Cognitive Theory
Example: Conceptual
Short-term Memory
Human behaviour
Example: Opportunistic
Rates of
Figure 1: The Framework involving Design Actions.
answer. For example, one DA is appropriate if a
satisficing strategy is adopted by the user, and
suggests a maximum presentation rate of 10 per
second. Another DA is relevant to an ‘optimising’
strategy, for which the rate could be as high as 2 per
second. Yet another DA is relevant if a user wants
to preview all news items and then choose one after
all have been considered: here the rate is about 1
item per second. Thus, the relevant DA depends
upon the interaction designer’s assessment of the
user’s intent. As well as providing detailed advice
each DA describes the ‘upsides’ and ‘downsides’ of
its application as well as associated issues.
Three conclusions with regard to the search for a
science of interaction can be drawn. First, there is a
need for such a science to be based on concept
definitions which are precise. Second, the
definitions of visualization and interaction in
particular need to be sufficiently inclusive as not to
exclude many of the common modes of interaction.
Third, that the search for a science of interaction will
require many exploratory studies over a considerable
period of time. Thus, the Design Actions concept
described above may well be only a tiny speck of
paint on the forbidding multidimensional canvas that
will become the science of interaction.
I thank the authors of Yi et al (2007) for providing a
preview of their paper. I’m especially grateful to Dr.
Oscar de Bruijn for many discussions about
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