Tobias Franke and Yvonne Jung
GRIS TU-Darmstadt/ Fraunhofer IGD, Fraunhoferstr. 5, Darmstadt, Germany
Mixed Reality, Image Based Lighting, Shader, Real-time, Differential Rendering.
In this paper, we propose a combination of modern GPU-based methods that are able to generate high-quality,
interactive real-time rendering for augmented and mixed reality applications. We also present a new approach
to estimate surface reflection functions and materials from images using genetic algorithms.
The fusion of real and virtual worlds is the foundation
for a range of computer graphics applications: com-
plex augmented and mixed reality, movie effects and
the ability to advertise products not yet completed,
such as houses still being built or prototypes of cars in
real environments. To achieve a mixed reality feeling,
complex lighting interaction between real and virtual
objects has to be simulated in real time. Only if the
user is not able to clearly distinguish between real and
virtual objects, this aim is reached.
This paper presents a ”piped” combination of cur-
rent methods to generate high quality images in real
time with real world lighting. New GPU-based tech-
niques allow us to limit the needed processing power,
thus making the system mobile and ready for further
enhancements. We also describe a new approach to
derive complex materials from the original scene ra-
diance given by HDR images.
In (Debevec, 1998) ”differential rendering” was pre-
sented in order to merge virtual objects with real
scenes. By calculating the difference of two rendered
images of the reconstructed virtual scene via a ra-
diosity simulation, once with and once without the
objects, the change that is introduced by placing the
virtual objects into a scene is recovered. Combined
with the rendered objects the difference can be added
to a real image. In (Grosch, 2005) this method was
extended to also handle reflective and refractive ob-
jects correctly. Illumination of the real environment is
passed to the virtual object via irradiance maps from
a light probe, captured as HDR images. In (Kautz
et al., 2004), the authors discuss ways of filtering
environment maps to create different types of irradi-
ance maps. Spherical harmonics (SH) are used to ex-
tract the diffuse frequencies of the environment map,
while hardware generated mipmaps are used to cre-
ate glossy maps. A combination of the original and
both filtered images yields the final reflection that is
mapped onto the virtual object. In (King, 2005), the
author proposes to use irradiance maps in conjunc-
tion with ambient occlusion (AO), a statistical method
that determines shadowsunder complete diffuse light-
ing conditions, without considering any light sources.
These values can be used to attenuate colors from the
irradiance maps to simulate self-shadowing under the
assumption of distant global illumination.
3.1 Irradiance Mapping
The first important step to enable high quality ren-
dering of real and virtual lights is the lighting recon-
struction phase, where real world lighting is captured
to transfer effects from the real scene onto a virtual
model. For instance, a light-switch could be toggled
in the real environment, which should have an effect
on the virtual objects, otherwise it will be clear rather
soon that they are just an augmentation. For static
configurations, the incident radiance is captured with
a light probe. Dynamic scene lighting can be captured
Franke T. and Jung Y. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 249-252
DOI: 10.5220/0001099302490252
with a 180
fish eye lens. The acquisition should be
done in HDR, otherwise lighting mapped for different
materials will appear to have no contrast. Our simu-
lation relies on image based lighting, a method that
derives all information about the environment light-
ing from images. Usually, these images are cube- or
sphere maps and can be used to simulate highly re-
flective or mirror-like surfaces. Unlike ”simple” en-
vironment mapping, the idea of irradiance mapping is
to use environment maps for a range of basic trans-
fer functions. By filtering this map, incident light for
glossy or diffuse surfaces can be simulated. Currently
we use the spherical harmonic basis to simulate dif-
fuse and low order glossy irradiance, because high
frequencies are captured inadequately.
3.2 Ambient Occlusion
Using precomputed radiance transfer, more complex
transfer functions can be simulated. Additionally to
the irradiance map L, the surface’s transfer function
T is moved to frequency space, and by exploiting
L · T
· T
(which is easily evaluable inside
a shader), the integral of the rendering equation is
approximated while retaining high rendering speed.
The perhaps most obvious difference between local
and global illumination are shadows, especially self-
shadowing. Without, objects seem to have no detail
in structure, but with self-shadowing, tiny structures
become emphasized and add to the overall realism.
Many of those details can be recovered with ambient
occlusion. We use AO as a substitute for the trans-
fer function in PRT, because it can be calculated in
real time also for non-rigid objects. Before the irra-
diance maps are applied to the objects surface, AO is
determined through a modified version of the method
described in (Sattler et al., 2004). Real scenes con-
tain much indirect lighting, so only using direct light
sources as sampling positions is unrealistic. Hence,
random sample positions are used to determine the
ambient occlusion on the model. In table 1, we have
measured the difference between the generated AO
valuesof a 1000 sample reference model and the same
model with a lower sample count. One can see that
even for complex geometry, the error drops below
10% with 25 samples. The relative difference with 5-
sample-steps drops below 1% at 50 samples for most
models. For high-polygon or rigid objects, we pre-
compute and store the same information with its col-
ors. In combination, the colors from the irradiance
maps are attenuated with the ambient occlusion val-
ues on the surface. A result is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: L.: Ambient occlusion. R.: Irradiance mapping.
Table 1: Statistical deviation from converged AO, depend-
ing on smoothness of surface (compare column 1 and 2).
Samples EG Dragon EG Dragon Buddha
Smooth Normal
5 21.6528% 16.6647% 24.1992%
25 9.50936% 5.29504% 8.72107%
50 7.32016% 2.94598% 6.15287%
100 4.02114% 1.42048% 4.46811%
150 3.33963% 2.80035% 3.65112%
3.3 Shadows
One problem is that irradiance mapping does not ad-
dress any positional information about light sources,
whereas AO is not considering light sources at all.
Without this information, casting shadows into the
right direction will become difficult. In our simu-
lation, we first extract possible direct light sources
from images in a pre-process. While the direction can
be taken directly from the irradiance map, the posi-
tion is determined by intersecting its boundary points
with the surrounding reconstructed scene model. The
extracted positions are then used to project shad-
ows onto geometry. Visually pleasing results were
achieved with PCF and PCSS shadows, although
the latter caused some performance hits (Jung et al.,
2007). To determine the shadow’s intensity during
runtime, we used the first coefficient of the SH analy-
sis of the surrounding lighting configuration. Because
the first SH function is constant, the first coefficient
will statistically provide information about the ambi-
ent brightness in the scene. Thus, the inverse value
(given that c
is normalized to [0, 1]) can be used as
shadow intensity. The brighter the ambient lighting
is, the less intense the shadow will be and vice versa.
The same value can be used to adjust the AO values.
Differential rendering is a multi pass compositing
technique that is feasible for augmenting images or
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
videos with consistent illumination. It requires two
lighting simulations, one with the real scene only and
a second one with the additional virtual objects in-
serted. For real-time appliances the rendering should
be hardware accelerated, therefore both before men-
tioned scenes are rendered into different textures us-
ing standard rasterization methods. Let L
be the
original scene radiance given by the background im-
age, L
the rendered scene with virtual objects and
the rendering without them. Then the error in
the rendered scene is L
= L
. As can
be seen, the better geometry and material reconstruc-
tion are, the smaller the resulting error is. By subtract-
ing the error from L
, the changes in illumination
caused by inserting the virtual object then can be rep-
resented as L
= L
+ (L
). Finally
a window-sized, view-aligned quad is rendered with
a special shader program, which combines all images
according to this formula.
To accurately map virtual light or shadows onto real
surfaces, their properties have to be known upfront.
For instance, to simulate interaction between a virtual
light and a real surface it has to be clear whether or not
that surface is diffuse or mirror-like. If these proper-
ties are unknown, the differential rendering will pro-
duce wrong colors for shadows and lights (or other ar-
tifacts). In our simulation, an off-line process tries to
analytically estimate material properties from camera
images. This process is a modified implementation of
(Gibson et al., 2001). Combined with real lights in
the image, placeholders for unknown lights, so called
virtual lights, are adapted to match the irradiance of
the surface. Diffuse materials can then be estimated
iteratively with a linear equation system. As soon
as non-linear components are added to the surface
BRDF, other solutions have to be found. The authors
proposed minimizing a cost function with non-linear
optimization for all unknown variables. Instead, we
used genetic algorithms as a consistent substitute for
all material functions.
