is
suitable when comparing two different conditions
like a non-computerized approach (e.g. the tradi-
tional textbook) and a contemporary one (e.g.
CVES). The objective part takes into account how
the subjects interact and deal with the different fea-
tures; and can be recorded automatically by the
software. The subjective part reflects the user’s
impression about the interfaces, and can be acquired
through surveys and interviews.
Data collection usually consists of three stages:
pre-testing, system interaction and post-testing.
Most common among researches (e.g. (Turner and
Turner, 2002), (Dillenbourg et. al., 1996)), is the
filling out of questionnaires or web-based forms
before and after the evaluation process by the users.
The pre-questionnaire is usually about self-rating or
demographic information, while the post-
questionnaire concerns itself with the overall CVE
experience and criteria mentioned in section 2. It
should be noted that if the questionnaires are similar
in nature, in order to avoid carry-over effects the
wording of the post-test should be slightly different.
Within the questionnaires, multiple choice ques-
tions, free answers and Likert scales (a variation of
which can be seen in Figure 2) are regularly used.
Figure 2: A variation of a Likert scale called a seven-point
The multiple choice questions are generally grouped
into sections such as: general impression of the
collaborative system; details about virtual worlds
and avatars; navigation within the system; coopera-
tion modes and interaction with the collaborator;
technical questions about the interaction elements.
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
On the other hand, the free questions are con-
cerned with general ideas for improved usability of
the cooperation modes and omitted information the
participants felt they required about each other in
order to solve their tasks faster. After the question-
naires are examined, video recorded interviews can
be carried out to clarify certain points.
Specifically in (Turner and Turner, 2002), the re-
searchers based their set of tasks and questionnaire
items on Laurillard’s model of teaching and learning
(Laurillard, 1993) The final version of their software
was evaluated by experienced tutors. The NASA
ITQ questionnaire (a measure of immersive tenden-
cies) was administered before the evaluation started
followed up by a questionnaire instrument incorpo-
rating the collaborative and pedagogic aspects, cou-
pled with the NASA PQ – the counterpart to the ITQ
which aims to measure presence.
As mentioned in section 3, when users interact
with the CVE, they can be videotaped as observers
monitor their progress, supported by checklists mir-
roring the questionnaire content. These can be used
for post-evaluation discussions derived from analy-
sis of the verbalisations and behaviour recorded.
The examined evaluation procedures took place
on an average of three consecutive days and had a
mean total evaluation time of three hours.
The analysis of the acquired data will establish the
data mining process’ validity and lead to conclu-
sions which will help advance CVE development
and design. In order to deal with values between
zero and one, the acquired data should be normal-
ized for simplifying further operations of statistical
analysis by SPSS, Origin or any other software
program used.
The t-test technique is suitable for user numbers
less than thirty. In this test, given two data sets, each
characterized by its mean, standard deviation and
number of data points; we can determine whether
the means are distinct, provided that the underlying
distributions can be assumed to be normal.
While the t-test is suitable for independent sam-
ples, the one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) fits
for tracing a number of groups on one variable, like
finding out the effect of students' learning depending
on different studying methods (King et. al., 2003)
ANOVA is a collection of statistical models, and
their associated procedures, in which the observed
variance is partitioned into components due to dif-
ferent explanatory variables.
Another proposed method of analysis is pre-
sented in (Laurillard, 1993). Here the analysis is
partitioned into three levels. In the first level analy-
sis, average values and their expectancy values are
computed and compared for each session separately.
Following that, in the group analysis, these statisti-
cal values are compared between the different ses-
sions. Since the questionnaires were especially de-
signed so that questions belonging to different ses-
sions evaluate similar criteria. Finally, in the varia-
tion group analysis there is again a comparison of
different sessions with each other. The difference
here lays in the alteration of specific factors between
groups in order to cross-check the influence of these
particular factors in supporting team work.
Finally, some researchers analyze the collabora-
tion into two levels. One level covered the technical
aspects and issues the participants were faced with,
while the other dealt with social aspects of the col-
laboration, like how the participants interacted with
each other. For this analysis methods from psycho-
logical discourse analysis and sequential film analy-
sis were used.
In this paper, based on the methodology the majority
of the examined research is adopting, we presented
the most important factors any CVE designer must
take into consideration when planning an evaluation
procedure. Our goal was to aid future evaluators in
coordinating more efficient and conclusive research.
We described in brief the evaluation criteria engag-
ing the majority of examined researchers and their
propositions in organizing these criteria into proc-
essable modules. Following that, we discussed the
profiles of the users (evaluators) and how the correct
selection of these users can lead to more accurate
data mining and more precise data analysis. In the
last sections we presented specific data mining tools
and analysis procedures incorporated by the major-
ity of the researched work. Our next step is to keep
examining CVE evaluation methodologies with the
prospect of suggesting an effective evaluation prac-
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GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications