A Position Paper
Claus B. Madsen and Michael Nielsen
Computer Vision and Media Technology Lab, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Augmented Reality, illumination estimation, rendering, shadow detection, shadow rendering.
The main problem area for Augmented Reality is ensuring that the illumination of the virtual objects is contin-
uously consistent with the illumination in the real scene. State of the art in the area typically requires the real
scene illumination conditions to be captured as a High Dynamic Range environment map. The environment
map is then used for shading and shadowing. Handling the real and the virtual shadows and their interaction is
the single most difficult aspect. This paper presents a completely different approach to determining the illumi-
nation conditions in the real scene. Based on an assumption that the scene is outdoor we automatically detect
shadows in the image and use this information to determine the ratio of sky irradiance to sun irradiance. We
then present how to convert this information into radiance levels for both the sky and the sun. When combined
with a computation of the Sun’s position based on date, time and information about position on the Earth, we
arrive at a full illumination model applicable for rendering virtual objects into real scenes.
Without doubt Augmented Reality (AR) will become
a widespread technology within few years. The pro-
liferation of computer-based, portable imaging de-
vices such as cell phones and PDAs makes it very
attractive to develop AR techniques that can enable
augmentation of images with credible renderings of
virtual geometry,- for entertainment, education, and
information purposes. To augment the real world
with real-time renderings of monsters to combat in
the street, to augment the real world with images of
how ancient architecture looked or to augment the real
world with route finding information, etc.
There are three technical problems areas to solve
in order to accomplish photo-realistic AR: 1) camera
registration, 2) occlusion handling, and 3) estimat-
ing the real world illumination. We conjecture that
the first two problems will have a feasible technolog-
ical solution within relatively few years. Regarding
registration GPS combined with image-based track-
ing of features will allow for knowing the position
and orientation of the camera in real time. Regard-
ing occlusion handling, that is, determining whether
a virtual object occludes a real object or vice versa,
will also eventually be solved through combinations
of laser range finding and multi-view 3D reconstruc-
tion. The third problem, illumination, still holds
many complicated challenges, unless certain assump-
tions/restrictions are made.
In this paper we present an approach to estimat-
ing the illumination conditions in a real scene for use
in AR applications. Our approach is quite different
from main stream work in this area, which involve
acquiring a complete High Dynamic Range omni-
directional environment map of the scene, e.g., ac-
quired as a light probe using a reflective sphere. Our
approach is to determine the illumination conditions
directly from an image of the scene.
In general estimating illumination from an un-
known scene is ill-posed and may never be completely
solved. The things that make our approach work are:
1) we assume information about date, time and posi-
tion on Earth is available for the image, 2) we assume
the image is of an outdoor scene with only natural
(sky and sun) illumination, and 3) we assume there
is a predominant occurrence of approximately diffuse
surfaces in the scene. The first assumption is very
reasonable, since cameras in the near future will in-
clude GPS information into the image header, as well
as date and time. The second assumption is reason-
able, since there is a lot of outdoor world to photo-
graph. The third assumption is also reasonable since
urban scenes have a lot of road, pavement, brick, and
concrete surfaces, which all are approximately Lam-
bertian. Moreover, we conjecture that the diffuse sur-
face assumption can be relaxed greatly in the future
due to further research.
B. Madsen C. and Nielsen M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third Inter national Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 255-261
DOI: 10.5220/0001099502550261
Figure 1: Illustration of idea in this work with images. Left: input image acquired outside in sunshine. Center: real shadows
automatically detected and removed to illustrate performance of detection. Right: information from shadow detection step
has been used to estimate Sun and Sky illumination conditions and virtual objects have been rendered into the scene with
credible shading and shadowing.
The general idea in the work presented here is that
the outdoor (daylight) illumination conditions can be
modeled quite accurately by a distant disk light source
(the Sun) in combination with a Sky dome. We as-
sume the radiance of the Sky dome is the same over
the entire hemi-sphere. The respective radiances of
the Sky and the Sun are estimated based on informa-
tion from a automated shadowdetection process. That
is, the shadows already present in the image provide
the only source of information for the parameters of
the illumination model (a part from the position of the
Sun, which is found procedurally from date, time and
Earth location information). Figure 1 shows an exam-
ple of application of the techniques presented here.
The bold statement in this paper is that photo-
realistic Augmented Reality using no explicit illumi-
nation calibration, such as light probes, will be possi-
ble sometime in the not so distant future. The position
taken in the paper is that the scene itself and images
of it contain enough information to reconstruct the il-
lumination conditions, and we present a specific tech-
nique which achieves exactly that on images within a
well defined sub-set of outdoor scenery.
The most widely applied technique for obtaining il-
lumination information from a real scene is environ-
ment maps, also sometimes referredto as light probes.
Light probes are images taken of a reflective sphere
placed in the scene. This image can be remapped to
different omni-directional mappings which can be ap-
plied for shading virtual objects, either in a non-real-
time or a real-time rendering system, (Debevec, 2005;
Madsen et al., 2003; Havran et al., 2005; Barsi et al.,
2005; Jensen et al., 2006; Madsen and Laursen, 2007;
Debevec, 1998; Debevec, 2002).
This technique provides very precise information
about the illumination conditions in terms of radiance
and incoming direction, but there are several draw-
back. First of all the light probe image has to be in
a High Dynamic Range (HDR) format, which as of
yet requires multiple exposures of the same (static)
scene. It is though fair to assume that consumer cam-
eras in the future will provide HDR information in
a single exposure. Secondly, the coordinate system
of the probe has to be calibrated to the scene coor-
dinate system, as well as the camera. Furthermore,
the information contained in the light probe is only
valid at the precise point where the probe image was
acquired, so generally a single probe acquisition can-
not be used to model the illuminations across a larger
scene (the distant scene assumption). The latter prob-
lem can though be alleviated given a coarse 3D model
of the scene onto which the light probe image can be
back-projected, as in (Gibson et al., 2003). The single
most annoying thing about the light probe approach,
though, is that the probe information becomes invalid
in dynamic scenes, with changing illumination condi-
tions. For example in outdoor scenes. It is simply not
realistic to place a reflective sphere in the scene every
once in a while to capture the illumination conditions.
While the light probe approach is pre-dominant in
the literature, there are a few other approaches. For
a recent review of approaches to estimating illumi-
nation in Augmented Reality see (Jacobs and Loscos,
2004). The most promising frameworks employ some
form of inverse rendering, where illumination and re-
flection properties of the surfaces of the scene are it-
eratively determined based on one or more images
of the scene, (Yu et al., 1999; Boivin and Gagalow-
icz, 2001; Boivin and Gagalowicz, 2002). The draw-
back of these approaches is that they require perfectly
modeled, complete 3D scene geometry and complete
knowledge about light sources (position, radiance, ra-
diation characteristics, etc.).
The final category of related work go in a direction
toward trying to understand the illumination condition
based on single images of the scene with as little as
possible prior information and/or assumptions. Some
work is based on a single image of a geometrically
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
known 3D object casting shadow on a planar surface
of known reflectance, (Sato et al., 1999). Although el-
egant this technique’s primary shortcoming is the re-
quirement that a 3D model is available of the shadow
casting object, which makes the technique less suit-
able for general, automated real applications. Other
work, (Cao et al., 2005), extracts quantitative illumi-
nation information from images of general shadows,
in a manner related to what is presented in this pa-
per, but Cao’s work does not provide the illumination
information required for shading a virtual object cor-
rectly, only for determining the color characteristics
of virtual shadows.
The following issues have been a priority for the
work presented in this paper: we aspire to develop
techniques which have a potential for real-time per-
formance on dynamic scenes responding to constantly
changing illumination condition; we also wish for the
technique to be based on information obtained di-
rectly from images without requiring the presence of
special purpose objects for illumination estimation;
we aim toward techniques which assume as little as
possible concerning materials in the scene.
The presented technique assumes the availability of
the 3D geometry of the areas in the scene which must
receive shadows from virtual objects. For most exam-
ples in this paper this simply means a ground plane.
We strongly envisage that real-time dense stereo re-
construction in the future will provide this rough ge-
ometry. In this work we manually calibrate the cam-
era position and orientation to the ground plane co-
ordinate system, and estimate camera focal length,
based on a small number (at least four) of known
points in the scene. Similar information could in a
real-world application be supplied by built-in iner-
tia sensors in the camera, combined with automatic
multi-view calibration and reconstruction. Addition-
ally we assume knowledge of how the ground coordi-
nate system is oriented relative to magnetic North. Fi-
nally, the approach requires that it is possible to com-
pute the direction vector to the Sun, which requires
knowledge of time of day, date, as well as the lati-
tude and longitude of the position where the image
is taken. A built-in solid state magnetic compass, a
clock and a GPS receiver can provide this informa-
tion for a consumer camera.
The technique is based on first running a shadow
detection process in the image with no prior infor-
mation other than that the image is taken under out-
door daylight illumination conditions. Figure 1 shows
the performance of the shadow detection process by
its ability to remove shadow effects, although the
removal of shadows naturally is not the objective.
Based on the shadow detection process we get an es-
timate of the ratio between total irradiance in areas in
direct Sun and the total irradiance in areas in Shadow.
From this ratio, combined with a simple white bal-
ancing assumption, this paper shows how it is possi-
ble to determine the values of all parameters of a com-
plete illumination model consisting of a Sky dome of
a certain radiance, and Sun disk light source of a cer-
tain radiance. Both the Sky and the Sun part of the
model have scene consistent color balance.
Based on this illumination model, with its deter-
mined parameters, it is possible to render virtual ob-
jects with scene consistent shading and shadows, as
illustrated through a number of examples in the pa-
per. Here a software-based path tracing framework
has been employed, but it is entirely straight forward
to perform similar quality rendering in real-time.
It is beyond the scope of the present paper to
fully describe the applied shadow detection approach,
which is documented in (Nielsen and Madsen, 2007b;
Nielsen and Madsen, 2007a). In general terms the
technique is based on using pixel statistics in the chro-
maticity plane to estimate the RGB values of an over-
lay, which when alpha blended on pixels in regions
in direct light change these regions into shadow re-
gions. Using a graph cut algorithm the method then
determines the correct alpha values for all pixels in
the image, such that an alpha value of 0 corresponds
to full direct light, and a value of 1 corresponds to full
shadow. Figure 2 illustrates the performance showing
the technique’s ability to deal with soft shadows.
The shadow detection is based on a general out-
door illumination model. The Achilles heel of the
technique is the initialization where pixel statistics
are used to determine the color of the shadow over-
lay. The technique is quite successful at initializing
itself, but not flawless. We postulate that fully au-
tomated shadow detection will perform adequately at
some point, giventhe research interests in the area and
the current performance of known techniques. Addi-
tionally, it will be much simpler to achieve robust ini-
tialization in video streams of dynamic scenes, where
e.g. moving people and vehicles, as well as the move-
ment of shadows caused by the movement of the Sun,
will make it much easier to hypothesize what regions
in an image are shadow regions.
(a) Input image
(b) Detected shadow levels
Figure 2: Top: input image. Bottom: estimated levels of
shadow at various regions in the image. Please refer to fig-
ure 1 to see shadows removed from this image.
The shadow detection overlay described in the pre-
ceding section actually has a concrete physical inter-
pretation for diffuse surfaces. We use this information
to drive the computation of all parameters of the scene
illumination model.
As described previously the proposed illumina-
tion model consists of a Sky dome covering an entire
hemisphere above the scene, combined with a distant
disk source to model the Sun. The Sun subtends a
0.53 degree diameter disk viewed from Earth. The po-
sition of the Sun relative to the scene can be quite eas-
ily computed given the information listed in section 3
(time, date, latitude and longitude), see e.g. (Schlyter,
2007). Let~s denote the direction vector in scene coor-
dinates to the Sun at a given time, for a given location
on Earth. The information concerning the illumina-
tion model we do not have are the respectiveradiances
of the Sky dome and the Sun disk.
Subsequently, whenever a radiometric quantity is
being used it is to be implicitly understood that the
quantity has values for each color channel, i.e., has
3 components, Red, Green and Blue. For each color
channel we therefore have two unknowns: the Sky
radiance and the Sun radiance. The process of deter-
mining these values starts with the overlay produced
by the shadow detection process. Let the color of the
overlay be denoted by C
. It is easy to prove that for
diffuse surfaces the overlay value corresponds to the
ratio of the irradiance in shadow to the irradiance in
direct light for a given surface normal:
+ E
where E
is the irradiance due to the Sun for a
given surface normal, and E
(a for atmosphere) is
the irradiance due to the Sky. If somebody wishes to
employ the ideas of this paper, but do not have access
to a shadow detection system this quantity is easily
found manually in images by taking the average pixel
values in a shadow region and component-wise divide
them by the average pixel values of the same surface
in direct Sun light.
The overlay values, C
, provide one constraint on
the two unknowns since it constrains the relative val-
ues of the Sun and the Sky radiances, although we
shall stick with irradiances until at the very end. Let
denote the irradiance, due to the Sun, for a nor-
mal pointing straight into the Sun. Furthermore, letV
determine the fraction of the Sky dome visible for a
given point in the scene. Then the fraction of shadow
to direct light irradiance for a point in the scene can
be expressed as:
· E
· E
+ E
· (
N ·~s)
= E
· (1C
N ·~s) ·C
N is the surface normal of the point. Now
the Sun’s head-on irradiance is expressed in terms of
the Sky irradiance times properties from the image
and from partial 3D knowledge of the scene. If the
only scene model consists of a ground plane (as in
most of our examples)V
is simply set to 1. This is the
most information we can get from the overlay color,
i.e., a relative constraint.
The next constraint, which enables us to deter-
mine the relative strengths of the RGB components,
is based on an assumption that the camera has been
white-balanced to the scene and the illumination con-
ditions. If the camera is white-balanced to areas in
direct sunlight the combined Sun and Sky irradiance
at a white-balanced point is a constant for all color
k = E
· (
·~s) + E
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Here we use
and V
to indicate that the white-
balance direction and its associated Sky dome visi-
bility may be different than the direction for which
the overlay is tuned to provide full shadow. For the
examples given in the paper we have assumed that
the camera is white-balanced for the ground plane. In
practice we have in reality let the camera perform au-
tomatic white-balancing, but since the ground plane
dominates in the example views this is roughly the
same as groundplane white-balance. Note that we are
talking about an illumination white-balancing which
results in white paper lying on the ground appearing
white (has balanced RGB values); we are not talking
about assuming that the ground plane is grey/white!
Combining Eqs. 2 and 3 yields:
· ((
N ·~s)) · (1/C
Now the Sky irradiance is expressed solely in
scene and image components, so E
is computed first
using Eq. 4, after which E
is computed by insert-
ing into Eq. 2. Now the color balance and relative
strengths of the Sky and the Sun irradiances are de-
termined, and we only lack to determine the absolute
levels. By arbitrarily setting the albedo, ρ, of some
point in the scene to 1/3 (Earth’s average albedo) we
get a final constraint allowing us to set the absolute
values of the irradiances so as to be suitable for illu-
minating virtual objects into the image, in which the
pixel values (scene radiances) are naturally subject to
some unknown camera scale/gain factor. Let a pixel
value for a surface with normal
be L
. Then the
unknown scaling factor, S, for the Sun and Sky irradi-
ances can be found from:
= 1/(2π) · S· (E
+ E
· (
·~s)) · ρ
S =
2π · L
+ E
· (
·~s)) · ρ
Both E
and E
must be scaled by S as determined
by Eq. 5, setting irradiance values that are appropriate
for a scene given the input image camera exposure.
Now, all that remains is to convert from irradiance to
radiance for the Sky dome and the Sun disk, respec-
tively. The irradiance for a normal pointing straight
into a hemi-spherical sky dome of radiance L is π · L,
therefore the Sky radiance is set to L
= E
/π. The ir-
radiance produced on a normal pointing straight into
a disk source of radius r (in radians) and radiance L
is 2π · (1 cos(r)) · L (for small disks), so the Sun ra-
diance is set to L
= E
/(2π · (1 cos(r))), which
for a 0.53 degree diameter Sun disk corresponds to a
scalefactor of 14880.
Figure 3 visually illustrates the illumination esti-
mation for a given scene. Notice how the color of the
Sky dome corresponds to the actual Sky color in the
image, although this information has not taken part
at all. The only information used is the overlay color
resulting from finding the intensity ratio between a re-
gion in direct light and a region in shadow.
(a) Input image
(b) Estimated sky radiance
Figure 3: Top: input image. Bottom: rendering showing
local scene, sky and sun. The sky’s and sun’s radiances
have been estimated directly from the shadow information
in the input image. Figure 1 shows final composite of local
scene into input image.
In terms of actually rendering augmentation into the
images there is a choice between two different overall
approaches: 1) differential rendering as in (Debevec,
1998) or 2) a relighting approach similar to the one
described in (Madsen and Laursen, 2007). We have
chosen the latter as it is much easier to apply, due to
the fact that it is in practice impossible to provide cor-
rect albedos for the so called local scene, i.e., that part
of the real scene for which a 3D model exists.
We have used the free ray tracing package Radi-
ance by Greg Ward for the renderings in this paper.
Figure 4 shows a few more rendering examples. The
(a) Example 1 (b) Example 2 (c) Example 3
Figure 4: Different rendering examples based on images taken within a brief hour of sunlight during an otherwise very rainy
and gray month of November 2007, in Denmark.
rendering process can be listed as follows (unfortu-
nately we do not have space to illustrate with images):
1. render irradiance values of local scene without
augmentation objects, e.g. just ground plane
2. render irradiance values of local scene including
augmentation objects
3. render radiance values of local scene including
augmentation objects, i.e., render the local scene
with the estimated illumination conditions con-
sisting of a Sky dome and a Sun disk
4. render augmentation mask (binary image, zero at
pixels that correspond to augmentation objects,
one elsewhere)
5. multiply input image with augmentation mask
6. divide masked input image from step 5 by irradi-
ance image from step 1
7. multiply image from step 6 with irradiance image
from step 2
8. multiply local scene rendering from step 3 with
inverse of the augmentation mask from step 4
9. add relit image from step 7 with masked augmen-
tation from step 8
There are naturally unresolved issues. One deals
with how to avoid effectively creating double shad-
ows when rendering a virtual shadow on top of a real
one, resulting in a much too dark shadow. This we
have a solution for, which is not described in this pa-
per. Figure 5 shows that it is possible to render virtual
shadows across real shadow without creating double
shadow by simply using the shadow level mask cre-
ated by the shadow detection module. Unfortunately
overlapping shadows will not occur unless the virtual
object casts a shadow also on the real object creating
the real shadow, or vice versa. We have ideas for par-
tially handling these interactions, but this is left for
future research.
It would also be interesting to measure the perfor-
mance of the technique presented in this paper against
light probe images to establish the degree of absolute
Figure 5: Shadow manually drawn into image. The pixel
values inside the artificial shadow is automatically deter-
mined. Using this approach we intend to solve the shadow
protection problem in order to avoid double shadows.
We have presented a method for determining all pa-
rameters of a complete outdoor illumination model
based entirely on simple image measures from im-
ages with shadow. The illumination model consists
of a Sky dome and a Sun disk. The main contribution
is that the presented technique can continuously es-
timate the changing illumination conditions in a real
outdoor scene bypassing the need for special purpose
objects in the scene such as reflective spheres for light
probe/environment map acquisition or known 3D ob-
jects in the scene for illumination estimation.
We have demonstrated on real images that we can
render credible augmentations into the images includ-
ing global illumination effects such as contact shad-
ows and color bleeding from virtual objects into real
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
The technique assumes the availability of time,
date, compass heading and Earth location informa-
tion, all of which represent information which it is
quite feasible can be produced automatically in con-
sumer cameras.
This research is funded by the CoSPE project (26-04-
0171) under the Danish Research Agency. This sup-
port is gratefully acknowledged.
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