5.1 Genetic Algorithms
A genetic algorithm is a particular class of evolution-
ary algorithms that is used for global search and opti-
mization problems. Instead of calculating in a deter-
ministic manner a result is evolved from a population
of possible solutions. The main motivation for genetic
algorithms as a substitute to approximate surface re-
flection functions in our implementation is that they
require no knowledge of the problem-space. There-
fore, one single implementation is sufficient to esti-
mate unknown variables for all kinds of BRDF’s. We
encode all variables in a simple vector, which simul-
taneously serves as a genome. To evaluate the fitness
of a possible result, a cost function simply generates
values i
for all visible pixels of the surface using the
evolved genome. All lights, including virtual lights,
are taken into the equation. All generated pixel val-
ues are then subtracted from the pixel values i
of the
real surface in the photograph. The fitness q (0, )
of a genome can be calculated with q =
. In
the unlikely case that the denominator equals zero, a
perfect match (i.e. a perfect genome) has been found.
An P4/2.4 GHz PC with a NVidia 6600 GT graph-
ics board and 1 GB memory was used to conduct
our tests, with the OpenSG (OpenSG, 2007) render-
ing system and the Avalon (IR, 2007) framework for
application description. Test data was acquired with
a Canon EOS 350D camera for scene backgrounds
and the light probe. HDR photos were generated via
Debevec’s HDRShop. The dragon model in figure
2 is rendered in a 1500× 1000 pixel context with 8
× FSAA, an SH analysis with 9 coefficients, a mix-
ture of 25% diffuse and 75% specular HDR irradi-
ance maps, static AO and PCF shadows. The blending
into the real image is performed via differential ren-
dering and the final image is drawn at 9 FPS. Much
higher framerates (up to 60) are achieved for low-
polygon models such as the Stanford bunny. For less
complex models dynamic ambient occlusion can be
enabled without major performance hits, though de-
pending heavily on the sampling rate. The differential
rendering automatically handles occlusions from real
objects to virtual ones or vice versa, as shown in fig-
ure 3. To assure that light and shadows are transfered
correctly onto real materials, the material reconstruc-
tion as described above is used to gather information
about the surface the object is placed on.
Diffuse materials were reconstructed through the
iterative method described above. We have tested a
steady state genetic algorithm on a simulated Phong
material to evaluate the quality of a reconstruction.
1000 surface samples were gathered to determine the
parameters ρ
, ρ
and n, with a population size of
100 genomes. The test results point out that linear
parts of the equation f(x,
) =
were evaluated with less deviation from the actual pa-
Figure 2: The Stanford dragon model in the entrance hall.
Figure 3: Shadows and occlusion are handled via differen-
tial rendering and reconstructed geometry.
rameters than non-linear parts. While ρ
was evalu-
ated correctly in most cases, i.e. no mutant or local
minima, the deviations in ρ
and especially in n were
generally too high. It is still unclear whether a larger
population or higher mutation rates will lead to better
results. It should be noted that these test cases exclu-
sively deal with known BRDF’s and do not contain
any lighting information from an image whatsoever,
neither virtual nor real lights. In the actual implemen-
tation, the process iteratively factors out virtual light
sources. Ultimately, the calculation of the BRDF pa-
rameters that follows this estimation is replaced by
the genetic algorithm.
The most urgent matter right now is to have a uni-
fied model for creating irradiance maps, because the
currently used spherical harmonics for instance are
unsuitable for high-frequency functions. Relating to
actual reflection model parameters such as those of
specular functions will then be much easier. Cur-
rently, Haar Wavlets show promising results, because
the multi-resolution analysis allows to capture high
frequencies with relatively few coefficients. Ambi-
ent occlusion as a placeholder for other surface func-
tions is sufficient right now. However, special effects
such as interreflections or caustics are currently not
handled. A suitable and dynamic method compara-
ble to LDPRT (Sloan et al., 2005) has to be included
in the near future. Also, the current approach to ex-
tract light sources manually from sphere maps does
set heavy boundaries to the dynamic usage. A sta-
ble real time approach to extract lights from HDR
sphere maps such as in (Supan and Stuppacher, 2006)
or (Korn et al., 2006) still has to be implemented.
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GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications