Figure 2: The Stanford dragon model in the entrance hall.
Figure 3: Shadows and occlusion are handled via differen-
tial rendering and reconstructed geometry.
rameters than non-linear parts. While ρ
was evalu-
ated correctly in most cases, i.e. no mutant or local
minima, the deviations in ρ
and especially in n were
generally too high. It is still unclear whether a larger
population or higher mutation rates will lead to better
results. It should be noted that these test cases exclu-
sively deal with known BRDF’s and do not contain
any lighting information from an image whatsoever,
neither virtual nor real lights. In the actual implemen-
tation, the process iteratively factors out virtual light
sources. Ultimately, the calculation of the BRDF pa-
rameters that follows this estimation is replaced by
the genetic algorithm.
The most urgent matter right now is to have a uni-
fied model for creating irradiance maps, because the
currently used spherical harmonics for instance are
unsuitable for high-frequency functions. Relating to
actual reflection model parameters such as those of
specular functions will then be much easier. Cur-
rently, Haar Wavlets show promising results, because
the multi-resolution analysis allows to capture high
frequencies with relatively few coefficients. Ambi-
ent occlusion as a placeholder for other surface func-
tions is sufficient right now. However, special effects
such as interreflections or caustics are currently not
handled. A suitable and dynamic method compara-
ble to LDPRT (Sloan et al., 2005) has to be included
in the near future. Also, the current approach to ex-
tract light sources manually from sphere maps does
set heavy boundaries to the dynamic usage. A sta-
ble real time approach to extract lights from HDR
sphere maps such as in (Supan and Stuppacher, 2006)
or (Korn et al., 2006) still has to be implemented.
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GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications